Tatiana POV
Keeping my eyes straight ahead, in walks a man, my eyes widened at his presence. His aura and dominance filling the room, his dark hair sleeked back, his muscles budging out of his white shirt, his height insane in his black dress pants, he has to be at least 6'2, the look in his eyes could have any man cowering in fear.
Walking over to his men, "sono loro?" (are they the ones?), his voice deep which could make any woman moan out, turning to face us my eyes widen at the sight. The entire left side of his face damaged with scars, his one eye loopy from the severe scaring, the most significant one running down his jaw line to the side of lips along with a deeper scar running across his lips, his cheek slightly wrinkled out which seemed more like....a burn, his green eyes standing out, his stare intense.
Eyeing us one by one, his eyes make contact with mine, his eyes cold, not wanting to break the staring contest I continue looking into his, "cosa le è successo?" (What happened to her?) he says to one of the men motioning to me, confused as to what he's saying. I remain in place, my heart racing. "non lo sappiamo, l'abbiamo trovata così" (We don't know, we found her like that ) One of the men respond. Eyeing me up and down. Pacing the room, "Mattia?" He calls out, the man rushing to his side, "capo?" (Boss?) The man questions, "portali tutti alla casa delle prostitute, prendi l'ultimo laggiù per le cameriere, falli pulirle, lascialo a me" (Take them all to the whore house, then take the last one to the maids) my eyes widen at the word "prostitute" . One of the men stalk towards my side, my fear growing. Immediately stopping before me, his hands roughly grabbing the girl standing next to me, pulling her along as the other girls were forced out. Leaving me standing alone, glued to my position. Eyeing me one more time he takes slow steps towards me, my body shivering in fear, what if I'm the prostitute. One of the men walking over towards me, "follow me" he says, too afraid to fight I quickly do as I'm told, guiding me outside, making our way towards what I assume is the large house, opening the door I follow behind him. The house is even better on the inside, screaming money.
. "Stay here" he instructs before disappearing. My eyes land on the beautiful chandelier hanging off the ceiling, the house a lot more warm, the beautiful paintings on the wall, disrupted by the footsteps, my eyes land on the elderly woman, her hair grey, brown wide eyes, a warm smile makes its way to her face. "Hello, I'm Elizabeth" she smiles, "Ta.....Tatiana" I say nervously, nodding her head, "please follow me" she smiles, reluctantly following behind her. Noticing how huge the house is, going upstairs, we continue on straight. Reaching the last door on the right, we walk in.
A huge bedroom, the room in neutral colors, simple but beautiful. Guiding me towards the chair, "sit" she smiles. Looking around I do as I'm told. Disappearing in what I assume is the bathroom. Taking in the beautiful surroundings, moments later she walks in with what I assume is a first aid kit, before sitting across from me. "What happened to your pretty self?" She questions as she poured the piece of cotton with cleaning spirit, not knowing what to say, "accident" I lie. Getting up from the chair standing in front of me before gently dabbing the Cotten wool on the top of my eyebrows making my eyes shut in pain, gently blowing on the area, "the wound is infected" she whispers, showing me the now yellow cotton wool, "what happened?" she asks, not sure what to say, "I fell" I whisper, raising her brow at me, "on what, a bunch of fists" she says sarcastically making me lightly chuckle, a smile appearing on her face. After cleaning me up, I got up from my seat as I was instructed to clean up and clothes would be on the bed once I was done. "Oh and next door is Mr Giordano's room" she says, furrowing my brows confused, "the boss, Alexander Giordano" she says, nodding my head I walked into the huge marble tiled bathroom, having both a shower and a bath tub. Getting in the shower I scrubbed my body, letting the warm water cascade down my body. It had been a while I guess. After spending almost 45 minutes in the shower, I got out, wrapping a towel around myself.
going out to the room I notice a dress placed on the bed along with a pair of Sandals. Making my way to the mirror my eyes widen. I looked horrible, my face has bruises all over, I have a black eye, a deep wound just above my eyebrow. Staring down at my body, I had grown thinner, my skin pale, my ribs almost on full display, tears brim my eyes at the sight of my body. Blinking them away, I quickly got dressed, the dress quiet big on my small frame. Looking around, lost as to where I go, "Tatiana?" Looking back it's Elizabeth, "come, I came to check on you and found you were still in the shower" she smiles. Following behind her, we get to the kitchen, "take a seat" she instructs before placing the plate of food in front of me, chicken and rice. Digging in not really caring who's watching at that point, I was so hungry, nearly choking on the food, pouring myself a glass of water, taking huge gulps, I look over to Elizabeth who busied herself with shining the glasses. Swallowing my food, my thoughts drift back to my situation, "where am I?" I ask, looking over to me, "you in Italy, the city of Venice" she smiles. My eyes widen, thinking for a moment, "what's gonna happen to me?" I whisper, sighing, "I don't know" she says, "but, Mr Giordano would like to see you in his office once you done" she says, nodding my head. I continued on having my meal in silence. After having my meal Elizabeth decided to take me to Alexander's office, dreading the moment.
Getting to the door my palms began sweating, nervously knocking, hearing a soft come in. I open the door, walking in his eyes are on his paper work, closing it I walk in slowly, standing across from him, his eyes still not on me, "sit" he says curtly.
Nervously taking a seat, finally putting the papers down, his eyes make contact with mine making me nearly squirm from in my seat. Not a word coming from his mouth, his eyes staring straight into mine, "what's your name?" he asks, my eyes widening at the fact that he can speak English, his accent deep. "Ta......Tatiana" I say, silently cursing myself for stuttering when I'm nervous. "Well Tatiana from now onwards you work for me, you tend to my needs when I need you. You will be working with the maids, any problems I send you to the whore house, where you were originally suppose to go, I own you, understood?" He says coldly, violently nodding my head in fear, "use your words" he says, "yes....I understand" I whisper, "good you may go" he says going back to his paper work. Reluctantly getting up, "ca....can I ask you a question?" I speak, making him freeze, looking up, narrowing his eyes at me, "uhm....." building up the courage, "when you say your needs, do.....do you mean you are going to make me...uhm you know" "Sleep with me" he blurts, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment, nodding my head, "no, I'm not a rapist, and even if I were you not my type" he says coldly. Nodding my head, relief washes over me, however my feelings slightly hurt from his last statement. Going back I found Elizabeth, informing me that Mr Giordano leaves for work extremely early, he has his breakfast at 5:30 is the morning, therefore we have to be ready for work at 4:00 in the morning to prepare his breakfast, and if he's working from home he has a snack around 10:00, having lunch at 2:00, then dinner is served at 19:30, his sheets are changed every 3 days, and likes the house clean at all times, giving me a tour of the entire house, he had a panic room in case anything happened, having his own personal gym, movie room, and a huge garden that anyone could get lost in. Spending the rest of the day watching TV in my room, pretty much reading the English subtitles on the bottom, I have to get out of here I think to myself ......