Back at the dance studio, Helen was definitely working everyone to the bone and nitpicking everything, but this is what got them sponsored even though they are in high school. “Make sure that everything is crisp in the beat break. Keep your arms in and do not flap them like chickens!” Helen screamed over the music. There was a knock on the door that matched the beat to the song and everyone was shocked as they still kept going. Helen went to open the door and found Erin standing there in all of her alt girl glory.
“Hey Erin. What’s up?” Helen asked leaning against the doorframe.
Erin motioned for them to go outside and Helen nodded. “Everyone get into your outfits. I want you to feel how loose or constricting they are and work around the problems. You have five minutes to change. Go!” Everyone scrambled to get their shit as Helen led Erin into the side office connected to the dance studio that belonged to the dance instructor when she was here.
“What can I do for you, Erin? I haven’t heard from you that much since our schedules have collided so much. It’s been a while.” Helen smiled down at Erin. Erin nodded and came over and gave Helen a hug. “Good to see you too, kiddo. So, you have that look in your eye. I can only guess what I’m about to hear.”
“Would you be willing to work with me to get Kai and Joshua together? That tension can be cut with a SPOON. A SPOON!” Helen tried to hold in her laughter as Erin started to rant about the tension. She pushed Erin out of the hug and held her at arm's length looking at her with a ‘finally?’ face.
“You serious?” Erin nodded happily. “Fuck yeah I’m in. What are we going to do? We have a good few months until we graduate.”
“Well, that’s why I’ve enlisted the band cult. Some of them share classes with Joshua or Kai. So, I’ve got an idea.” Helen shook her head laughing. “I just need them to keep tabs on when they’re where since we don’t see them 24/7.”
“Have a good idea before you put it in action. We don’t need to hurt them further if this doesn’t work. You didn’t see what happened junior year.” Helen walked over to the desk, looking out the glass panel that looked into the dance studio. “Don’t try anything that you don’t know is certain.”
Erin sighed and turned around, throwing her hands in the air. “I know. Why won’t you guys tell me what happened?”
“It’s not my place to tell.” Helen glared at her with a look that said ‘don’t test me’.
Erin sighed “Always the pessimist in the group!”
Helen chuckled dryly before giving Erin a pat on the shoulder. “One of us has to be able to see things logically.” Helen gave a small grin before leaving to change herself. Erin humfed as she watched the others work out the choreography for the festival through the glass trying to figure out some evasive plan to get those two together before graduation.
When Helen finally dismissed them, Kai ran to sit down *cough* fall down *cough* on the cold hard floor breathing heavily, trying to regulate his heartbeat. Helen came over and threw him a towel. “So, Erin is here. Do you want to go talk to her?”
“N-No.” Helen rolled her eyes and shoved the water to him. “I don’t think I can face her. She could be pissed that Joshua-”
“How many times do I have to tell you that Erin and Joshua are NOT dating?” Helen threw her hands into the air trying to make Kai wrap his head around the concept. Kai shook his head. “Kai, they’re just friends. Please tell me you are not that dense.”
Kai put his hands over his face as he felt a new type of heat come to his cheeks. “I did hear him say something just this afternoon, but why would he even want me? Erin is so much better for him.” Erin heard this and banged her head on the window so hard it made everyone that was still in the studio jump.
She walked out and kneeled down next to Kai and smacked him lightly on the forehead. “Joshua likes you! Dear god! We’re not dating. I told you this back in middle school. Helen told you in 11th grade, and everyone has told you over and over to go get your man!” Everyone in the dance crew stared in silence for a good minute until they slowly started to clap for Erin, but Kai still doubted everything.
“If he did like me, why hasn’t he said anything?”
“He won’t tell me! That’s the whole problem! You guys shared some kind of moment, and he won’t tell me.” Helen leaned over and whispered something into Kai’s ear making his eyes widen.
“I-I’ll think about it. . .” Helen smiled, rubbing circles on his back. “Would I even be good enough?” Helen sighed and placed a hand on Kai’s cheek wiping away the stray tear before anyone could see it. “Would I?”
“Yes. Go think on this.” Helen gave a small smile before dragging Erin out of the room with her. Everyone else followed suit leaving Kai against the foremost wall.
“Make sure to lock the door on your way out!” Helen closed the door to find Joshua standing right outside the door.
“H-Hi. I came here to see- to get Erin back.” Helen raised an eyebrow and looked behind her to see Kai pacing in the studio with his headphones in. She could definitely hear Dionysus playing.
