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Chapter 3 - Who The Hell Is 'Katie Bug?'

I sat in the bathroom as my thoughts ran wild in my mind.

What if I killed her? I could get away with it...Yeah, just take her body to a farm and let the pigs chow down. They'll eat anything.

Stupid, you're surrounded by thugs. You kill her, they WILL kill you. Besides, do you even know where we are?

I've always wanted to die. And no matter where we are it couldn't be too far from home. I have money to get back.


I shook my head. For once, I'm pretty sure I'm right. Killing the Mistress would be a horrible idea. I don't know where I am, let alone know how to get out of...Whatever this place was.

Okay, so, we're trapped in a place full of killers.


With a woman who wants nothing more than to fuck me.

And you want to fuck her.

No! I don't want anyone like that touching me!


Let's see, if we say no...

If we say no, she does what she wants.

So then we struggle.

And we get tied down by either big men, or big ass chains, or with rope and nothing happens other than we end up with some fierce rope burn.

So, how do I get out of this!!!

You go along with it, it's the only way.

I shook my head fiercely, there had to be another way out of having to oblige to needs like that.

A small tingle set alarms off in my body. A feeling I only get, when I've sat in one place way too long.


"Common my pet, I don't have all day. Hurry up." Mistress called after me. Urging me to hurry.

Tsk, hate being rushed.

but, I knew I had indeed spent too much time in here. My back was stiff from sitting, The uncomfortable burning in my stomach told me to get up and move. So, I finished up as quick as I could. After everything was in order I slowly opened the bathroom door. As soon as I peeked my head out, something pretty heavy fell on me. It covered my entire head.

My first reaction was to let out a small squeal of surprise before falling backward back into the bathroom. As soon as my ass hit the floor tears pricked my eyes. I'd landed really hard.

"Oww, fuckkk." I groaned. I pulled the fabric off my head. Looking down at it I cocked my head to the side in curiosity.

A dress?

Ohhh, nooo...

I mentally groaned.

So she wants to play dress-up...wonderfuckingful.

She better not be into that DDLG shit. Nothing wrong with it, just really not my cup of tea.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked, looking up at her. I examined the dress up and down. The longer I looked at it...The worse it got. It was blue with a rose design made out of rhinestones. And just when you think it can't get any worse, it looked like a fairy puked all over it. Glitter. Everywhere by now, it had a chance to settle on my hands and parts of my arm.

Ewww, I have craft herpes!!

"A dress you're going to wear to dinner tonight." The mistress replied in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"OH, and, Ashley, fix that attitude before you meet my Katie bug at dinner. If not, you're going to have a very bad time." She curled her ruby lips into a smile.

From what she had just told me, my ears only picked up what I found interesting. Knowing she was the type to threaten with a slight fuck up wasn't very interesting to me. In fact, it was too predictable.

"Who the hell is Katie? Your girlfriend?" I asked with a raised brow. Yeah, now that was a lot more interesting.

"Oh, honey, no. Relationships aren't my style. I don't feel like having little bitches that think they'd be able to control me. Starting fights at the drop of a dime because 'I don't listen.' Y'know? Or handing them my phone whenever they demand or getting tracked wherever I go. I mean, is that really love? Not in the slightest. All for the sake of sex." The mistress sighed. But, her voice picked back up.

"At least this way I get what I want when I want it. No ifs, ands, or butts. Well, eventually anyway." Her eyes looked me up and down.

I nodded, showing I understood what she was telling me. "Ah..."

Isn't that the same thing she does to her pets? Hypocrite...

"You need to look your best if you're going to be friends with my Katie Bug. First impressions and all that." She lightly chuckled.

"Now." She clapped her hands together.

"Your first set of orders from me. Shower and put your dress on, my pet." She held her hands out to help me off the bathroom floor. Instead, I gave her a quick glare before lifting myself up. Like hell, I'd need her help to get off the damn floor.

"I don't need your help." I snarled.

I could see the mistress's jaw clench with irritation. She looked down at me with eyes that pierced into me. As she stared at me, I started to feel uneasy. As if I was a mouse who knew he had angered the cat. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath regaining her composure before she surely came unglued.

"Well then, don't take long. You have 10 minutes to shower and get dressed. If you're not ready by the time this alarm goes off." She held her phone up. A timer showing 10:00 displayed.

