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Chapter 7: The Yoon Residence

Two months passed by in a flash. Kai and Joshua had cemented their relationship with the entirety of Monster.

The moment that Kai and Joshua announced their relationship, Helen turned to everyone in the room and screamed “Quick act surprised.” while Caelen put a “shocked” face. Kai ruffled Caelen’s hair pushing him back an inch, keeping a smile on his face. Joshua chuckled at the interaction as he intertwined their hands together. Kai used his other hand to quickly flip the rest of the group off smiling.

It’s the last day before Winter break and everyone is getting more and more antsy.

This was the last practice that Monster had before the break, and Helen was not loosening up at all.

“Everyone, remember to keep your arms in and don’t let them flop. This song is the one we end on, we need to make it look beautiful.” Helen screamed over the speakers. Joshua and Erin stood in the studio’s office. Art club had ended early, so Erin dragged Josuha over to the dance studio under the guise of ‘seeing something cool up close’. Both of them knew it was because Joshua liked seeing Kai sweating.

The bell rang around 5:30, and Helen stopped practice. “Everyone take a long break. Have fun, and please don’t break anything valuable. The contest is in three months, so get some good rest over the break.”

Kai slumped against the wall across the office’s window with a water bottle in hand. “Yo Kai, I think you have a visitor.” Caelen kneeled next to Kai and pointed towards the office where Erin and Joshua were staying. Kai and Joshua locked eyes with each other and both smiled. Caelen, Woo Yong, and Erin left Joshua, Kai, and Helen.

“Are you guys going to visit Joshua’s family?”


“You better come over to my place sometime. Remember my moms always love having you over.” Kai nodded and agreed. “And of course you’re invited too, Joshua.”

“Thanks. I can’t wait to see you guys again. Are you ready to go?” Joshua held out a hand for Kai’s. Kai was still trying to breathe as he grabbed Joshua’s hand. Joshua wrapped an arm around Kai’s waist as Kai wrapped his around Joshua’s shoulders.

“Go lovebirds. I’ll close the doors today. I expect to see both of you constantly reminding me I’m single by the end of this break.” Joshua and Kai chuckled nervously as blushes coated both of their faces. “Leave.” Kai and Joshua left as Helen rolled her eyes at the two lovebirds.

Back at Kai’s apartment, Kai and Joshua stood in front of Kai’s front door ready to leave for Joshua's parent’s home. Joshua paced in front of the door going over his script over and over again. He had told Kai he needed time to make a script to explain this situation to his family. Kai understood wholeheartedly and waited for Joshua to be ready. This was going to be a big step. He knew this step wasn’t going to be easy either. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Kai asked, rubbing Joshua’s arms. Joshua’s leg was bouncing rapidly as he felt Hobi rub against his leg.

“I’m definitely sure. They deserve to know if they’re going to put me into this line of work.”

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing too important. Just some family business stuff.”

Kai nodded and looked over to Helen, Caelen, Erin, and Woo Yong. “Are you sure that all of you need to be here to take care of my dog? I only hired Helen and Erin.”

“Well, they were our rides.” Caelen is Woo Yong’s home stay brother, and they all live near each other, so it was easy to bring the two cars. It’s not like Helen is still hesitant with Erin being here at all.

Erin and Helen sat on the couch as Caelen and Woo Yong stood near the door ready to go home. As they stayed still in front of the door, Kai started to feel more and more anxious. He kept looking around in every direction but the front door. He was trying to look calm in front of the others, but it broke. Before the girls or his dog could see it, he grabbed Joshua’s wrist and dragged him into his bedroom before closing the door and sitting down on the bed taking in deep gulps of air.

Helen looked at the door worried. Erin looked worried as well, but she didn’t really know what to do after last time’s incident. Helen turned to Erin and moved Hobi’s attention to Erin before taking her phone and putting on some loud music. She looked at Caelen and Woo Yong. “Can you give them a moment?” They nodded and left throwing a key over to Helen.

“Make sure you two get home safely.” Helen nodded slightly. The two boys left as Helen motioned towards Erin to ignore it. This wasn’t their battle.

