Ashley’s P.O.V.
Sarah told me everything I missed out on. What Katie did. What Eis has done, and what Eis has said.
Though I was surprised at the situation with Eis, what Katie had done felt like a stab to the heart. I had my suspicions about her, I knew she was a bitch. But to do this, and go this far. What a cunt.
If I see her again, I’m going to bash her face in.
I sighed, rolling over. I cuddled into the blankets, letting the warmth from them sit on my skin. I looked over at the couch. I wasn’t able to see Eis, but I saw the boots she had been wearing kicked off next to the couch. I looked around the room, taking in my new surroundings. I noticed there wasn’t a window inside the room. It was unnerving not being able to look outside and see the type of environment we were in.
I stared blankly at the wall, thinking about Katie, I couldn’t help it. When I thought of her, I could still smell the sweet perfume that invaded my senses every time she was around. Not to mention, how much heat she radiated under the covers. Cuddling was like cuddling a personal heater.
Memories of her flashed in my mind, I clenched my chest as a stabbing pain hit me. Tears welled up in my eyes, eventually gently spilling over down my cheeks. I let the wave of pain wash over me. I tried to shove it down, and force it to subside, but It wouldn’t.
I let out soft sobs, making sure not to be too loud to wake up Eis. I shut my eyes tight, feeling my pillow dampen with each tear that rolled down my cheeks. Feelings of repressed bitter loneliness invading every crevice of my body.
I started to tremble lightly as I cried.
So pathetic. My own father didn’t even love me. Raven just wants me for this amulet, and Katie never even liked me. She made it seem like she did. Even now I’m not worthy of love.
I continued to cry, staring at the wall lost in thoughts before long sleep crept up on me once more.
My eyes fluttered open once again. I promptly sat up, looking across the room where Eis was laying. Her boots were missing.
I felt the bed shake as something fell over next to me. I looked over to see the biggest Teddy bear I’d seen in my life. Its fur was sky blue and very fuzzy. I grabbed it and sat it back up next to me. Its fuzzy fur was cool to the touch but extremely velvety.
So soft!!!!
I couldn’t help but run my fingers through its fur, the sound of static crackling as I did. I noticed a blank white card tied to the bear’s arm. I pulled on one end of the string, undoing the knot that held the yarn together. I took the card and flipped it up to reveal the printed message inside.
Feel better soon (* T-)ヾ( ̄▽ ̄;)
I know you like soft things, hope it helps.
How...the fuck?
Pretty sure she’s hacked into Mistresses everything. She’s probably been watching.
She heard me crying.
Really? I thought the feel better soon was just for shits and giggles.
I pulled the teddy bear onto my lap, it had to be half my size. The torso was taller than I was; just sitting down.
I grumbled at Sarah’s words, brushing them off.
The door opened. My attention snapped over to the door. Eis walked in, this time she didn’t have her mask on.
She wore a long black coat, it went all the way down to her knees. it reminded me of something a military man would wear. The coat hugged her figure tight, exposing her curves. She also had black pants, with large pockets on the legs.
Stop checking her out-
I also noticed she was carrying a tray of delicious-looking food.
“How are you feeling?” The silver-haired beauty asked as she walked over to the bed.
“Uh...That’s a complicated question at the moment.” I replied. Eis gave me a small smile as if to say she understood. Something I didn’t think she would ever have the capability of doing.
My stomach growled as the smell of the food wafted through the room. I immediately pushed the bear away. Eis set the tray down lightly on my lap before sitting on the edge of the bed.
I looked down, taking it all in. It was a cheesy, melty, bacon, egg sandwich with a bowl of sliced strawberries, and hashbrowns on the side. My mouth immediately started salivating.
I couldn’t wait, I picked it up and immediately crunched into the toasted buttery bread. It was, just as delicious as it looked. The crispy bacon stood out, and the egg blended in with the cheese. The flavors danced on my tongue in perfect harmony.
“Did you get enough sleep at least? I heard you crying around 4 am this morning.” Eis asked after I swallowed the first bite.
That early?
“Yeah...I think so. I still feel tired, but I don’t think I can sleep anymore.”
Eis simply nodded in response. She kept silent as I ate, letting me enjoy my meal. Though, it was kinda awkward that she was just sitting there staring at me. I put the tray to the side when I got done eating.
