In a beach bar was a young man dressed in beach wear. His shirt wasn't buttoned down and his Tommy and chest could be seen as it was heavily tattooed. His arm was exempted, though the glittering effect of the golden watch he wore would magnet anyone's attention to it rather than his body.
His stature looks more athletic. Considering his tuxedo, it could be easy to conclude that he's of the wealthy division of society. His beard was well-shaved, and he did compliment his fair-skinned nature with transparent eyeglasses that made him look more English. The gentle breeze that blew on the beach never failed to brush his well-trained hair, even though he was sitting on a couch.In all his costumes, it could be spotted that he wasn't relaxed. The ashtray that was on his table was almost half-filled, and he was roughly smoking the stroke of a cigarette in his hand. On his table were two emptied bottles of dry gin, while the third was half filled. As he grabbed the half-filled gin bottle, he bent it to pour it into the innocent glass cup. Not minding that the cup was already filled to the brim, he still poured and that was just on the table.“Wow! Not meant to waste it” He screamed as he realized that it was pouring on the table. Coincidentally, he heard a beep on his phone he kept beside him on the couch, and that drew his attention to it. While still having his cigarette in his left hand, he kept the bottle and picked up his phone."Hi, Floyd!”He growled while having the phone closer to his ear.“Greetings man. Lucifer, what have you been up to?”A voice echoed from the other end.“Honestly, this whole scenario is weighing me down. I can't tell what's happening in my company…!” He mumbled pitifully while shaking his hand in expression to his words.“You're at home?”Floyd questions, interrupting I'm from giving his lengthy explanations.“At the beach,”Lucifer replied and gulped a mouthful of the gin he poured into the glass cup.“Meet you there!”Floyd concluded and ended the call abruptly. Lucifer kept the phone on the couch and tapped the cigarette as it poured ashes into the tray.Just in a jiffy, an elegant young man dressed in jeans and a T-shirt arrived at the beach and walked majestically to where Lucifer sat.“Young man, you ain't killing yourself under my watch”He whispered as he walked closer to Lucifer.“Floyd, I don't think you understand what I'm talking about”Floyd said with such seriousness.“So, I need to get drunk like you are now just to prove that I understand what you're talking about? Young man, wake up!”Floyd commanded authoritatively.His words forced a smile on Lucifer's face“You gonna beat me up?”He jokingly asked Floyd.“If your offense deserves such”Floyd replied and they both continued to smile.“Wow! We're leaving here asap. You've stayed here as long.”“To where?”Lucifer intruded in opposition to Floyd's proposal. “To anywhere! Follow me!”Floyd commanded, and Lucifer got up and followed him.
After searching our house, I couldn't lay my hand on any tangible amount to pay for my mother's dialysis. I won't say that I've exhausted my options, but I had no option at the first go. After breaking my saving box, everything I had was $75 while the doctor requested $1000. Tears never ceased to bathe my face, but I had to overcome it and find a means to save Mum. I looked around to see that I had already scattered the whole house, but couldn't lay my hand on one-tenth of the amount requested. Though I had the urge to collapse, I could only reciprocate that with tears since no one would be there to ask, “Clara, what's wrong”. I sat on my mummy's old couch and poured out my sorrow in tears.It was as though I were tapped on my shoulder, and I recalled that I had to check whether I could get help from my place of work. Instantly, I freshened up and changed into another frock, then hurried to “Adams' Site”, my place of work.At "Adams' Site” I narrated my mum's situation to my head of department, but he couldn't help since he had his reasons. I literally walked around the entire firm seeking help, but that didn't come. And a minute never passes without me remembering that I have a dying mother on the gatch bed. It was already dark at night, and I was yet to respond to the doctor who said that mummy needs urgent attention. Gradually I was running out of options, but watching mummy die gradually had never been an alternative.I entered the bar where I used to work and registered my attendance. Already, my coworkers knew about the storm blowing off my feet. They covered for me, even though we were together.“You can do it, Clara!”“No, that's not me.”“What about mum?”This slight discussion was echoing in my mind as I saw a young lady who I used to address as a whore going into the clubhouse with her dress almost exposing her genitals. I got puzzled whether to obey the little voice I heard within or not. If never been the type but my mum is all I have and I wouldn't like anything to happen to her. Considering reality, I'm the only one in the best position to save her, though nothing to prove the thought, I could only imagine such. The urge to do what was in my mind was getting stronger than I could ever imagine. But I never lose my senses to ignore that it's something I despised." Nah! I'm not doing that!"I whispered to myself while shaking my head."Clara! Do you wanna kill yourself? Stop tearing up. Your mum will be fine!"I was shocked by the way my colleague scolded me. Though I knew she meant not to scold me, her tune was outrageous. Then I realized that hot tears were gushing down my chin."A decision must be made, but in all, Mum must be saved"I concluded as I began to wipe the tears with my bare hands.