Since that night I have been practically forced to spend time with them all. Montana didn't want me to feel alone so she invited me to every single gathering they had. Right now, I'm sitting in the closest costa to where I live away from everyone.
I appreciated them trying to make me feel better, but I actually do want some time for myself. Tana and Cole need time alone without there being me there. Cole has been really nice, and I guess this is his way of apologising for whatever happened between us.
I groaned when I saw her name on my screen. I escaped the house when she was fussing over Cole, apparently, he hadn't been acting normal over the last few days.
I knew why.
I help at the sports centre and run one of the clubs in the evenings and I overheard the guys talking about it. They also wanted my personal opinion on it all and I gladly gave them mine. Cole had an older brother who sadly passed away a few years ago. He killed himself in the bathtub when he was battling cancer.
I didn't want to tell Montana because it's not my place to say, I've already been accused once of spreading rumours about.
No doubt Cole is keeping some distance, I can't even come to understand what he must be going through.
I picked up my things and met her and Kim in the university restaurant. I wasn't surprised to see Kyle and Jasper sitting with them. There is no secret that Kyle and Kim have something going on. They can make up a story of them doing music together, but I know what I can see.
"brilliant, you brought the brains," jasper says grinning at me. this guy has been trying to kiss my ass all week. He's the one that started all this mess with me and Cole.
I nodded sitting down.
"well you've been with Cole a lot so what do you think you should do" lord knows why she's asking for my advice like I would know him any better.
We all looked over at her waiting, but she didn't have anything. She looked lost almost.
"I, uh I'm not sure I mean he loves basketball right, he's really good," she said. I haven't witnessed him play but word on the street is that he is a natural, born to play the game possibly professionally.
Jasper slammed his hand onto the table" that's bloody brilliant" poor tana jumped in her seat.
Jasper apologised finally sitting down.
"you could just take him out to play basketball, take his mind of things I guess" jasper said his whole body finally calming down.
"he doesn't want to just spend time with me, I think it should be a group thing, hey wait" her voice jumped slightly as she turned to face me. oh no not that face.
She didn't even have to say anything for me to know exactly what she was thinking.
"No no no, not you I already had the guys ask for a football game I can't keep asking" I shook my head.
The staff like me but I can't keep asking them. One day they'll get annoyed and I won't be able to ask for any days off even if I'm withering away in bed.
I looked to Kimmy for some help but from the look that she was giving me I knew she supported the idea as well.
"I mean, it would be good. We can invite all his mates and make it a friendly thing yes he will understand that were trying to distract him, but I think it's the best thing right now" I swear Kim and Montana switched personalities.
I groaned in annoyance. "fine, but you guys owe me. you too better write a song about me" I said glaring at the two music students before leaving the table with coach Roberts number on my phone.
A few hours later
"I think it's really nice what you guys are doing here" Mrs Roberts said as we both walked into the gym. It actually started an hour ago, but I wanted tana to take all the credit, so I came later on.
When we stepped inside it was full of people. There were two courts full of people playing either in proper sportswear or normal casual wear and trainers.
Montana waved me over frantically "I'll see you tonight coach" I called as I headed over to the girls.
"thank you thank you; this is amazing more than what I expected" she jumped up and down excitedly. I grinned as I looked over the room looking for him.
I spotted him instantly, he was dribbling a ball between his legs looking for an opening. His friends were surrounding him looking to get the ball, but Cole was too quick for them. He dodged them and ran up to the hoop.
"wow "I said out loud. Tana clapped her hands for him.
He looked over at tana with a beaming smile. You wouldn't have thought he was even remotely depressed seeing that smile. I felt somewhat jealous seeing him smile like that. even though I spent the last few hours working my ass off to make this happen.
My thoughts were ruined when I felt a tug on my arm "come play" he said dragging me onto the court. The ball was thrown straight to my chest. My hands grabbed the ball.
I shook my head "I'm okay thanks"
Jasper just laughed and dragged me into the middle.
"this is your event princess so start dribbling" my eyes were wide staring at him. I carefully looked to my left to see a confused Cole standing there. I hoped that he didn't read too much into this.