“I know it’s a little early, and you’re feeling like shit, but If you want to go outside?” She offered. I was a little thrown off by it.
No, it’s a trap.
What?! I think this is a good opportunity to get an idea of where the fuck we are.
I think it’s a good opportunity to get tortured.
“Where would we go?” I asked.
“Just on a walk, there are some things I want to talk to you about.”
I’m not gonna go...
“Okay then…” I nodded in agreement.
Chill the fuck out. She isn’t going to do anything this soon.
Or maybe she’ll get an early start because she likes torture.
You don’t know that. I don’t know...something feels different than before. The dark heavy feeling that surrounds her is still there, but, not as intense...or as threatening as before.
Eis gave me a slight nod and reached over me grabbing the empty food tray before getting up and exiting the room.
Eis returned shortly with black long johns, a change of normal plain black long-sleeved shirt, and pants.
I took the clothes and went into the bathroom
Where the hell are we that we need long johns to go on a walk?
I dunno. Probably somewhere she has an a snowy area.
Yeah thanks, Einstein.
Once I got out of the bathroom, my new clothes on, she handed me a big grey North Face coat, along with some black snow pants and snow boots.
I quickly put them on. Eis walked out of the room once I was done, and I followed behind. As we walked through the white and golden hallways, I suddenly became aware of how much giant murals of Lucifer covered the hallway walls. They were beautiful, but it sent a chill through my spine.
Sarah, you neglected this part.
You know...I’m sure it’s fine...I’m sure it’s nothing.
“You read the bible a lot?” I asked as we walked down the stairs.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, the bible isn’t my cup of tea.” Eis replied with a monotone voice.
Didn’t think so…
Before leaving the building Eis handed me a pair of black gloves. Then, we finally exited out the door. I put my gloves on and looked out.
I could hear Eis’s boots crunching in the snow as I looked at the scene before me. We were surrounded by pine trees, a light blanket of snow coating their green needles. There was a space, where trees were absent making a trail.
I could hear Eis stop. Probably to look back at me. A cold wind gently brushed against my face, along with the scent of pine.
Staring at it in pure amazement, I couldn’t help but stare at what was in front of me. I hopped down the wooden stairs, feeling my own boots crunch in the snow. Eis patiently waited for me to catch up to her before we started walking through the trail. As we walked I could hear the trickle of running water nearby, like a small stream.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Eis asked as I caught up to her. I nodded and unconsciously gave her a small smile.
It is pretty.
Focus, it’s isolated as hell out here. There probably isn’t another person for miles.
I don’t know, it’s a lot prettier than Raven’s place though. And I missed being in the snow without nearly freezing to a cube, or getting nearly stabbed with ice spears.
Eis walked ahead of me as I paid extra attention to the forest around us. We walked for about 10 minutes before we got to a clearing, it showed clear snowy mountains in the distance. I gasped at the sight.
As my eyes were glued to the scenery before me. Something soft and cold suddenly hit me in the back of my neck. It was a lump of snow, now slowly falling into my coat. Squeaking and feeling the cold from snow I jumped as it hit my skin suddenly. In an attempt to free myself from the sudden onslaught of cold ice now melting from my skin. I jumped up and down to shake it out of my coat.
I looked over at Eis who was looking away, twiddling her thumbs like she didn’t just throw a snowball at me.
Without saying a word, I scooped up some snow from the ground and threw it back at her. Before it reached her, she shot her left hand up in the air. The snowball poofed as it exploded in the air, returning back into a powder.
“Hey! You’re using magic, that’s not fair!” I shouted. Eis shrugged, shoving her hands in her pockets.
“Das leben ist nicht fair.” Eis replied.
“What does that even mean?”
“Life isn’t fair.” She chuckled. She walked over to a log bench that was looking over the ledge of the area we were on now, with a clear view of the bright mountains.
“We’ll go over there tomorrow if you want.” she said pointing at the mountain a little closer to us. She sat on the bench and patted the spot close to her looking at me. I hesitated for a moment, but I sat next to her.
“Now...I took you out here to tell you the whole deal with the amulet.” She said, pointing at my chest where my heart was.
“Just figured it would be better in this environment. Nice crisp cold air, the smell of fresh pine trees. I’m sure it’s a nice break from that cheap shit Raven wears. She almost bathes in it.” She muttered the last part almost too quiet for me to hear.