"You won't like what happens to you. I guarantee that." She said harshly. Spinning on her heel she turned away from me and disappeared into the room. Anger stirred in me while I stood there, trying to process what she had just said.

It was unfair, the goal she set was out of reach. What was worse, she was doing it on purpose. She knew I wouldn't be able to get everything done in ten minutes. To be honest, I wasn't even going to try.

"OH WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?! SPANK ME?! FUCK ME?! PLEASE, YOU'RE FUCKING PREDICTABLE." I shouted at the top of my lungs. She was nothing but a typical mistress out of a story I read on an app by some teenager with kinky fantasies. At least, that's how it was playing out.

Time froze. The world around me stopped when I heard the clanking of her boots halt. In an instant, she was back in my face.

"You know, I was going to go easy on you. I was going to let you warm up to everything. But you..My dear pet, couldn't keep your fucking mouth shut. You couldn't have just taken the lesser punishment. No, that would be way too easy for you wouldn't it? FYI little bird, you would have been very lucky if I chose to fuck you. Because that's a reward, not a punishment." Her voice was low and very cold. My heart dropped into my stomach. The aura around her was dark. It sent my senses wild telling me to move away. But, I was frozen. I felt her harshly grab a fist full of my hair and pull me over to the shower.

"Ah!- Mistress, please." I tried to plead with her. It fell on deaf ears as she started the water. I struggled against her, trying my best to get away. Unfortunately for me, every time I moved she only pulled on my hair more. The feeling of my hair wanting to rip from my scalp was almost too much for my sensitive head.

"Your hot head needs to be put on ice again, dear." She said before shoving me into the ice-cold shower. A barrage of icy water came raining down on my body. I gasped as the cold water sprayed me. I tried desperately to get away. I struggled against the Mistress but she still had her fingers wrapped in my hair.

"Are you sorry? Tell me you're sorry." She demanded. Shivering and a little frightened, mustering up any words was a challenge. I opened my mouth to say something, but I took in sharp breaths of shock. The water caused my whole body to tremble. I stood under it gasping, my body's natural reaction betraying me. I couldn't get any words out because I was just too cold.

"WELL?" She yelled pulling me closer to her by my hair. I flinched at her voice. I tried taking advantage and getting closer. The water felt like needles pricking at my skin. The memories of being dunked flooded my mind. The burning in my lungs still vivid in my memory. The panic slowly built in my chest. Instead of it coming out as explosive like it normally would, I felt helpless as she was so much stronger than I was. No amount of struggling would do any good. The anxiety came out as even more gasps. Hyperventilating, then soft sobs escaping my lips. I tried my best to stop my trembling body, but it was no use.

I could hear a big exhale escape the mistress. She let go of my hair and pulled me from the cold shower. I came out a shivering wet mess. The mistress wrapped a warm towel around me before pulling me close to her. She wrapped her arms around me tightly as I shivered.

"I hate being mean..." she cooed. Hot tears streamed down my face. Still, I couldn't help but press myself against her. She was really warm, and it felt good against my cold skin.

"But, when you act that way it forces my hand. You insulted your Mistress. Took advantage of my kindness. You don't know me, pet. Not yet, you're playing a dangerous game." She whispered in my ear softly.

This time, everything she told me sunk in. She could clearly overpower me. I saw how imbalanced our power currently was. To me, being on the weaker end of the power spectrum was unsettling. I couldn't control it. I couldn't control anything and it bothered me.

"Now, how about a nice warm shower?" She asked lifting my chin so I would meet her eyes.

"How does that sound?" Her voice rang sweetly in my ears. I simply nodded in response. she smiled, kissing my forehead. Mistress pulled her warm body away from mine.

"I'll go have a maid prepare another warm towel for you. Stay in the shower as long as you please." She quickly made her way to the door that leads out to the hallway.

Naturally, she didn't go far. While she stood in the doorway catching the attention of one of her slaves, I turned on the water to the shower.

Once it was a comfortable warmth I dropped the wet towel that Mistress had wrapped around me. I stripped off the soaked clothes I had on. I was still cold but I jumped in the shower and quickly cured that. The warm water washed away the cold that hovered on my skin. I closed my eyes and let the warmth take over my body. My tense muscles finally relaxed. Flashes of the angry man dunking me still played in my mind. Now mixed with the Mistress's words.

You're playing a dangerous game...