Back in Kai’s bedroom, Joshua came over and stood in between Kai’s open legs and wrapped his arms around Kai’s shoulders before placing his head on top of Kai’s head. “Shouldn’t I be the one in this kind of situation?” Kai sighed nodding and wrapped his arms around Joshua’s waist bringing him even closer. Joshua’s light blue unbuttoned short sleeve shirt was pushed away as Kai tried to stay a bit more calm. “We can just go to your family home if you need. What’s eating at you?”

“Memories. . .I guess. I promise I-I’ll be there i-if-f you need it.” Kai took in deep breaths as he slowly calmed down with Joshua’s scent surrounding him. Joshua finally understood. The trauma was getting to him with the knowledge it could all happen again. Joshua pushed Kai away just enough to give him a forehead kiss. “You missed.” Joshua smacked him softly on the chest as Kai chuckled into Joshua’s shirt. “I want my courage kiss before I go.” Kai whined looking up and giving Joshua puppy dog eyes, even though his eyes were still glazed over with a few unshed tears.

“Fine. You deserve one.” Joshua leaned down and kissed Kai on the cheek. “We will be okay. I want to believe that my parents are more open than most at their age. We will be fine there. Besides, today is the day we can get Mina, too.”

“I hope you’re right. I don’t ever want to leave you again.” Joshua agreed with a quirked brow. He didn’t understand the full connotation of those words. Kai got up and let the chain on his ear jingle against another one of his lobe piercings before pulling his leather jacket over him.

“You’ll never lose me again, but Kai, go put on a different jacket. That’s not warm enough, dumb dumb.” Joshua shoved Kai’s puffy jacket at him. “It’s like 20 degrees outside.” Kai rolled his eyes and looked fondly at Joshua. Joshua walked out first and pulled on his own jacket and bid adieu to Helen and Erin. Helen waved lazily as Erin waved with some kind of hyper energy. Joshua ruffled Erin’s hair and pulled Kai out with him. “Stop frowning. Remember I’m not dating Erin. I’m dating your tall, clumsy, ass.”

“I’m pouting because I’m leaving my baby. And you love my ass.” Those words weren’t fooling anyone.

“I love it even though you have no ass. I expected since you’re a dancer there would at least be a little poke out.” Kai’s jaw dropped as Joshua used his hand to cover his face as he laughed at how offended Kai looked.

Kai composed himself and pulled his jacket closer. “I have more of an ass than anyone in this room combined!”

Kai yelped when he felt a smack to said ass. He turned to Joshua, but was met with Joshua flipping him off. Kai bent over, gave Joshua a kiss on the forehead, and was shoved out the door with yells of “LEAVE!”

Joshua opened the passenger seat of his car for Kai. Kai got in after a few minutes of a stare down.

It took a good thirty minutes to get to his house. Joshua’s leg that wasn’t on the gas pedal was bouncing at some inhuman speed. Kai placed his huge hand over Joshua’s right thigh and gave it a small reassuring squeeze. Joshua placed his right hand over it and squeezed it twice saying ‘I’m going to be okay.’ but Joshua kept a good grip on it making sure the warmth stayed for the rest of the ride.

They arrived in front of the huge 3 story light blue house. Joshua pulled in and was greeted by his older brother before either of them could even get out of the car. “Hey Josh, mom wants to see you. Go hurry inside. We were instructed to investigate.” Joshua’s brother, Brian said before pushing Joshua into the kitchen and giving Kai a creepy smile.

“Um, Kai can come and help too.” Joshua tried to get Kai out of that awkward situation. Brian dismissed that and motioned for Kai to follow him into the house.

“Don’t be dumb. He’s a guest. Mom and Dad don’t care that we’ve known him since the two of you were five, he’s still a guest. We’re not making him work. Now go.” Brian pushed Joshua ahead and led Kai to the living room where Joshua’s father sat holding a cigarette. “Dad, remember what Mom said. She’ll kill you if she sees these.” Their dad, Chan Yeol Yoon sat there pulling out the cigarette.

“Oh come on. I was testing to see if he would take the bait. Ah, whatever.” Chan Yeol waved Brian off and motioned for Kai. “Sit down Kai. How have you been? We haven’t seen or heard from you for the past four years.” Kai felt a little bit of sweat form on his brow as he tried to explain as little as possible.