Real pine smell is always better than fake.
I like the way Mistress smells.
You just like Raven.
Yeah, and?
We’re gonna have to learn to like Eis. Especially being in her environment.
Where the fuck was this attitude when we were caught by Raven. Hm!?
Well Eis isn’t actively trying to fuck us
I rolled my eyes as Sarah was screaming at me.
Eis pulled out a flask from her pocket, unscrewing the cap and taking a swig.
“Whatever raven told you, just throw it out of your head. I'll tell you the lore behind that amulet. Just, it's a long story.”
I nodded.
“You and Sarah, both, were created in Atlantis. Long ago. Of course you had different names back then. Not that they were ever really recorded, just your existence. The Goddess Thuhara, the dark Goddess of Atlantis, gave Atlantis an amulet, one that was pure magic. Two women were to watch over it, and when the time came, The Goddess would tell them who to bestow the magic of the amulet too, in the meantime through daily ritual and devotion, would keep the amulets energy balanced. Both of you were created specifically for that purpose. You Ashley being the lighter energy, and Sarah the darker. Both of your energies kept it in perfect harmony.
Through your love, and daily devotion she bestowed upon you both eternal life in the mortal realm. From the very beginning of Atlantis, a part of the first people. Until you were a part of the last.”
“What happened to the atlanteans?”
“I’m getting to that. Be patient.”
I sat there listening to her, she spoke slowly, and I tried my best to process what she was saying, but it was a lot.
“You communicated with Thuhara daily. Bestowing upon those born with zero magical ability, the power of magic.
A man would visit you daily, claiming to give devotions to Thuhara. His name was Thoth the atlantean. He had not only lied to the both of you, but to her as well. Claiming to love her just as much as you. He joined you in daily worship. Goddess Thuhara was taken with him as well, and told you to grant him powers. So you did, you gave him the power that could move mountains. More than you had given any other human in history to this point.
it wasn’t enough. He asked for more, but goddess Thuhara told you both to refuse. So you did. This sent Thoth into a blind anger. So he made a plan to steal the amulet. He went to other Gods, and fooled them as well with false devotion and pretty words. So they bestowed upon him gifts of champions. But it was never enough for him. When he asked for more, instead of refusing them they bestowed upon him gifts.
He walked the earth as though he was a God. He was only a human. With each gift his heart blackened. Slowly, he began to preach to the atlanteans. Out of jealousy, began to convince them he was an atlantean God Thuhara had incarnated on this planet. He was her false prophet, and said he had been sent to tell them that they no longer needed the other gods. He taught them how to lie, and cheat them. He managed to convince the atlanteans they no longer needed the love of the Gods, but to steal their power and take their thrones.
So, they all lied to the Gods, claiming they would use their gifts to love and honor them, they took it for themselves. And the Gods, all but four, gave too freely the power of magic. Not only that but to advance themselves further, they began to trick people into human sacrifice.
They sacrificed those who were true, and most loyal, and devoted to the Gods of Atlantis. Claiming they would get to join them in the afterlife. Thoth used the priests, and fed the people of the city nothing but filth and lies, almost every atlantean ate it up. And began to think like him. That was the moment the corruption set in.
Thoth had convinced the atlantean priests to steal the amulet of Thuhara, So they disguised themselves as a heavy fog that invaded your temple. You and Sarah, blinded, weren't able to see the treachery, and stop them with your powers. When they left, and the fog cleared you were able to see that the amulet was gone. Sarah, in charge of protecting the amulet left to find it. Using her powers she was able to locate Thoth, and confronted him, while you stayed back to communicate to Thuhara your situation.
Sarah had unlimited power that none of the atlanteans had ever seen, not even Thoth was on her level. At least, not yet. The moment Sarah confronted him, he used the amulet on not only him, but the corrupted atlantean priests that followed him. Thuhara watched over the confrontation. Without the balance of both you and Sarah, the amulet glowed a deep red. Instead of granting Thoth magical power, it granted him eternal life, so long he fed on humans. Without your balance, the amulet essentially created the first vampires.”
I gulped listening to the whole thing.
This seems so made up.
Shush. Let’s listen to her.
She could be lying to gain our trust.
