Chapter 5: Pam is my roomie?!
*Dark woods*
"They're here" A person in dark clothes said.
"Everything's going as planned, soon you'll have her where you want her" He added.
"I've done many things, took risks to get her here, you better make sure my plans stay on track" A man with a deeper voice replied, light playing on his well shaped lips.
"Yes sir, though she's a bit willful, she's trying hard to find out why they're here" the guy in dark clothes said.
"She won't find anything" He snickered.
"Keep an eye on her, looks like she's as stubborn as her mother" He added.
"I mean to pay her a visit later tonight"
"Don't spook her, though I heard she doesn't scare easily" he had the faintest smile on his lips. Snapped his fingers once, signalling the end of the conversation.
We all stayed in the hotel lobby while Principal Anderson and teacher Sarah went to check the arrangements, obviously they've made an arrangement with the hotel,
Nellie kept to my side and won't leave, I spotted Jaime and his supposed lover, Pam, and quickly went into her head, erasing the illusions I created there,
Pam blinked severally, staring at Jaime and wondering why she was clinging on to his arm.
"Please just leave me alone now, I don't know what illusions you have about us but I'm telling you it's not true" Jaime rolled his eyes,
"Jaime I —"
"Are you finally awake?, I knew it, you must have been dreaming" Jaime pryed her hands away from his arm, he moved away from her, searching with his eyes as he moved, he finally caught my eye and I quickly shifted my gaze away.
"Jeez babe, you're not angry with me, are you?" He asked as he got to where I stood.
"You know she was simply being silly, c'mon now" He wrapped his hand around my shoulder casually.
"Why should I be? You wanted to be alone with her, so I granted you your wish" I shrugged, playing hard to get,
"Hell no, I didn't want that, I wanted to be alone with myself and she found me, not the other way around" he explained.
"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.
"Don't tell me you're jealous now?" He teased me.
"Me? Heck no" I replied, rolling my eyes
"Thought as much" he smirked and we laughed
"But wait" he said suddenly amidst our laughter
"I wonder what's wrong with Pam, even though she's crazy about me and I know she is, but still, she has never acted like this with me before" he frowned.
"So?" I asked in a dry tone.
"It's almost like she was told to act that way, like she was manipulated"
"You know Pam, she'll die before she follows anyone's orders, maybe she's drunk or something." I shrugged.
"I don't think she was following orders, I think she was being controlled, like her mind was being controlled" he explained.
"That's not possible, I mean who would want to control her? For what reasons?" My throat felt dry, I suddenly wanted water.
"Exactly! For what reasons? To be honest, I don't like this feeling" he frowned again
"What feeling?" I asked,
"I feel like we shouldn't be here, like it's wrong, you know, like being in another pack's territory without permission, it makes you feel like you're trespassing because you're trespassing" he explained.
"Ohh" I was glad for the diversion of topic, I didn't want him or anyone else knowing I had something to do with Pam acting that way with him.
"I know we were supposed to go to Atlanta or something, but then I've got a twisted memory of how it was decided that we're coming here and not there" he rubbed his jaw.
"I've been wondering just that" I nodded my agreement.
"Talking about packs, do you know I think we're in a pack's territory?" He asked suddenly, changing the topic yet again.
"How do you know that?"
"Did you see that guy at the airport?" He asked
"Which guy?"
"The one with the chestnut brown hair reaching his shoulders?, the one that stood there staring at us" he explained
"No, I didn't see him, I was occupied in my thoughts I guess"
"He had a strange way about him, I knew he was a wolf right away, but not just some kind of wolf, he had this aura—"
"Shhh, you're not to talk about wolves out loud, especially in public places, and incase you don't know, this is a public place" I nudged him
"C'mon no one's even listening to us" he glanced around quickly.
"Shhhh, the principal's coming this way" I nudged him again
"Alright kids" Principal Anderson said, commanding the attention of all the students and teachers both, his red large face smiling.
