Saira POV
The note
After I and Saleena our separate ways, I checked my schedule again and noticed I'd English.
I went to my locker, put all the necessaries things in it before taking my note. As I entered the class, I noticed the class was almost empty because the last bell I'd not rang. So I went to my desk but a guy was already sitting on it.
I cleared my throat a little to gain his attention but he didn't answer.
May he did not hear me or snubbed me.
"Excuse me, you are sitting on my desk" I said agitatedly while he pretended not to hear me.
I smiled evilly when a sinister was brewing in my head, so I'd to follow my thin and I pocked him back with my pen. I expected immediate reaction after that was what I got because he turned to look at me, scowling his face.
The boy in front of me was an epitome of beauty. He had a pink plum lip which was complimenting his poker nose with his long lashes. His jaw was prominent. He flashed me a weird smile which made me feel uneasiness.
Hereluctantly moved away to the back seat. As I sat down the last bell rung which indicated the teacher was coming in.
The teacher came in and introduced herself as Miss Nicole. Miss Nicole was a petite lady with a good aura around her. It was her first day in this school, she said she was replacing the former teacher who was on vacation after being married recently.
Her voice sounded melody and soothing which made all three class to cheer up.
So miss Nicole started the class by asking everyone to introduce themselves by the time it got to my turn, I was a nervous wreck.
I hated attention.
I hated being in the center.
Everyone gaze was on me, I stood up shakily and introduced myself. I couldn't wait for the class to finish so that I could leave, it wasn't that her class wasn't interesting, it was just that...
I didn't know how to explain.
I felt cooped.
After the bell rung for another class, I stood quickly as I was about to reach my locker, I met seher at the corridor; standing and talking with some girls. I waved at her and she excused her from the group and walked towards me.
She told me that she was planning to spend the day with the girls and she asked me if I could join her.
So I happily agreed to it.
I'd made my first friend.
Saleena POV
After I informed Saira about I and the girls' plan of going out for shopping and of course inviting her to join us, she couldn't be happier. So we agreed to meet after school.
When the bell rung, I checked my schedule along with Saira's own and saw that I had science in my next period and she had gym class.
So we went on our separate ways.
I was busy checking my schedule when I collided with a hard surface which made me staggered back as I wanted to fall, two strong arms were preventing me from falling.
As I opened my closed eyes to look at who saved me, I met two most gorgeous Hazel eyes I had never seen I was so lost in them that I didn't even realize he was holding me too close, not until we heard someone clearing the throat.
We pushed each other and saw a teacher standing at the doorframe.
"What on earth are you? She asked, "Shouldn't you be class" she inquired while both of us couldn't reply and to us to vanish to our class.
We didn't need to be told once again, we ran like our lives depended untitled realized we were both running to the same class.
I nearly crashed into the teacher but I held my speed.
I should've joined the gym class. I don't believe I've it in me to run like this, I thought to myself but when I heard the boy beside me chuckling lightly then I realized I'd said it out.
I turned to glare at him but he had turned his gaze away from me.
The teacher told us to get in. And never to be late or we would miss her lessons for the rest of the week and I was not ready for such a punishment.
Once we settled down the teacher began the lesson. She asked me who I was and asked me to introduce myself.
So I looked at the class and told them who I was and why I was here.
Some looked interested in knowing me, but others were not, as I was going to take a seat I felt something hit me on my head lightly, the piece of paper that hit me was on my desk. At first, I thought it was some horrible things written in it because of my hijab because people tended to judge me.
Because all my life since I was in first grade, all the kids were always picking on me, most of the time I would end up crying for hours, telling my mum how I didn't want to go to school.
I opened it and saw the writing that was from a guy's handwriting and I read, "HEY would you like to join me for lunch" with no writer's name at the end.
I turned my head to search for the writer when I saw the Hazel eyes guy waving at me.
He was the one who sent it.
I counted it as a joke because there was no way for him to be asking me out on my first day, I would probably look like a fool, I thought.
I mouthed him "No' and threw the paper back to him, making sure it hit him on his head.
He was looking at me with an expression in his eyes that I couldn't decipher so I looked away and listened to what the teacher was saying.
After the class, I met the girls whom we had planned to go shopping and of course Sarah was waiting for me near her locker. Once again the girls showed us the cafeteria and it was so big.
The girls' names were Susan and Taira, they were step-sisters and they loved each other and so beautiful by creation.
I was so hungry that my stomach was producing wired sounds. We were given our food to it and we say besides the window side to eat.
As I was about to take a bit of my yummy burger that looked so delicious and ready to eat and I mistakenly glanced at the door of the cafeteria.
I saw the guy with Hazel eyes making his appearance like a front-page model on the runway show entering.