I dipped into ice cold water. A man yelled questions at me, questions I did not know. Still, he persisted.... I drowned...
Chapter 1 - The Meeting
I gasped for air as a rough hand yanked me out of the Icy water. Cold spikes seem to prick at the skin on my cheeks as air filled my lungs. I could hear a man yelling something at me, a question it sounded like.
"Where is it?" He asked. His voice was deep with a raspy tone.
Where is what? you sound angry. Maybe you should lay off the cigarettes for a while. Hopped up on all that nicotine...
"You know what, damn it! Don't be coy with me girl!"
I don't know what you're talking about mister. Just let me go.
"I saw you with it! The amulet!"
I hate jewelry. I couldn't possibly have what you need. What's so special about some amulet anyway? Just go rob a poor old lady or something...Why bother with me?
His hunger for answers raised dangerously. He wasn't just going to let me go.
It's okay, I've always wanted to die anyway.
The vibration of his voice carried through the air but became jumbled in my mind. I couldn't make out his garbled words. The only thing I could do was take deep breaths in and savor the sweet air on my lips.
Before I knew it, my head was dunked back in the water. Cold once again prickling at my face. I struggled against the man's mighty grip, but it was futile. I could feel his fingernails pop into my skin one by one as he tightened his grip on my neck. I felt bubbles of air tickle up my cheek as they rose.
Are those bubbles coming from me? I gotta try and save the air...How did I end up here? Why were they doing this? what's so special about this amulet that they want to kill me? Nothing made sense to me. I remember being at a party...
That stupid fucking party, I didn't even want to go to it in the first place. Typical, I warned my friends something bad always happens whenever house parties involve alcohol and horny boys. But of course, staying home and watching anime just isn't cool.
I had to go out, get more reputation...It doesn't matter now. I had a choice besides that. Was it even the parties' fault? No, it was the sprite that was opened up by someone that wasn't me. I should have known better. I tell my friends not to make that amateur mistake all the time. Last night was the first time I decided to trust a stranger, now look where it's gotten me.
I tried to remember the best I could. The details were fuzzy in my mind. Maybe, it was the lack of oxygen talking. My chest burned begging to take a huge breath. I did my best not to breathe but the fire inside my lungs persisted. I struggled against him more and more hoping to break free from his grip. The urge to breathe became stronger and stronger the more time passed. I knew if I did though, I'd be dead for sure.
I broke. I gasped, desperate for air to fill my burning chest with what it desired. Instead, I flooded my lungs with water. I coughed as much as I could, but my body tried taking in air again. It didn't help. Everything was going dark, my brain slowing down. I couldn't picture anything anymore. Couldn't think, couldn't breathe.
A calm feeling washed over my body. It was as if I was being rocked by gentle waves. I stopped struggling and let myself succumb to the calmness I felt in my chest. Why had I even tried to begin with? Of course, I'm not getting out. People like this, they never let you go.
The last thing I felt, was being thrown to the ground after my body went limp. The angry shriek of a man boomed across the room. My body shook with his voice. My blindfold became loose and dropped off of my eyes. What a shame. The last thing I'd see in my life was the bare dust-caked ceiling in a room with no windows and only one light source. Here I am, dying in a mundane room.
Guess, it's no different than a hospital...Cold, alone, nobody to comfort me. What will I see on the other side? Heaven or Hell pushed out of my brain. Nothing mattered in that moment.. nothing...I let the darkness wash over my body.
Where am I? Am I in hell? My thoughts swirled with possibilities. Am I in heaven?
Am I in limbo? Was I a bad person? Why am I here? What is this? Am I gonna be tortured? What's gonna happen?
The sound of something brushing against a hard surface stopped all of my mind. I stayed still and listened to the bittersweet silence that filled the room. Slowly, my eyes fluttered open. Yellow light spilled into my eyes causing me to flinch. I shut my eyes and turned my head away.
I heard a soft chuckle that sounded close to me.
"Am I dead?" I muttered softly. I blinked rapidly to try and get used to the bright light that filled the room. I didn't find any shade to help adjust my eyes.
