I woke up early again, but I didn't have practice today. My face turned into a frown when I realized I had no excuse to leave the house early. Since I don't have a car my dad has to drop me off. Just the thought of eating breakfast with her makes me mad. I don't want to see her. Before thinking twice I decided to take the city bus.
I walk straight to my bathroom, turning on the shower. While brushing I kept testing the waters. When it reached my limits. I walked In. As I start washing my body down my mind wonders about my current living situation. I don't want to be at home. Not when she's around, but I had nowhere else to go.
Like your dad would ever let me leave? My subconscious mocked me.
I quickly walked out of the shower feeling fresh. I grabbed my AirPods plugging them in my ears, shuffling my indie playlist on Spotify. I start jamming to the sound. I decided to dress lightly today. Wearing a nice daisy sundress. It falls a few inches above my knees.
I looked in the mirror admiring all my curves. A light smile grows on my face. Noting on how good I look today. I grabbed my duffle bag, stuffing a bra, underwear, pajamas, and an extra outfit. For the sleepover. I quickly grabbed toiletries for my hygiene. I grab lotion and deodorant. I took a quick glance around looking If I'm missing anything.
Then I grabbed my backpack and slid my pair of Converse on. I walked out the door, closing it lightly hoping I wouldn't get caught. I walked toward the bus stop not too far from my house. Other people were waiting for the bus, so I just put my volume all the way up while a song by Clairo is blasting in my ears.
The bus came, after everybody went in, I went in. Sliding my money in the box. I quickly took one of the available seats. Then I pull out my phone and shoot a quick text to my dad letting him know that I'm safe.
The bus dropped me off near the school. I still had to cross the street. Which I manage to do safely.
I walked into class, as soon as I walked in the bell rang. That was a close one.
Making my way to find my seat. I could feel a pair of eyes glued on my body. I sat in my seat. Josh was just there gawking at me. His eyes filled with desire.
"You look different today" He blurts out. "Getting out of your box, I see." he mused, as he smirked.
"Thank you." I looked down at my body. Instead of finding it offensive, I found a way to humor myself.
I faced the board, and Mr. Tumblr assigned us a lab project with assigned partners. My partner was Josh. It wasn't a surprise to us since he already mentioned "whoever sits on your right is your partner, for the rest of the year."
We had until a week until the project was due. I figured it was an easy one. All we had to do was test the town's water and seawater to see which is cleaner. So we agreed on doing it next week.
Right, when the bell rang I walked to my next class. It was incredibly boring. I took some notes and turned in a homework assignment that was at least three days early. The same goes for my other classes. The bell finally rang. I walk to the cafeteria I decided to eat today since they had tater tots today with mashed potatoes and fried chicken. I grabbed them all considering it was something edible. I stopped by the lunch lady to grab a water bottle.
I walked up to my friends taking a seat next to Renae.
Renae grabbed my arm "spill the tea Bitch!"
I gave them a confusing look "what tea?" I questioned.
Jenny smiles "come on Z, we saw you leaving with Josh yesterday." She wiggled her perfect brow.
Renae being Renae just jumped to conclusions, "did you jump his bones?"
My eyes widened. "Renae! Down girl. You know it's not like that."
"Then what happened?" She asked.
"Nothing. We just hung out."
"Define hung out?" Jenny asked.
"We ate. We talked."
I kept the details to myself, not that there were any,
Ted finally joined in the conversation, even though it was to muse himself, "What's with today's look?"
I smiled. "I was feeling epic!"
"Not you pulling a Stefan on us," Renae said laughing. The rest of us joined in, but Jenny stopped and said "but you do look HOT." Jenny winked. I flip my braids smiling "Thank you!"
"So, who's giving me a ride to Jenny's house later?" I said while taking a bite.
Jenny raised her hands "ME"
"No boys allowed Ted" Renae teased Ted.