“Nice to see you too, Joshua. Cut the bullshit, Yoon. No one standing here is believing a single word that’s coming out of your mouth.” Helen crossed her arms over her chest. Erin quickly mimicked her moves trying to keep a serious face. “So, do you want to go talk to him or do you really want to take Erin back to the art room and put this off for another year like last year?” Helen raised an eyebrow making Josh fidget. She had so much info on them. “Please, don’t make him wait any longer than he has. Can you give us a minute, Erin?”
“Sure.” Erin left back to the art room herself leaving Helen to pull Joshua into an empty classroom.
“Sit.” Joshua knew this was one of those moments he couldn’t say no. “Please.” Joshua sat down in one of the desks reminding himself not to bounce his leg too much.
“No. You need to listen. Kai is getting scouted by SA. You’ve seen them, right?” Joshua nodded letting his head hang. “Then, do you want to explain yourself?”
“They’re not from me. You know that I have no power.”
“That’s not what I’m asking. I’m asking do you know what you’re going to do? Kai will most likely not go because of his circumstances, but you and I both know he is more than qualified to go. Please tell me that he won’t be leaving broken strings behind.”
“I don’t want to do that. When I saw the three hanging outside of Kai’s apartment, I knew that they were scouting.” Joshua sighed looking out the window. “I want to tell him everything, but I don’t want to scare him.” Joshua intertwined his fingers keeping his eyes anywhere but at Helen. “He’s been so distant since that spring break. I don’t want to push him any more than he has been.”
“It only took him a few months to move into his apartment. Joshua, you can’t keep using that excuse to avoid the problem.”
“I can definitely run from my problems.” Helen looked up at him. The glare could make an old businessman run crying like a baby.
“Joshua, I’ve tried to say this nicely, but cut the bullshit, Joshua. Kai has been mostly fine since May of sophomore year. Yes, you might not know half of it, but I know before all of this shit happened, you were his safe haven.”
Joshua had his eyes directed on his hands, but the moment he heard ‘safe haven’, his eyes shot up to be met with Helen’s piercing emerald eyes. “W-What?”
“I would suggest you go talk to him sooner rather than later. If you wait until winter break, I will not hesitate to drag Kai to you.”
“But it’s October.”
“Yes, so you better hop to it. Besides, we’re practicing for the Halloween festival.”
“That could be the perfect time for you to talk to him!” Erin yelled from the hallway.
“Erin, get away from the door or I will tell Sky.” Footsteps could be heard running away from the room.
“Who’s Sky?”
“Family. Now, I suspect to have you come up to me and ask to take Kai off of my hands for a few minutes after our performance. Remember. AFTER. I cannot have one of my best dancers distracted.”
“Y-Yes ma’am!” Helen quirked a smile and opened the door for them.
“Good. I’ll see you after the performance. I’ll even give you access to the backstage area.” Helen said chuckling at her own joke. It’s just a high school performance.
“Make it there.” Helen threw her duffle over her shoulder and left the classroom leaving Joshua sitting there.
What neither realized was the soft snap of a door closing to the dance studio or the silhouette of Kai standing against the door breathing hard.
Back in the studio, Kai clutched at his chest. “So, I guess I wasn’t hallucinating.” Kai kept looking over his shoulder out the small window seeing the empty hallways.
“Are you going to believe us, now?” Kai jumped a foot in the air as his eyes locked with Erin’s. “Sorry. I thought you saw me.”
“This is a dark ass room and you’re dressed head to toe in black.”
“Oh yeah. Sorry. Do you believe us? I don’t know what you heard, but please go talk to Joshua. I’m going to suffocate by the tension that I have to deal with every day in that art room.” Erin pointed at the floor since the art room was on the first floor, and they were currently on the third. Her eyes were bulging out trying to make a point as she wouldn’t look away from Kai.
“I-I’ll talk with him. Just, I don’t think he wants to talk yet. He seemed completely and utterly mortified at the idea of talking to me.”
“It’s because he’s just as damn scared at the idea of talking to you as you are! Jesus, I forgot how stubborn both of you can be! Just talk to him.” Erin looked out the door and saw something that made her go sheet white.
Helen stood outside the door with her piercing green eyes glaring at Erin. “Get out here. We’re leaving these two to think on their own.” Helen didn’t give Erin time to think as she dragged the poor girl out the door. “Bye Kai. Make sure to lock up.” Kai stood there wide eyed knowing if Helen knew about this, he wasn’t getting out of it anytime soon.
‘We’re really fucked huh?’ Kai chuckled and left the studio to get back to Hobi before the poor dog had an accident. It’s been an hour more than usual.