Toni didn't think she'd get the job at the Valetti's especially because she was an hour late for her meeting,but after interacting with Mrs Valetti all that changed.Arielle Valetti is a very sweet and loving person and the short time Toni has spent in her company makes her extremely happy that she's working for a woman like her.
She had her reservations at first but now that she's been working here for a full week,she couldn't be more happier.Even their head maid Seline ensures she gets her three meals a day,and the salary is way better than at the restaurant....three times better.But the cherry on the cake is that she no longer stays with her father,she has a decent size apartment around here which is a fifteen minute drive from the house.
The chaffuer of the Valetti's come and pick her up and they also drop her off around seven at night.She feels more safe and secure now that she's on her own,and she is also happy that her father can't find her at all...along with his Mafia gang.Tonight she'll have to stay over because Mrs Valetti is going out with her husband.
The two little four year old girls are so adorable and they look exactly like their mother.The fourteen year old daughter has a resemblance with their father,this whole family is so loving and down to earth,they've been nothing but kind and caring.Though there is one thing that keeps on nagging at her....why do they need such heavy security and why whenever one of the family members goes out there are always two or more bodyguards with them.
She has questions and many of them,but considering she's new Toni doesn't want to pry and risk losing her job.She loves it here especially the kids.She is inside the kitchen when Mrs Valetti strolls in and the look on her face has Toni worried,she hopes she's done nothing wrong.She cannot afford to lose this job....not now when she's finally free of her father and all the shit he put her through.
"Mrs Valetti?"She questioned."Is everything alright?"
When she looked up Toni saw the gloomy,depressed look in her eyes but just as quickly it disappeared and was replaced with the joyful,loving look she always has."Yes everything is alright Toni thank you for asking.And I thought I made it clear that you have to call me Arielle or Ari...which ever one that suits you best."
"I'll try to Mrs Valetti."She promised."Did you need anything?"
"I'm looking for Seline.Have you seen her?"She asked.
"She went out to get a few groceries,she said she'll be back soon." Toni answered.
"Thank you Winstonia."She turned to leave but spun around again. "Ariana and Briana wants to go out for ice cream."
"I'll be there in a second."Toni replied."Just want to clean up the mess I made.Seline is very strict about the kitchen."
Ari laughs softly."I know,since she's been here...I'm not allowed in here anymore.I'll be coming with you guys that is if you don't mind. Some fresh air would be good."
"Of course not Mrs Valetti."Toni told her."You more than welcome to join us.Plus who can say no to ice cream."Ari smiled at her statement and continued ahead.Toni quickly rinsed out her bowl and glass before safely placing each item at their place.Next she made her way upstairs to the girls.She found them playing together on the floor.Perfect identicals Toni thought but she already knows who is who."Come on girls.Let's get you ready?"
Immediately they jumped up from the floor where they are playing and each of them ran towards her,to give her a tight hug.She has grown close to them rather quickly and the fact that they listen to her warms her heart further."Can mommy come with?"Briana asks in her gently voice.
"Why not?"Toni said with a smile."Then we can all have fun together,a girls day out.Would you enjoy that."
"Yeah!!".They exclaimed together.It took Toni less than ten minutes to get them all dressed up,for their ages they are really self efficient and smart too.They question if they don't understand or ask if they need clarity or guidance,such adorable little beings.
Mrs Valetti was already waiting for them down stairs in the hallway,and yet again Toni notices that four bodyguards will be accompanying them.She is burning with curiosity as to why they need to be so heavily guarded all the time.She strapped each of the girls in they booster seats before sliding in next to them.Mrs Valetti is sitting opposite them and while on their way her phone begins to ring.
"Ava darling."Toni hears her say."How are you?"From Mrs Valetti soft and motherly tone she can hear this Ava girl means a lot to her Toni wonders who she is."I'm not at home darling."Mrs Valetti said. Then there is a pause as if she's listening to what the other person is saying."We can meet at the Park,we on our way there now the girls wants ice cream."Another pause."Okay.See you soon."
