"She is very friendly and she seems nice."Ava told her aunt once they are alone.
"Yes she is."Ari told her niece."The girls are well behaved in her presence and she manages to keep them away from their father when he's conducting business."
"Does she know what kind of family we are and who we are.But most importantly does she know what we do?"Ava questioned.
"No I haven't told her yet?"Ari admitted."But I will with time."
"Do it sooner aunt."Ava returned."As long as she's taking care of the twins then her life is also in danger,she must know what and who to protect herself from.....unless if you don't trust her."
"No,no,no."Ari assured her niece."I trust Toni,she's a nice girl I get the feeling she has been going through a lot before she came here and I don't want to put more pressure on her,looks like she has or had a troubled family."
"Okay zia Ari."Ava took a deep breath."You know why I want to talk to you."
Her aunt's face immediately sank and a look of despair covered it. "I think I do.Your mother."Ava nodded."Your uncle told me after speaking to your father.I didn't want to say anything because I didn't know how you'll react..... Especially Alessio."
"He's taking it as I expected.With no emotion.He doesn't even care if there's a possibility that she might be alive or not."
"He was very hurt by her actions,he loved her a lot and never imagined she'll do something so drastic.He has a right to feel the way he does Ava,we can't decide for him or hold it against him." Ava looked on into the distance,her aunt is right in her words ,they all took the departure of her mother in different ways,everyone got affected but everyone also took it in their own way....especially her brother.She thinks it hit him harder than everyone else, because he had to take care of her,had to chase away all her bad nightmares and monsters.He did everything for her,and because of that their bond grew even more stronger than before.
"Even if she abandoned us."Ava started."I believe there has to be a good explanation as to why she did it."
"I'm sure there is honey."Ari comforted her."Has your dad left?"
"Yes,last night already.I'm both nervous and anxious over this and I keep on wondering what I'll do if my father finds her.Will she come back or choose to stay,we don't even know if she moved on,found someone else.If there is someone else....mi Padre won't hesitate to kill him and chop him up."
Ari got chills down her back at the mention of her words,Giovanni hasn't changed one bit and after his return and discovering Brie wasn't here....it turned him more into a cold heartless animal."Let's hope there is no one then,blood shed is the last thing this family needs....things have been quiet for a while now and we all enjoying the peace."
"Peace."Ava laughed."There is no such thing as peace when you in the Mafia Zia Ari.Years of marriage to Zio Marco should've taught you that."
"I know dear and although we promised to leave this life behind, clearly this life doesn't want to leave us behind."A sad expression covered her face."We couldn't leave you and Alessio the way you were."
"I know aunt.And we very grateful for everything you've done for us.Alessio sees you as his mom....and bisnonna Paula too.You have lessened that pain of not having a mother.Thank you for everything you've done for us."
"It's a pleasure dear.I love you guys.We family and we stick together."Ava gave her aunt a tight hug before she let go."How is your brother doing."
"Just Alessio being Alessio.This morning he punched Mr Alessi."
Ari gasped."Why?What on earth happened?And which Alessi are you talking about here.Father or son?"
"Son.Marino Alessi.He came for a business meeting but Alessio was busy so I kept him company.My dearest brother didn't take the interaction so well.He accused Marino of wanting to fuck me."
Ari laughs when she hears that."Oh your brother.He is a force to be reckoned with.No man will step within one meter of you with him around.Be careful you don't grow old alone."
"It's so tiring aunty."Ava sighed frustrated."But I'm not a little girl anymore and my idiotic brother refuses to acknowledge that one piece of information.I can't go on dates and stuff.Oh aunt Ari what if they do one of those arranged marriages for alliances and to get more power.I've seen it happen with a lot of mafia princesses."
"I don't think your brother will allow that to happen.He is power hungry but not to that extent of using his own sister.He loves you too much....him punching Marino say so.But Ava darling from the personal interaction with Marino...he is very attractive,too attractive and he's had his share of women.He pursues for sex only....once he has that,it's over.So in order not to re-ignite the war between the Valetti's and Alessi's....be careful.Women can't resist his charms and good looks....your brother only wants to protect you because he knows men like Marino, because he's one himself."
It was Ava's turn to laugh."Two peas in a pond.Exactly the same but I'll listen to your words aunty.I don't need Alessio going on a war path and knowing him,he'll do exactly just that."
"He will.So in order to keep peace stay away."Her aunt warned.
"It will be hard since I'm going to do business with him.He brought a business proposal forward that I looked at for the legal side of things and I have to admit if brother can approve this project it can bring in millions if not billions.Let's hope his ego won't get in the way of this business agreement."
"Have you ran it past your father?"Ari asks.
"Yes and he gave his approval for it before he left,he just advised me to talk to Alessio about it."
"That's right....he is the new head of the family and I believe he'll do what's best for the company."
Ava sighed again."I hope so aunty,plus this thing of my mom has him worked up,I don't want him to make wrong decisions because his judgment is clouded."
"He won't ever jeopardize the company your father will have his head."Ava giggles.
"I'd love to see that happen.Father and Alessio going head to head but I don't think either of them will give in,they exactly alike.But sometimes I think Alessio is worse than our father."
"They are alike....too much at that."Ari stood from the bench."We have to go now Ava,your uncle and I have a date night and I don't want to miss or be late for it."
"Thank you for the talk Zia Ari."They hugged each other."I needed it and I'll try to talk to my stubborn brother too."Her aunt laughed. "I wish he can find a woman to tame him,so that he can leave me alone."
"Alessio...."Her aunt croaked in disbelief."Tamed.We can only wish for that dear.No woman will ever have your brother's heart,I thought your father was worse.....but him....he is a different story."
"Which backs up my statement of him being worse than our father."They saw Toni approach with the girls and Ava can see they look exhausted from all the running around and playing.She is a beautiful woman Ava thought as she ran her over,she has a oval face,with red brown hair that's framing her face,a small nose and full pink lips.One can see she's innocent and not meant for this rough Mafia world.She would have been perfect for Alessio considering she's not his type at all....but one look at her hair will make Alessio go crazy because it's almost like their mother's....key word being almost.
"Mommy we tired Ariana grumbled.Can we go home?"Ava smiled they have grown a lot and their sassy behavior is gone...she wonders what Toni uses....maybe she can give her some tips on how to handle and tame her brother.The thought brought on a bigger grin.
"What's with the smile."Her aunt asks.
"Just thinking how obedient these two are,so I'm wondering what charms Toni used...maybe she can give me some pointers on how to tame Alessio."Her aunt laughs aloud, while Toni stares on at them in confusion."Alessio is my oldest brother."Ava clarified."And he can be a handful....too much."
"Oh."Toni mutters softly."I really didn't do anything,they just adapted...I guess all three of us just have that connection."
"Maybe."Ava agreed."Maybe not."She feels her phone vibrate in her bag and when she checks the screen....it's none other than her annoying brother."Well I have to go too Zia.Before brother sends an army after me."
"Take care Ava.And don't hesitate to knock on my door for anything."He aunt tells her.
"I won't aunt.Is Toni working this weekend?"
"No it's her weekend off."Ari replies.
"Great.Maybe we can do a girls night out.My treat."Toni's eyes grew large as if it wants to pop out, Ava smiles at her non disbelieving look."I'll call you."She gave Toni a hug too and Ava could feel the gesture caught her of guard even more.She doesn't have any friends and she gets the feeling she and Toni will become besties.....