"Can he quit calling us that?" Jaime whispered,
"Everything's going as planned, since the hotel has three floors, we'll be staying on the second floor for the remainder of today and tomorrow and after that, you all know the drill, we'll head into the woods for our camp where the rest of the activities will be taking place, since we're forty in number including the teachers and myself, here's how it's gonna happen..."
The moment Principal Anderson finished explaining his plans for us, I quickly made a plan of my own,
"Hey Jaime, I'll see you later" I moved his arm from around my shoulder, the students where moving towards teacher Sarah to get their room number.
"Hey, where are you off to?, we're not allowed to go—"
"Chill, I'm going to have a chat with the principal" I winked.
"What for —"
I'm sure he asked more questions but I shut his voice out and focused on Principal Anderson.
"What do you want young lady?" He asked me immediately I got to him, looking at the scowl on his face, I'm sure he doesn't even want to see my face or talk to me, but oh well, I want to ask him questions and I'm determined to get some answers.
"I just want to ask some questions sir" I smiled pleasantly.
"I was wondering why you decided California instead of Atlanta sir—"
"Why do you see the need to disturb me eh? You've already been informed of the reasons why California was chosen for the seniors trip this year" he frowned his annoyance
"I haven't been informed sir—"
"You should have asked your parents young lady or checked your pass, why do you see the need to—"
"My parents? Sir we were suppose to have this trip in Atlanta, your decision to—"
"Why? Young lady, are you trying to tell me my decision to come here is wrong?" He seem in a hurry to get rid of me, why is he so angry?
"Of course not sir, I just wanted to know why—"
"I don't have to explain myself to you young lady, either you ask your parents about it or keep your questions to yourself, now excuse me young lady l, unlike you have lot of things to do" he turned to leave.
'Stop' I freezed him mentally, maybe this is super wrong but I do need to get my answers,
I glanced around quickly, seeing that no one was interested in what we were discussing, I entered his head, argh I don't really like doing this, but it's not like humans leave one with many options,
I scrolled past his thoughts and memories until I found what I was looking for, the school trip plans, like Nellie and Jaime, even he too has a twisted memory of how it was decided that California was our destination,
The board decides the trip and expenses, he only had to make arrangements, and he has no record or memories of making any arrangement in California, what is going on here?
If the principal himself doesn't even know why we're here, then how do I expect the others to?
What is wrong with their memories? Why am I the only person questioning why we're here and not in Atlanta?
It was no use questioning the principal and earning myself a place in his book of errors, I erased his conversation with me and was about to get out of his head when I read something strange from his past thought, Teacher Sarah and the principal!
No wait, he is actually the one fantasizing about Ms Sarah, who would have thought our so very responsible Principal is a pervert! Maybe it's wrong reading his thoughts, I shouldn't have done it and now I regret it,
I touched his conscious system, exited his head and turned away, walking away quickly,
I could feel his gaze on my back, he was wondering why he was staring at me,
I shut him and his thoughts out, I have no business listening to anyone's thoughts and seriously I think Mom and Dad are right, it was a mistake coming with on this trip, I don't like this feeling at all, feels like everything's about to go wrong.
I've done things I've been warned against all my life, humans thoughts are suppose to be something private to them, and I've tried my best not to listen in on people's thought my whole life,
I've manipulated, created illusions and gotten into three people's head and thoughts in less than 24 hours!
"Hey" I suddenly found Jaime by my side.
"Gotten your room number yet?" He asked.
"No, just about to" I replied.
"No worries, I got it, here take it, it reads room 206" he handed me my room number
"Thanks" I attempted a smile, my hands shook a little as I took the room's pass card from him
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I guess so" I tried to smile again
"OK if you say so, but guess who your roomie is" he wiggled his brow, he's definitely up to no good.
"Can't guess, just tell me"
"Pam" He grinned and my smile crumbled