“Um. . .well. . .things weren’t working out for us. We were both caught up with school. We couldn’t really talk as much as we wanted to for the past few years.”

“Remember when he used to call him Joshie?” Brian asked really loudly so that Joshua could hear.

Joshua came over to the room and smacked Brian on the arm. “We are not going back to that!” Kai smirked at Joshua’s reaction, but Brian was a little shocked. It could be because of the way the two reacted. It could also be that he saw Joshua’s blush covering his face. Who knows. :) Brian pushed it aside and walked over to Joshua. “Eh, he doesn’t call you Joshie anymore? Come on. I remember when you two could never be separated. You would always find Kai and Joshua attached to each other at the hip. Kai, you took my baby brother from me.” Brian started to fake cry, making everyone laugh.

Kai rolled his eyes and looked straight at the two. “Well, I mean Joshua played with me a lot more since you were so busy with. . .work and your thesis.” Brian gave Kai a hard glare before looking happy again. The parents do not need to know that Kai walked in on him when he snuck a girl in almost five years ago or how that made him realize he wasn’t into women.

Joshua rolled his eyes and held a hand out for Kai trying to break the tension. “Food’s ready.” Kai nodded and took it hoisting himself up to his regular height. Brian may or may not have seen the look that the both shared as it took longer than “needed” for two friends to help each other up.

Joshua dragged Kai abruptly, making Kai stumble on air. Joshua laughed as he led Kai the long way to the dining room as the others went to greet his mom, So Jung Yoon. Joshua stopped dead in his tracks in the hallway, turned to face Kai. Kai, in turn, gave him a reassuring but nervous as hell smile. “Are you ready?”

“Totally.” Joshua said breathless trying to regain some form of confidence. His head kept darting to each entrance that led to the living room and to the dining room almost afraid that someone would see them like this before he could tell them personally. Kai placed a hand on Joshua’s cheek and gave him a reassuring kiss on the forehead and a blinding smile, before taking them to their seats at the table.

“It’s lovely to see you again Mrs. Yoon.” Kai said trying to keep a very high level of manners.

So Jung turned to him and smiled, giving him a curt nod. “Same to you.” Joshua could feel the tension. Remembering the conversation he had with his mother, he knew she wasn’t going to be the nicest today and that didn’t help his nerves whatsoever. Joshua felt a hand on his thigh. He knew it was Kai’s by the size and the warmth. That’s when he realized he was bouncing his leg again. He quickly stopped and tried to listen into the conversation, but his brain couldn’t forget what his mom had said earlier.

~Flashback to the kitchen~

So Jung stood at the island cutting a few carrots as Joshua came in. He had a big smile and went over smelling the pot that was cooking. “Smells good, mama.”

“I’m making your favorite, seollangtang.” Joshua smiled and agreed to help So Jung around the kitchen.

So Jung tried to silently talk so that no one would hear outside the kitchen. “What made you come with Kai so suddenly? You haven’t talked with him since eighth grade where he “became distant”.”

“It’s fine, mama. We just had a misunderstanding that we finally resolved. We also want to talk about-”

“After years of peace.” So Jung said under her breath.


“Oh nothing. Come here and check on the broth.” Joshua looked at his mom’s back hesitantly. He heard everything and didn’t like what she had just said. What did she mean by that? Things like that continued for the rest of the diner prep and Joshua started to feel more and more nauseous as it kept getting worse until So Jung asked Joshua to tell the others that the food was ready.

Joshua walked out of the kitchen close to puking. He had no idea what to do. He started walking very close to telling Kai that they were leaving, but that’s when he saw Kai talking with Brian and his father again.

‘I want to make this work.’

~End Flashback~

Joshua was brought out of his trance as Brian smacked him lightly over the shoulder. “Josh, Kai was asking you something.”

Joshua turned to Kai chuckling nervously. He kept his eyesight on Kai trying to avoid the burning in his back from his mother. “W-What what did you say?”

“It’s nothing. Hey, I’m going to go to the bathroom. Is it in the same place?” Chan Yeol nodded and the four watched him leave. Joshua slouched in his chair trying to focus. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and secretly pulled it out reading Kai’s name with a SOS text. Joshua excused himself to go to the bathroom as well and found Kai standing in the bathroom near the mirror.