“Sarah battled with thoth, hard. Bolts of lightning descended upon him, but he absorbed the energy with his new vampiric power. Only feeding his power further. Sarah was unable to touch him. Thoth and the corrupted atlantan priests surrounded her. In the middle of the city, thoth set her pyre, and tied her to a wooden stake.
Ashley, you watched with horror through her eyes using your power, and prayed for the destruction of those who hurt her.
Thuhara watched her child be taken, and tried by the atlanteans for treason against her people. All because she would not bestow upon thoth more power, the entire city gathered to watch, and cheered as they lit their torches. Thuhara took things into her own hands and searched the heart of every human she created, and found they had been corrupted beyond saving.”
As Eis told her story, something unlocked inside of us. A pressure coming from the back of our head set in, it felt like our head was about to split apart.
“AHHH!” I screamed, holding my head.
Destroy us, that which you love, and have blessed since the dawn of the creation of man, destroy us, and remake us in your waters, Thuhara, wash away that which has been corrupted.
The vision flashed in front of me, sandy soil, houses surrounded me, black clouds covered the city. The lightning of Thuhara’s decision cracked across the sky.
“Where is your Goddess now?” Thoth said, his voice deep, dripping with malice.
Sarah deep into his eyes, right into the core of his very soul.
“She’s behind you.” Sarah replied.
He was wearing greek styled armour, gold breastplate, engraved with his so called title “Thoth God of wisdom.” with gold greaves, brown sandals, his feet were brown from walking in the sand, his white hair contrasted his olive skin.
The false god laughed as though she had just told a funny joke.
“Well, wherever she may be, we figured out the perfect way to get to her, after you, we will destroy the Gods. and we will use your temple as the access point.” He laughed.
“I think you’ll find that it will be rather hard to walk over there.” Sarah spat at his feet.
Thoth laughed once more, before throwing the flaming torch at her pyre, he held his hand towards the flames, causing them to roar up her legs immediately.
Thuhara’s tears descended upon the earth, pelting the atlanteans, and putting out the scorching fire of Sarah’s pyre.
Sarah stood there, her feet burned severely, Thoth snarled like a dog in anger, drew his steel sword from its sheath. His yellow glowing eyes approached sarah. He took the sword, and slit her neck open. The ground was stained heavily with her blood, the point of the middle of the city, covered with the blood of Thuhara’s child.
Huge waves formed in the distance. Sarah and I watched as the waves only grew bigger, the wrath of Thuhara present in the air as the earth shook violently. Waves big enough to touch the clouds approached the city.
“Damn it! The goddess will destroy us, we need to go!” Thoth shouted.
He looked at Sarah one last time, as the rain dripped from his chin.
Sarah noticed his sheath still had Thuhara’s sigil still on it. Seeing it caused anger to course through sarah. One last burst of anger, Sarah burned through the ropes with her power, her neck still squirting blood. She tackled thoth to the ground as he tried to escape, but she wrapped around him like a snake bringing him to the ground.
The waves crashed violently against the city, destroying all in its path. Statues of the gods were obliterated, as well as any structure in its way, Thoth turned against his own people, and took the powers of the atlanteans for himself. He stole the energy of all those around him, including sarah.
Him being the first vampire, was able to take everyone’s energy. He used it to teleport not only himself but his priests. He drained all of his followers of their energy, leaving them trapped behind. but not before dropping the amulet of Thuhara. The waves swept them all away, the water reclaimed the amulet. Sarah and I watched from our locations.
I looked out from the temple. It was the highest structure in Atlantis, so I had front row seats to its very destruction. The temple was the shape of a pyramid, where Sarah and I normally watched over the city. I watched as the waters swallowed the city, Wave, after wave. Soon enough a big wave rushed towards the temple. Sarah’s location was swallowed first. Then mine, The ocean swept us both away.
I tried to scream in pain as our bodies glowed, we found each other, floating in the water. Sarah was already sinking to the bottom, I swam over to her, holding her hand. Our bodies only glowed brighter, the amulet floating around us glowing brightly. Our bodies turned into light itself, as well as the amulet. Our very soul structure being torn apart, and rearranged.
I could feel it as we crashed together, fusing with one another.
The vision ended. My heart raced a million miles a minute, even though it was just a vision, I could feel everything that happened, I could smell the ocean air, and feel the electric atmosphere against my skin.
What the fuck. Oh what the actual FUCK WAS THAT.