Amelia Chela is a proper, Italian princess. She was born to royalty and was happy with her life and family for the most ...
Chapter 1
"Alexa! Smettere di correre," I said, telling my 8 year old sister to stop running through the halls. She was troublemaker. She did not listen to anyone or anything; especially Papà. I sighed and walked after her giggling and running figure.
"Amelia, your father requests your presence," our long-time faithful servant, Alfonzo, told me. I straightened my casual peach dress and headed towards my father's study. I was a daddy's girl, but sadly the sentiment was not returned.
I knocked gently.
"Entrare," his deep italian voice boomed. My papà was a proud and stubborn man. He was a player in his time and even now. Alexa was a bastard child because of his selfish ways, but I craved his approval to the point of pain.
I pushed the door open and stood tall and graceful as I made my way to his desk. I greeted him before siting in the chair opposite of him.
"You called for me papà?" I asked. He cleared his throat as his eyes stayed glued to his work.
"Sì, we have matters to discuss. As you know from media, the last company I dealt with took everything. As of currently, we have no money income and we need to find one fast," he explained. It pained me to see my father so stressed out, but I understood. We were considered royalty in Trieste, Italy. We wouldn't be for much longer.
"What concern is this with me papà?" I asked confused. His eyes came up from his work and he leaned forward on his hands.
"Everything, la mia principessa. I have made a business transaction that will save us, but at the cost of your hand in marriage. Signore Sinclair has offered a merger if you agree to move to Scozia to marry his giovane," my father explained. I stopped breathing for a moment.
Surely my father wouldn't send me to life with strangers in a foreign land. Surely he wouldn't make me marry a businessman’s son.
"Why can't his giovane find his own bride?" I questioned. I could see my father growing angry at my resistance. He narrowed his eyes slightly and leaned closer.
"Signore Sinclair informs me that David is a bit of a hot head. He does not fare well with his temper," my father explained. "But I am confident you can handle him."
I knew that was my father's way of telling me not to argue. I bowed my head in understanding.
"Sì papà. When do I leave?" I asked.
"Tomorrow," his reply came.
I stood quietly and walked slowly to my room. I couldn't be with a man I barely knew, but it was bound to happen that way anyway. My father was bound to give my hand to someone. I had just hoped it wasn't a self-absorbed, hot headed giovane. How could my life take such a darastic turn in a mere 24 hours? This was the definition of insanity. I was leaving my home, my friends, and my family for my father, so he could continue his lavish lifestyle without me. In a way, I was hurt that he would sell me away so easily.
Alfonzo walked in and waited patiently by my door. I acknowledged him after I sat at my vanity.
"You're father has instructed me to have other help pack your things," Alfonzo explained with a sullen look in his eyes. "Are you leaving us Signorina Chela?" he asked. I nodded and looked away from him.
"Sì, it would appear so," I answered.
"I am sad to see you go, Signorina," he said with a slight now of his head. I nodded once and kept quiet. Principesse were not supposed to cry. Alfonzo left my room quietly only to return with a team of people who started packing all of my things. They moved fast and efficiently, taking everything except my essentials and the furniture. A traveling outfit was laid out for me on my bed. A few of the help wished me luck before they took my things away. I knew I would see those bags soon.
I showered and got dressed for bed before flipping off my light. Tomorrow would be a long day.
I packed my small duffle away and heading towards the private jet waiting for me. Papà had business to attend to and couldn't see me off today.
"Millie!" Alexa yelled as she ran to me. I knelt slightly to hug her. Her lip quivered as her eyes glasses over. "Please don't go," she said quietly. I sighed as I felt my own eyes tear up. I'd done enough crying earlier. No doubt my eyes were red and puffy. I knew this was a situation I wouldn’t be able to control. Once my papà made up his mind on what he wanted our life to be, there was no arguing with him or changing his mind. Since he wanted to do a marriage merger, I would be married into a family I knew nothing about in a country I’d never been to.
"I have to little one," I said. I peeled her off of me and ascended the stairs to the jet without a glance back. I couldn't. I was leaving behind my family and life. It broke my heart, but I couldn’t disobey my father.