Kai had his arms crossed over his chest giving Joshua a sympathetic look. “Are you okay? You were zoning out a lot.” Joshua shook his head and rested his head on Kai’s chest trying to think of the best way to do this.

“My mama kept giving me hints. I don’t know what she’s going to say.” Kai sighed and wrapped his arms around Joshua. He was afraid of this scenario happening again. “Wi-Will w-we be okay?”

“I don’t have the answers, Joshie. We will get through this though.” Joshua’s eyes widened at that name coming from Kai again. “I’ll be there for the entire conversation. Just lean on me if you need it. I won’t let you go through the same as I did, nor will I let you do it alone. Just know if you’re not ready, that’s fine.” Joshua shook his head. He needed to do this.

Kai grabbed Joshua’s hand and brought him out of the bathroom and sat down bringing Joshua to do the same. Everyone in the family looked a little uncertain about what to say. “Um, mama. . .dad. . .Brian, we have an announcement.” They didn’t say anything. Can Yeol motioned for Joshua to continue. “We’retogetherandhavebeendatiingforthepasttwomonths!” Brian turned to their dad and bent over laughing. He held his hand out towards Chan Yeol making a come here motion.

“YOU OWE ME TWENTY. NOW!” Chan Yeol sighed and threw a twenty at Brian. “I’m treating you to drinks when you’re old enough, Josh. I finally won a bet!” Joshua just stood there slack jawed.

Kai was the first to recover and started nervously chuckling as Brian pat him on the back.

“W-What?!” Brian came over and gave his little brother a hug.

“Josh, your dad and I bet on when in the world you two would get together. He said after you two get into college. I said before you graduated, so ha!” Chan Yeol waved him off, but So Jung was completely silent during this entire interaction.

Kai turned to her to gauge her reaction, but her poker face was better than anything Kai could pull off. “Joshua, Kai, let me talk to you two alone.” Chan Yeol and Brian felt the tension rise and quickly left “to do the dishes” like they were dogs with their tails between their legs.

Kai sat back down and pulled Joshua to sit close to him as he noticed Joshua’s leg was shaking again. He placed a hand on Joshua’s thigh out of instinct, but started to retract it the moment he saw So Jung’s face. Joshua put his hand over Kai’s to keep it there while staring at his mom. His hands were so clammy, but his face was serious.

So Jung put her glass down and placed her elbows on the table keeping her head perched on the two hands that were intertwined. “Tell me boys, how did this happen? Last I heard from Joshua was that Kai was a big mean dumbass. How did that change? Kai, I’m looking mostly at you for this, because I do not trust you.” Kai felt the sweat on the back of his neck increase under her glare and nodded in understanding.

“Mrs. Yoon, I know you don’t think I’m the right option for Joshua, but please let him make that decision himself. We patched our differences up. I became that way due to some terrible things, and I now want to have someone like Joshua back in my life. He has helped bring me back to how I used to be, and I want to be better for him.” So Jung nodded and turned to Joshua giving him the go on nod.

“I never said that I thought you weren’t the right option for Joshua. I just saw the drastic change that happened in eighth grade and what it did to my son. You broke him.”


“No.” Joshua shut up. “You put my son in a dark place. You two were so close, and then you up and stopped any contact with him for two years.”

“There were misunderstandings and we were stupid kids.” Joshua tried to reason.

“Well, what were these misunderstandings?” So Jung put her right leg over her left as she tried to see any reactions that could tell her an answer.

“Kai isn’t-”

“It’s a family matter. I’ll leave it at that. Please don’t try to ask further.” Kai’s voice broke as he asked So Jung not to ask further. His face was strong. He kept a great poker face, but he couldn’t fool Joshua or So Jung. Joshua placed a hand over Kai’s shoulder keeping it there. “It’s not something that’s a kind memory.” Kai put his poker face back on trying to think of something else.

Joshua took this as his time to stand up. “Please don’t investigate further.”

“Is that the reason why I’ve heard so much more about you offering for him to live with us since you two reconciled?” Joshua looked wide eyed at his mom. “Joshua, I’m not dumb. I’m your mother. I have an understanding of what this is about. I think I have enough.” So Jung stood up and took her plate to the boys as everyone looked at her worried.