Perhaps I am.

You wore her patience thin on purpose. People react to that in many ways. Good is normally not one of them.

She was predictable...so predictable.

She's a thug. Thugs always seem predictable but they never are.

I caused her to be cold. Maybe I should have just gone with it. Of course, that's not me though. I have to make things harder. At least fight back a little bit...

but here that was just going to get me killed or perhaps...Severely humiliated. Only God knows what other punishments she has up her sleeves. She's not the typical mistress to turn you over her knee. She made that clear to me. She gets creative.

Had you just done what she said you would have been fine. Of course, you couldn't do that. You don't know how that game works.

I heard the door to my room slam shut. The door was heavy so it caused some of the wall in the bathroom to shake. The mistress came back into the bathroom.

I expected her to set the towel down and leave, but when I looked through the foggy, somewhat transparent glass of the sliding door the towel was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she was undressing. I gulped hard.

Oh god, she's gonna come in here.

Feel honored to look at her body...

It's not her body I'm worried about.

She'll love your body, don't worry.

The issue isn't it whether or not she'll like it. I don't want her to see it!

Unless you want her to go crazy again I would keep that opinion to yourself.

I got so caught up in my thoughts I hardly noticed the Mistress slip in. I felt her strong arms wrap around my waist. Her soft breasts pressed against my back.

I leaned back into her. A sign that I surrender. For now, at least.

"I hope you're not too scared of me..." she whispered kissing my shoulder.

"I'm not scared. Just surprised. Didn't expect you to be so extreme." I lied through my teeth. I was a bit afraid of her but I didn't want to show that I was. She already viewed me as weak. I didn't want to let her know just how weak I really was.

Both mentally, and physically. Her voice fucked with the darkest parts of my brain. Her angry voice anyway. I just... can't take being yelled at. I never could. I always wanted to be big and strong. I always wanted to be intimidating. Now, look at me.

I heard her softly chuckle.

"My dear, that was nowhere near extreme. Scary, sure. That was your first time seeing me angry. I didn't mean to make you cry though. That was not my intention. It still was not extreme." She replied softly caressing my cheek.

"Turn towards me, pet." She commanded. Though her tone was light and pleasant. I did as she said, with a little hesitation. As soon as I turned around she had my back against the wall. Both hands pinned above my head. Goosebumps littered my arms. I couldn't help but gasp, the tile wall was extremely cold against my back.

"I'm sorry. You're just way too cute. I can't help but pick on you just a little more." Mistress said in a hushed voice.

She ran her free hand along my sides. My face blushed a bright red as her hand roamed my body freely. Her hand ran from my side up to my breast. She gave me a good squeeze, while she circled her thumb around my nipple.

"Your skin is so flawless too. It makes me want to give you all sorts of marks." She said licking her lips. She kissed my neck softly. I bit my bottom lip as she touched me. Butterflies wreaked havoc inside of me.

Mistress started to suck and bite at my skin. A small whimper escaped my lips. It hurt a little bit, with each passing moment she was sucking on the skin the more it hurt. I started to squirm a little bit at this point, but she kept going.

"Mistress, it hurts." I whimpered, squirming in place a bit. I felt her lips pop off my skin. The burning sensation still lingered on my neck, not as bad as it was before though.

Mistress stood back to examine her work. She seemed satisfied with it, smirking at me.

"Was that your first time getting a hickey?" She asked letting go of my hands. I immediately covered the spot with my hand to lessen the burning sensation.

"Yeah, I haven't done anything like this before." I replied to her. Now this made her raise her brow.

"What do you mean by anything like this?" Her eyes narrowed on me. I was assuming she was making sure she heard me correctly.

"Well, I mean, anything sexual." I replied quietly.

"You're...A virgin?"

I looked her in the eyes and nodded in response. Though, this seemed to please her. She smiled.

This smile was a different kind of smile than what she had been giving me. This one was a smile of excitement. For once it wasn't smug, or mischievous. Kinda scared me to see her so happy over that simple fact. I saw her reach over for the shampoo and spurt some into her hands.

"How old are you?" She asked reaching over to me and lathering the soap into my hair.


"Just twenty?"

I nodded. I could see her shake her head, still keeping the smile on her face.

"Twenty years old. Not even old enough to legally have been out partying. Yet, they roofied your drink and now you're here with me...And you've never had sex. Not even once?"

