Edinburgh, Scotland was not what I was expecting. The private jet landed in what I could only describe as an oversized backyard. I was helped off the plane to see two men and a woman watching me. I subconsciously straightened and gracefully walked towards them. The older man I presumed to be Signore Sinclair. The younger one was almost an exact replica of Signore. The only difference being that his hair was a black color instead of a peppered and he wore a permanent judgmental scowl. He didn’t look friendly or easy to get along with at all. I could tell that we would clash.
"Welcome Princessa Amelia," the Signore said with a small smile. He had the wrong language, but I could see he was trying to make an effort. It wasn’t worth me correcting him. He took my hand and graced it with a respectful kiss. "I am John Sinclair. This is my wife, Sarah, and my son David,” he introduced everyone.
"Signore, Signora," I greeted them. I turned to face my future betrothed. "David," I said, void of any emotion. I was trying to stay respectful, but without even saying a word yet, David rubbed me the wrong way.
"Princess," he practically sneered. His lack of disrespect for me and my language appalled me. I knew I didn’t like him for a reason. He just seemed rude.
"Charmed, I'm sure," I said sarcastically. John coughed uncomfortably in the silence and moved aside.
"David, why don't you show the Princess Chela around?" John suggested. David walked inside without a word. I turned to the Signore.
"I so hope that this is not his normal attitude," I said to John. Sarah gave me a grim and disappointed look. She looked like a tired mother. All she could do was shrug. I walked inside and saw David waiting for me. He looked annoyed and irritated. I followed behind him as he showed me around the castle. It was huge like my own, except for larger. There was a lot of room to play.
"This is your room," he said dismissively. I sighed and set my purse on the bed. The room was huge and simple. I studied David's face as his eyes glanced away from me. I could see the look of disgust and regret in his eyes.
"Why do you despise me so, giovane?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.
"One, that is not my name, and two, I don't see why I have to like ya. This is all just another of my father's stunts after all," he said. He turned and left without another word. After watching the help unpack my things, I went to do some exploring of my own. I turned a corner and ran right into someone. I gasped in surprise as I felt myself falling. The person caught me before I could fall to my butt.
"Oh mio Dio. I'm so sorry. I should watch where I go," I apologized profusely. I looked up to see the most captivating blue eyess. I froze as he set me back on my feet and took a step away from me.
"I'm Nicklaus," the man said. He looked a lot like the Signore, John, and giovane, David, only his hair was as golden like a wheat field like Signora’s. Nicklaus held his hand out to me. I blinked a few times before I placed my small hand in his much larger, soft one. He kissed my hand gently before straightening again.
"You must be Principessa Amelia. Il piacere è mio," he said, greeting me. I raised my eyebrows in surprise.
"Your Italian is not bad. Nice to meet you too," I commented. He smiled at the compliment as his hand rubbed the back of his neck shyly.
"I summer in Italy often. It's a beautiful country," he explained. "I'm sorry you have to deal with David. He can be a narcissistic little bolke most of the time," Nicklaus said. I sighed defeatedly.
"He's an arrogant bastard," I said out loud through clenched teeth. Nicklaus laughed heartily at my comment.
"That he is," he agreed. "I guess I'll be seeing you around Amelia," he said before he rounded he corner away from my view. I sighed happily. It was god to know that at least one person here could possibly be a friend. Nicklaus seemed laid back and easy going compared
To David. The only