Chan Yeol put the plate down and came over placing a hand on So Jung’s shoulder. “Don’t do this to the poor boy.” He whispered before leading the three boys into the living room. So Jung placed her plate in the drying rack and gripped the side of the island.

“I know.”

Joshua and Kai sat together on the loveseat in the living room. One was bouncing his leg at inhuman speeds and the other was just as nervous, but he kept on a poker face all the same. Brian came over and gave the two reassuring squeezes on the shoulder. “She’ll come around if she hasn’t already. You two will be fine.” Brian awkwardly hugged the two before retreating to his room to catch up on some work for his thesis.

Chan Yeol stayed seated in his chair as he kept a close eye on the two. So Jung finally came inside and gave the two a hug. Joshua was on the verge of crying from how relieved he was, and Kai was stunned. ‘So this is what’s really supposed to happen.’ He thought, giving her a one handed hug.

“I’m not going to abandon you just because of this. I know people are different from me, but know that I’m still worried. You aren’t telling me everything. So, if either of you need to run. You are welcome to stay here.” Joshua let the tears fall as So Jung pulled him in for a full hug. Chan Yeol sighed and pushed Kai into the hug as well as the two finally allowed themselves to let their walls fall. Kai finally felt some sort of acceptance as Joshua felt relief for his parents' reactions to him.

“You two can stay the night here or you can go back to Kai’s place, but there better not be ANYTHING PAST kissing.” So Jung said making the two blush like mad.

“I have to go back, Mrs. Yoon. My dog is waiting for me, and I can’t leave him alone with Erin and Helen all day.” So Jung nodded in understanding. Kai got up and held his hand out for Joshua. Joshua took it without any hesitation and they left saying goodbye and with a crap ton of tupperware filled to the brim with food.

Kai wrapped an arm around Joshua’s waist and pulled him close. “Dear god, I knew that you said we were leaving with food, but this is a lot.”

“Be glad they still said yes about me staying. You don’t have to eat that all alone, now.” When they got to Joshua’s car, Kai put Joshua on top of the trunk and stood in between his legs. Kai gave him a sympathetic smile and hugged him close.

“I’m so happy your parents were okay with us.”

“I think I’m more embarrassed that most of my family bid on it.” Joshua mumbled into Kai’s jacket.

“Why did they bet only 20? We could have gotten KBBQ.”

“Or an all you can eat Korean chicken stop.”

Kai shrugged his shoulders thinking about it. “Or both. With a few bobas on the side.”

“I’ve seen how you eat after practice, I don’t think many will be able to feed that boba craving.”

“Which is why I made a list.” Kai said, pulling out a literal paper list. Kai and Joshua laughed at the memory of Kai finishing off a XL boba alone. Kai’s face changed a little as the mirth left the car. “This was taken a lot better than mine did.”

“I wish that it went better.”

“I’ll tell you about it one-”

“Well I’ll be damned. My eyes weren’t lying.” Kai turned around and hid Joshua behind him recognizing the voice. The voice was filled with slurs and broken English. A man turned the corner with his newest blondie on his arm. Right behind that man was a woman that had not aged that well and another who looked ready to puke from the two humans in front of them. She had long black hair that resembled Kai’s, but she looked stockier.

Joshua made a move to come out from behind them to leave, but he didn’t have time to get a word in. “Hello, f*gg*t.” The man said.

Kai walked around and pushed Joshua into the car’s driver seat and sat on the trunk. “What do you want?” Kai crossed his arms over his chest as Joshua looked behind him to see the four people standing there. He could barely recognize the three that were a part of Kai’s family now. They looked so different from when they were kids.

Even Mina, who was usually very bubbly, looked more out of it than ever. Joshua realized he didn’t know the whole truth of what Kai endured. “Why are you bringing that bimbo?”

“You do not get the right to call me that, you piece of shit.” Kai raised an eyebrow saying ‘really?’ as the blonde bimbo on his arm gave him another swig of vodka from her mouth. Kai looked behind him worried to see his now worn to death mother and baby sister.