"No, not yet." A silvery voice replied to me. I finally managed to keep my eyes open. The light made it very hard to see in the room. The room still was blurry in my eyes. I turn my head towards the sound of the voice. I could see a silhouette of a person leaning against the very light blue colored wall. Part of the reason everything is so bright.
It was too bright, with the way she was angled the light blocked out her face. "Who are you?" I asked still trying to get adjusted.
"You'll know with time." The voice replied. Slowly I saw the silhouette start to come into focus as the person walked closer.
Soon, they were completely blocking the light with their back. A pale face came into view. Her hair was black as night with loose curls falling over her shoulders. Her ruby lips curled into a smile. "Who I am doesn't matter. Shouldn't you be thinking about where you are rather than who I am?" The mysterious woman chuckled softly.
I nodded knowing she was right. Though, I wouldn't let it go just like that.
"Shouldn't I question whether or not you're harmful? Where I am doesn't matter as long as I'm with a good person right?" I replied weakly.
"True, but just because they give you a name doesn't mean you're safe. Children know the names of the people who harm them."
I gulped hard. My eyes wandered down the woman's body as I tried to lift my head up. She wore a black leather vest with a thin white shirt underneath. The vest hugged her body perfectly.
Her black jeans grasped her hips. I could see how defined and curvy her body was. Looking at her made me feel a bit envious. Truly, she was gorgeous. Yet, that didn't matter. I was more worried about myself. I could feel fear starting to seep into my once calm heart. Calm down, you'll put yourself into cardiac arrest if you keep this up.
I chuckled softly to myself.
Why is it, as much as you think about killing yourself you try to keep me alive...
Because I wanna see where we go.
She plopped herself down onto the bed. I tried to move but was greeted with a clanking of chains. Of course...
The chain tugged at both my hands and feet keeping me trapped on the bed.
"Sorry sweetheart, I'm afraid I have to keep you like this. I'm sure you understand." She said, with fake empathy.
"I almost died by drowning. I've never felt so weak in my life. Why would you POSSIBLY need chains for me?" I huffed slightly annoyed.
She shrugged her shoulders.
"You never know. Some people are far stronger than they appear." She replied.
"Right.." I sighed.
"Listen, here's the situation. My schmucks messed up." She reached into her front pocket and pulled out a black and blue cigarette box.
Ew. Well, that ruined her pretty face.
I heard her pop the ball in the butt of her cigarette before putting it in her mouth.
Honey menthol will kill you faster.
I stared at the cigarette, how the cherry softly burned up the white paper as she took a long draw off of it.
"You know, they say if you want something done right you should do it yourself." She said as she exhaled the white smoke. "This applies here...You, are not the person we were after. It..." she stopped mid-sentence to sigh. "Must have been very confusing for you. I'm sorry." She took another draw off of her cigarette.
I sighed loudly with a bit of relief. I accepted her apology in my heart. Still, something didn't sit right with me.
"So, I get to go home?" I asked. She shook her head responding to my question.
"You Know our faces. That's a big security risk. I'd be putting my men and myself all in danger. On the bright side, I'm not killing you!" She chirped happily.
I felt the weight lift off of the bed. Looking up, I saw her stand over me. She took a finger and lightly ran it down my neck. Her touch caused small shivers to run down my spine; accompanied by goosebumps rising on my arms. Her soft touch had a calming effect on me. At the same time, I felt extremely disgruntled. Maybe, I just wasn't used to human contact like that.
"But..." She continued. She bent down. Her lips inches from my ear.
"I can keep you as a slave... Actually, I have enough slaves. Ugly little creatures they are..." She adjusted her position so she was hovering over my face.
"You have beautiful blue eyes. It's like looking into the ocean." She whispered, as though she was scanning me.
I was slightly uncomfortable as she was inches away from my face. On top of that, It felt uncomfortable that a stranger was looking into my eyes. I felt as though she was going to see something I didn't want her to. Like she was peering into my very soul.
I couldn't do much. So, I looked back into her deep green eyes. I saw the reflection of my face in them.
"You will be my pet." She said smiling.