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Chapter 4

"I won't go if you don't want me to Lex" Tana says applying a coat of lip gloss to her lips. Montana took a whole 2 days before she could muster up the courage and tell me she was going to spend some time with Cole.

I have made it a clear mission to keep my distance away from that guy. He has made no effort to apologise even after I proved that my mother was not the reason as to why his secret was revealed.

Dad has been on the phone with his parents and it seems as though we were able to move on and not bring any unnecessary drama.

"honestly Tana It's not my place to say anything, go have fun" she stared at me for a good few long seconds before nodding and finishing off her makeup. Tana was wearing high waisted jeans with a flowy top and boots.

I'm pretty sure she's been seeing Cole on the down low but because I caught her getting ready, she decided to tell me. I'm not annoyed or mad that she is spending time with Cole. It really isn't my decision to who she spends her time with.

Cole picked her up from the house. they walked out, his hand on her back as they walked towards his car. From an outsider they looked like a good fit for a couple I just hoped that Tana wouldn't force me to be friends with him anytime soon.

Kim had left for work just an hour before leaving me completely alone in this house. I enjoyed having the house to myself it was peaceful, and I could play my music through the big speakers when I wanted to which was ideal.

A few hours had passed when I came to the realisation that we didn't have any food in the flat. I grabbed my door key and headed out to the nearest Lidl.

I pushed a small trolley around the store picking up the important things like bread and milk and then got the extra stuff.

I was making my way back home when I noticed a man sitting on the side of the road.it was obvious to me that he was a homeless man but what made me stop was the sign that he sat behind.

I dropped my bags down on the ground and sat beside him. I could feel his eyes staring at me. he probably never had someone actually come and sit next to him.

I fished into one of my shopping bags and grabbed the brown bag that I filled with warm baked bread. I handed one to the man.

He said nothing but took it. He started to pick a bit off and put it into his mouth. After a while he shoved big pieces in his mouth clearly it had awoken a deeper hunger inside of him.

"want some water?" I asked him to which he just nodded. Not much of a talker this one but I don't mind. I handed him a bottle of water watching him drink the entire contents in one go.

"I'm Alexis by the way" I introduced myself as I grabbed the bottle from his hands. He held out his hand for me to shake. "Nice to meet you I'm Nolan" I shook his dark, dirty and calloused hand giving it a firm shake.

We were enjoying our peaceful moment until I saw some guy stop, I couldn't quite see his face as sunglasses covered his eyes, he hovered over and stared at both of us. To both me and Nolan's surprise he bent down and sat on the opposite side.

Nolan become stuck; I could sense he seemed nervous.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw the guy open up a pizza box handing one over to Nolan. Nolan stared at it for a goof few Seconds, but it wasn't long before his hands reached for the slice.

I was busy staring at Nolan that in my sight I saw the guy remove his glasses and pull his hood down revealing his face.

"oh, you've got to be kidding me" I said staring at those familiar eyes.

He even had the audacity to wink at me.

"how did you get yourself in this position man" Cole said moving his attention from me to Nolan who had just finished off his slice of pizza looking ever so grateful to the boy beside him.

Nolan fidgeted slightly pulling at his collar. "Honestly I have no idea. I guess coming home from war to find your girlfriend sleeping with some kid gets you all kinds of fucked" my eyes widened at his words. Wondering how anyone could do that.

Cheating is seriously vulgar.

"sorry Nolan, but how does that get you here on the streets" I asked him.

He chuckled to himself. "she milked my wallet; I bought that house for her no way in hell am I staying in that place with her" women like that make me sick.

Cole looked disgusted from next to me. I guess this is something that we agree on.

"I feel like your good people so if I'm going to be honest, I haven't had the courage to find my family again. I even lost all contact with them; lord knows if they even want to see me" he informed us.

I stared off in the distance as Cole continued to talk to Nolan, I heard my name a few times and I wasn't exactly sure who was the one saying my name, but my mind was in a completely different space.

My mind seemed to start working properly again when I abruptly stood up surprising both of them.

"Did you want to see you family again?" I asked the question which answer the deciding factor would ultimately be to whether I dial my moms number on the phone.

Nolan looked at me kind of confused I bet both of them were wondering what I was getting at, but id dint needs to make them understand I just needed an answer plain and simple.

"uh, I yeah I guess I do" he mumbled out tripping all over his words it was making it very difficult.