“Mina?” She gave him a curt nod and one tap to her arm. It meant I am good. Two means it’s okay. Three means help me. Kai nodded and sighed looking at the family he left. Mina was still seventeen and had more than five months left until Kai could take her away legally.

Kai brought his attention back to his father right before he had to put a hand up to block his drunken punch. “Don’t even try this. Just go back to your daily lives and leave me alone.”

“I would if you would stop coming to this place.”

“News flash, this is where my friends live as well. Calm down and just leave me be. I’ll be out of your hair in two minutes. Can’t you be happy that you’ve only seen me one time for four years?” Kai was praying that none of his family saw Joshua, but his prayers weren’t answered.

Hosung looked behind Kai and saw a figure. “Oh, is that your new boy toy? Hey, boy toy! Come out here and face your old man!” Kai turned around and waved Joshua off. That’s when Brian came out. He had his hands in his pockets and his phone on his ear. So Jung and Chan Yeol stood a couple paces back letting Brian handle this.

“Hello, 911, what’s your emergency?”

“Hi, my brother and his friend are getting harassed by this drunk guy who is trespassing on my property.” Brian winked at Kai and Joshua standing between them. “Yes, I know who it is, and they won’t leave. They are currently verbally abusing both of them. The man has already threatened bodily harm. There is also a very weary looking woman with him and a girl who looks like she isn’t willingly here.” Kai’s eyes widened and shook his head. Mina could potentially go with his relatives rather than him if this goes through, but Mina gave Kai one tap on her bicep.

Kai stopped, but he kept an eye on her as he made sure to stay in the middle of Hosung and Joshua. The three adults looked completely scared shitless by Brian’s words. By this point, Hosung led them all off, flipping Brian, Joshua, and Kai off as he walked away. Brian dealt with the cops as they came to take statements from the guys involved.

Joshua had come out and joined Kai on top of the trunk against Kai’s protests. He intertwined their hands giving Kai’s hand a small squeeze as he read Kai. His poker face was strong, but Joshua could see the cracks forming. “The moment we’re allowed, we’re leaving.” Joshua whispered into Kai’s ear making him scoot closer.

Brian came over and gave them the run down. “They could potentially go looking inside of your family. Are you ready for that?”

“I don’t need that. Mina and I agreed to help her out of that when she turns eighteen. Don’t get them involved. It’s fine.” Brian looked hesitant, but he had to agree to respect Kai’s wishes. The police, on the other hand, might not respect them, but Kai knew they were going to get involved sooner or later.

After twenty minutes, they were all allowed to leave and Joshua quickly drove them back to the apartment complex. They walked in to find Helen and Erin passed out on the couch with Hobi somehow squishing his huge ass body in between the two.

Helen was the first to wake up. She was about to say some crude remark about how late it was until she saw the puffy red eyes that Kai held. She shook Erin awake and took them to her car to drive them home. She gave Kai and Joshua reassuring hugs on the way out before quickly getting home since it was almost 12am.

Kai didn’t have a really relaxing drive back, so Joshua put him in his bedroom and called Hobi. “Hobi, go into daddy’s bedroom. He needs help.” Hobi got up lazily and proceeded into the bedroom. Kai collapsed on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling in his bedroom. Joshua came and laid down next to him as they sat there in silence. The only sound was Hobi’s collar as he laid down pushing himself into Kai’s side. Kai snaked his other arm around Joshua’s midsection and brought him close as Kai tried to calm all of his swirling emotions.

Hobi whimpered next to him trying to check if he was okay.

After a couple of minutes spent in silence, Kai finally talked. “I’m sorry that you had to see them.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” Joshua pulled Kai’s head away from his chest and brought it so that he could see Kai’s eyes. Yeah, Kai wasn’t doing so well. “I’m fine.”

Joshua gave Kai a small peck on the forehead and gave him a wavering smile. “You can’t fool me, Kai. You never could.” Kai chuckled dryly, agreeing to Joshua’s statement. “I know that shook you up, but hopefully, you never have to see them again. Bonus if it’s never alone.”

Kai gave him a curt nod and pulled his jacket off and threw it somewhere before pulling Joshua into bed. “Stay the night.” Is all Kai got out before he was out like a light. Joshua chuckled and pulled his jacket and belt off before cuddling further into Kai’s hold.

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