Toni looked out the window as they are driving,she still can't get used to the beauty of this place.She has already started saving money so she can explore and spoil herself.On her next weekend off she'll go out shopping and buy herself some nice clothes.
"Toni?"She looks in Mrs Valetti's direction when she calls her name.
"Yes."She responds.
"You don't speak much about your family."Toni starts fidgeting with fingers,her heart races insides her chest,talking about her family is something she'd rather avoid because ultimately it will lead to her dad and she doesn't want to talk about him,he has caused her enough pain and sorrow."Sensitive subject?"
"Yes."Toni can feel her chest tighten,could feel the fear choking her up preventing her from breathing,but she calmly reassures herself that her father can't get to her....that he can't find her,and she'll make sure it stays that way, gradually her heart beat slows down.
"We all have family secrets that we don't want to share.It's okay dear and I'm sorry for probing and if I've brought on unwanted and painful memories."Arielle reached out to gently squeeze her hands.
"It's okay Mrs Valetti."Toni smiles weakly."I'll talk to you when I'm ready.It's....its just that for now I'm finally happy and I want to enjoy it."
"I understand Toni.No pressure."Arielle soothed.
Five minutes later they stopped at the park,the girls were the first to run out after their seat belts were unfasten.Toni laughed and dashes after them,she can hear Mrs Valetti's soft laugh as she ran after them.There is an ice cream stall in the park and they sell the best ice cream,this isn't the first time Toni has brought the girls here.... Apparently it's their favorite place.
As always they took choc chip flavor.Toni stuck with her vanilla and Mrs Valetti chose a strawberry one.The guards as Toni saw are hot on their tails and she knows behind those stiff,stoic faces of theirs serious killers are hiding and when one looks at them you won't say they carry weapons.
They went to take a seat under the tree on the bench,no one spoke everyone is indulged in their ice cream,Mrs Valetti looks like she's in a own world and Toni can see there is something bothering her. As she is about to ask her,Toni saw someone walking up to them.A woman she realize as the person got closer.She is wearing a green short,with a white printed floral top and a green jacket.Green stilettos on her feet with her eye catching orange brown hair that's pulled up in a neat ponytail.
A small purse in her hand,and the two bodyguards don't go unnoticed by her.This family and their bodyguards,she must do some investigation of her own to find out what's happening,she doubts she'll get anything from the girls.So she should try and befriend the oldest Valetti daughter Aria....and hear what she has to say. She knows it's not polite to snoop,but her curiosity is peaking.
"Ava darling."Mrs Valetti greeted the young gorgeous Italian goddess.Toni's attention immediately draw to Ava,she truly is beautiful and her hazel eyes matches her hair.Women like her are admired and loved,she probably has a filthy rich husband too Toni thought,but when her gaze lands on Ava's left hand.... There is no ring.... Interesting Toni told herself.
How come a woman so beautiful is unmarried or not engaged,or maybe she has a lot of suitors and now she can't decide,yes that must be it Toni wondered."Earth to Toni...."She hears Mrs Valetti say.
"Oh I'm sorry."She mumbled."My mind got lost for a second."
"I can tell."Mrs Valetti told her."Is everything okay?"
"Yes I'm okay.Did you say something."Toni puts on one of her best smiles to diffuse the situation.
"Yes."Mrs Valetti began with a broad smile on her face."This is my niece Ava....Ava this is Winstonia,Ariana and Briana's new nanny."
"Nice to meet you Ava."Toni shook her hand,and it was so warm compared to hers that's always cold,she's beginning to think she has no life within her, because she's always so cold.
"You too Winstonia."Ava replied with a warm friendly smile on her face,Toni isn't getting any weird vibes from Ava,she seems like a real nice person....just like her aunt.But she won't count her chickens just yet."I hope those girls aren't giving you a hard time."
"Not at all,they actually sweet and quiet."Ava gawked at her like she's crazy.
"She's right."Her aunt agrees."I don't know what charms Toni is using but since she came...they have been behaving and they listen too."
"Shocked is what I am."Ava said,then the air shifted when Ava told her aunt."Can I talk to you in private."Mrs Valetti's face changed immediately but she left with Ava,leaving Toni to wonder.......