"Not once. And that was the first time going to a party of that nature. I normally do that with close friends only. To avoid getting raped, or ending up here." The shampoo started to foam up quite a bit. Once the mistress was done with my hair she washed the suds off of her hands. She grabbed the body gel and put some into a rag before handing it off to me. So, I took the rag and started to clean myself.

"But you did end up here. So what was the point of avoiding all those parties?" She asked, staring into my eyes. It was as if she was searching for something.

I shrugged, knowing she was right. I shouldn't have gone at all.

The mistress had a pondering look about her.

"So, why did you go to that party if you didn't want to end up in a bad situation?"

I sighed before answering.

"My friends wanted to go. I was against it, but they pleaded with me. I just couldn't say no. They got invited by some cute guys or whatever. It was their first time at a party like that too. I didn't wanna take that experience away. Not that, they couldn't have gone without me but, they have anxiety and I help them through it. So without me, they wouldn't have gone." I explained.

I dipped back into the water. Letting the warm water wash all the suds off of me. I could hear the mistress start to wash as well.

"I bet they regret going to that party. They probably have the whole town looking for you." She chuckled.

Once my body was completely rinsed off we traded places so she could rinse herself off as well.

I took advantage of this when her eyes were closed. I let my eyes roam her body. I was a little bit curious, and rightfully so. Her skin was milky white. Her breasts were nice and plump. I found my face getting red as I examined more of her body. She obviously kept herself in shape, as she had a nice six-pack going on. Her arms and legs were nicely toned too. I was a bit jealous of her body. I looked down at my own chest. They were definitely smaller than hers.

"Like what you see?" She asked as she had one eye open.

My face grew even more red knowing she had just caught me looking at her in such a manner.

"I-I.." My mind went blank. My heart sped up.

"It's fine, you just can't complain about me looking at you." She chirped. She seemed to be taking things a bit more light. Until I piss her off again.

Soon we were out of the shower, No towels were to be seen. I looked the mistress a bit confused. But, a maid showed up with two towels. She handed both of them to the mistress and bowed politely before turning, and leaving.

Mistress handed me one of the towels, and to my surprise, it felt as though it had just come from the dryer. Happily, I quickly wrapped myself in the warm towel. I melted into the fabric, rubbing it on every part of my skin.

Finally, after drying off with a towel and getting my hair blow-dried, I was finally dry. I looked at the dress that the mistress wanted me to put on. I shook my head, still unable to get over its appearance.

"Put it on, pet. If you're good I'll take you shopping so you can get your own dress. For now, you wear anything I pick out for you."

I sighed and put on the distasteful thing. It was tight getting on, It clung to me like a statically charged plastic wrap. I jumped up and down a few times finally getting it to slide on. All while Mistress was burning holes in my back. I sighed and reached back to zip the fucking thing up, but I couldn't reach. I tried though, I tried really hard. It was in vain.

The mistress chuckled at my struggle. Clearly, she was amused watching me. I, however, didn't find anything amusing about it and huffed.

"Will you help me?" I asked quietly.

"What are the magic words?" She asked teasingly, crossing her arms.



My face dropped. Are you kidding me? Was she kidding?

Please, Mistress is the answer you're looking for.

Yeah well, duh, I don't want to say it.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked. My brow scrunched, letting my frustration show.

"Nope." She said popping the 'p'

I groaned. It was just so...Clichè

"Please, Mistress?" I muttered quietly.

"I'm sorry what? Couldn't hear you, darling. Speak up."

I sighed.

"Please Mistress?" I said louder. Earning one of her famous mischievous smirks.

She quickly zipped up my dress with one swift motion. It pissed me off how easy it was for her.

"Now as beautiful as you look...Something is still out of place. Oh, right."

I looked back at her, my brows scrunched trying to figure out what she was doing now.

But, that question was answered when she slipped my collar around my neck.

"Ah, that's better." She commented while slipping on a fresh pair of clothes herself. She put on some black jeans that clung to her legs perfectly, paired with a black tank top that hugged her curves in all the right ways.

We all know you're thirsty for her. Why don't you give into your desire?

I don't know her. And my worth is so much more than this.

Mistress smiled and opened the door.

"Now, etiquette on walking with your mistress. You will always walk beside me. Not in front, not behind, besides. That way I know where you are at all times. Understood?"

I nodded.

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