I panicked. "what he meant was I rented the room it was all tana" I said nervously.
I didn't even wait I decided to start dribbling with the ball. Cole slowly started playing he headed for me trying to block me from moving anywhere. I was completely blocked he wasn't even letting me move around.
I spotted Kyle's blonde hair from behind.
"Kyle" I shouted bouncing the ball between his legs. Since he was busy guarding my body he didn't react quick enough and Kyle was already heading down the court to get to the hoop.
I moved to pass him, but Cole stopped me causing me to bump straight into his chest. I stepped back.
"I just did a favour to Montana alright, don't get ahead of yourself" I stepped to the side only for Cole to move with me.
I stood back once again staring at him" will you just stop for once and let me thank you" he grunted "I've never had so much trouble with one girl" I stopped staring at him.
I was even more surprised when he leaned in wrapping his arms around me in a very quick hug that only lasted seconds.
"Thank you for keeping my secret, I know the guys told you. This has made it better, truly" he said to me. I just stood there somewhat shocked that he knew all along.
It hurts to say this but that's all I needed to feel better and I feel like it cleared up some air between us.
" Well I guess I can thank you for the other night, you didn't have to help me out but thank you," I said to him speaking honestly.
he grinned " wasn't so bad was it, or are you about to throw up for pushing your pride to the side for once," he said his voice filled with sarcasm.
our sweet moment was ruined by his cocky mouth.
" I'm not the obvious person to go to but you can always come to me if you have any problems. Alexis, I do care about your safety okay" he touched my arm lightly.
I could only nod.
We played a few games. Cole made sure to run circles around me; I didn't think he would have left here leaving me to have one point upon him. All that ego and all.
I followed behind Cole and Montana as we all left the sports gym. Cole had Tana on his back as they joked about something. Kim and Kyle were talking together which left me with jasper.
We were just walking peacefully when one guy waiting beside my car made my breaths deeper and slower.
Rylan stood; his hands deep inside his pockets.
"Alexis you don't have to" jasper whispered into my ear; his fingers wrapped around my arm.
Kim turned around to me her eyes alarmed. The others caught on each one giving me a look of pure sympathy. I looked into Cole's eyes; it was like he was asking me if I was alright with his eyes.
"No, it's okay, I need to speak to him" I waved them off. I urged Kyle to get everyone to go home I needed to do this on my own.
Kyle managed to drag Kim and convince the others do join them.
I slowly walked up to Rylan. Seeing him now I start to notice a clear resemblance to him and his brother. Its uncanny really.
"Hey" I said unlocking my car and throwing my bag inside. He turned to face me.
"I would've come sooner Alexis, but I only just found out what happened" he immediately blurted out. Gone was the normal egotistical guy who throws the cool parties and never comes to uni.
He was serious.
"it's alright, did he tell you what happened? "I asked genuinely curious how he found out.
"yeah he did, if I would've known I would have said something to you. My brother is such an idiot and I'm really sorry that you were involved in all of that. God I'm so sorry you got hurt Alexis" I could only remain silent as he stepped forward cradling my face.
I touched his hand bringing it down. I didn't let go I just removed it from my face. "you don't need to be sorry Rylan, just don't invite me to your parties if he's there. I do like my face you know" I joked wanting to lighten up the mood a little bit.
The mood was lifted when Rylan threw his head back letting out a laugh. I feel like Rylan is seriously misunderstood.
"I agree, it's a very beautiful face Lex" he compliments me.
I swear each time I meet Rylan I don't know which Rylan I'm going to get, he has loads of different personalities.
"Look, I have to go to training, but I just want you to know that you can talk to me anytime about anything" he tells me as he hitched his backpack up on his shoulder.
I smiled at Rylan "I know, thankyou Rylan" I didn't even think twice before wrapping my arms around his body.
He warmed to my hug wrapping his own arms around me slightly lifting me up off the ground.
Of course, lifting me was nothing for him being ridiculously strong. Rylan goes to the gym like a religion.
"Alright Lex I'll see you around okay" I nodded watching him walk away from me. as he walked back inside he would smile and call out to random people. It was surprising to see how well Rylan has fitted in. he practically knows everyone.