My fingers were already reaching for my bag. "Brilliant, I'll see you tomorrow Nolan "I said over my shoulder already on my way to my car.

Moms voice on the other end was the distraction as I slipped inside my car and started up the engine. I could hear the faint sound of my father through the phone shouting at me for even thinking about driving whilst on the phone to them.

"I'm on it honey, you did the right thing," mom said once I had told her about Nolan.

I didn't think about Cole at all, my mind was focused on Nolan and the opportunity that he could have with my mom pulling a few strings.

The things Cole said about my mother were never true and instead of hating him for saying those lies all I could do now is appreciate the hard work my mom puts in reuniting soldiers and families.

I don't think I have ever been so proud of her.

I was on my way out when Cole practically jumped to the side of my car slamming his hands down as a way to stop me completely.

My body jerked forward when I slammed down on the breaks. Is this guy on crack.

I barely had time to get out the car to have a full on go at this idiot who wants to I don't know kill himself. He opens up my passenger door sliding inside.

I just stared at him.

"Now sexy Lexi I know what you're thinking" I rolled my eyes, like he would have any idea what I was thinking right now. I struggled to have the patience to listen to him, so I grabbed the gear stick putting it in first and sped down the road.

I couldn't help but smile with the fact he had to grab hold on the door in pure fear or probably shock.

"okay maybe I don't know what you're thinking. But just hear me out okay" he took my silence as an opportunity.

What he didn't know was that I was going down the road at 55MPH and was about to come to an abrupt stop at the lights.

With a silent grin on my face I did exactly that.

"oh shit, fucking hell Alexis do you not know how to fucking drive" he screamed as his hand shot out to press against the dashboard.

"I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry for accusing you and your mom and I'm sorry for pushing you into the pool" I felt something fall into my lap before his fingers reached for the door handle.

"fuck this, that's not worth dying for fuuuck" he mumbled as he got out of my car earning a few honks from drivers passing us.

I stared at the box of chocolates in my lap. Well that wasn't too difficult was it. How come it took him this long to apologise. There was me thinking he was a top prick.

He's still bordering the line of being a prick though, I can't rule him completely out yet.

When I arrived home at my parent's place, I sat with mom as she ate the whole contents of the chocolates I brought home. There was a small card on top of the box making it clear that these cholates were for her.

Lord knows why she decided to eat them all now as dad slaves away in the kitchen making some stir fry with sweet and sour chicken.

"oh, dad this looks amazing" I sang moving into the seat next to him. I leant over kissing him lightly on the cheek.

Mom was already pushing her fork through some chicken.

"I hope this doesn't become a habit Lex, you're in uni now you have to start making your own meals" it may seem like my dads complaining but he loves that I'm here. The more that I'm here the less arguments they have.

Since the girls don't cook and I am just too lazy, coming home for dinner which is only an hour away from campus isn't a bad idea at all.

"are you trying to kick your daughter out of the house" mum mumbled taking a sip from her glass of wine. One of dads ways of loosening up mom after a stressful day of researching.

Dad glared at her. "stop putting words on my mouth woman, of course not baby I love having you here" he places his hand on my arm.

"okay dad, but you're right I need to go back home anyway" every time I refer to my flat as home, they go all silent but its just easier to call it that.

My parents didn't bother meeting me at the door they just gave me kisses and shouted a few inappropriate words as I left.

"wear protection" I heard my mom shout, followed by her saying "ouch" no doubt dad just nudged her for saying that about his little girl.

Sometimes I really wished they had another child.

As soon as I entered the flat, I was a little shocked to see no other than Cole Hamilton leaning over the innocent Montana on the sofa I lay on every night.

I hissed when I accidently banged my food onto the side of the door making my presence known.

"shit" Cole mumbled rolling off Tana and landing on the ground.

"told you she was coming home tonight" Kim sang from the other room; she peeked her head around the wall her beats headphones covering her ears.

She winked at me before disappearing again.

Well this isn't awkward at all.

"don't mind me, just going to go up to bed" I manoeuvred my way through the mess on the floor and practically ran to my room making sure to lock it in the process.

I breathed heavily as I leant up against the wall.

In the middle of me breathing like some crazy woman I felt my phone vibrate from my back pocket.

Hey, it's Ethan, Are you busy right now?

I could only smile at the message. Seems like I'm not going to bed after all.

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