Tatiana POV
Waking up to the the sound of the alarm, I groan getting up from bed, taking a quick shower, tying my hair in a messy bun.
Helping Elizabeth with breakfast, placing the coffee on the tray, "please take this to him" she asks, grabbing the tray I make my way to the dinning room. His eyes on his phone, cautiously walking over to him, a scowl playing on my face , ignoring me I place the pot of coffee and a cup in front of him before rushing back to the kitchen finding Elizabeth preparing what seems like an egg white omelette, "does he always eat this healthy?" I ask curious, nodding her head "Alexander always prefers having his breakfast healthy and doesn't compromise, the rest of the day he eats normal" she shrugs, "how long have you been working here?" I ask curious, "oh Alexander and I go way back, I've known him for over 10 years, I love him like a son and love taking care of him" she smiles warmly, nodding my head. She plates the omelette, placing the plate on the tray, handing it to me shooing me away as a groan escaped my mouth. Walking over to him, his coffee by his side, his eyes still glued to his phone. Placing the plate in front of him, I rushed out the room. Joining Elizabeth for breakfast, taking a bite of my scrambled eggs moments later Alexander walks in, "Elizabeth, I have guests coming over for dinner today" he says, "time?" She asks, "6" he says curtly before walking out, "I'll be back around 5" he adds on.
Sighing, "I guess you and I have a busy day ahead of us" she says. After breakfast, Elizabeth and I started cleaning up, telling me which places I should start on. Not even having the time to have lunch. We were done by 4, then began helping Elizabeth prepare 6 different dishes, along with dessert. Soon the guests had arrived, having a seat at the dining room, all men with different accents in expensive looking suits sat on the table engaging in discussions, one woman on the table though. Her hair brown, her eyes wide, her lips plump but not natural, her body the shape of an hourglass, tall. Her hair tied in a lower bun, seated next to Alexander as he sat at the end of the table. Walking in with a tray in my hand having the different starter dishes, firstly placing one in front of Alexander , then going over to the men, hearing a whistle, looking over to one of the men, "Alexander you didn't tell us you have such a beautiful woman here working for you" the man says, eyeing me from top to bottom making the rest of the men chuckle, "well we didn't think telling you about a whore would be something new" the woman laughs, making me send her a glare, looking over to Alexander , his eyes still on me, a blank look on his face. Furious as to how they spoke about me like I wasn't even in the room, who the hell do they think they are. Calming myself down, "Iana?" Looking back seeing Elizabeth, "are you okay?" Giving her a soft smile I nod. After sometime I asked Elizabeth if I could dish and she could serve the food, reluctantly agreeing, I began dishing up, as Elizabeth tended to the guests' needs.
The night went by a lot faster, after the guests left, Elizabeth and I had dinner then I helped her with cleaning. Tiredly looking up at the clock, the time was 11. Going to my room, I groaned at the sounds I was hearing, the woman I've learnt to be Natalia her moans filling the room including mine.
Getting in the shower, when I got out the noise, making my way to bed, placing a pillow over my head in annoyance, it seems like she was making the most noise.......