Chapter 4: Michael William
"It cannot be the case, she definitely cannot be the one, I must be mistaken, it must be my imagination" I whispered to myself, rubbing my jaw.
"Huh, sir the limo's ready to go" Smith scratched his head nervously, I didn't realize I was walking towards—
A bunch of kids coming my way? The scent got stronger as they came towards me, I quickly searched their faces, looking for the one with the scent, suddenly the wind picked up, blowing angrily, it wiped my hair into my face and I quickly tucked the strands of hair behind my ear,
that was when I noticed her, unbothered by the wind, she was dressed in pink top, matching pink sneakers and dark jeans,
She carried what seem like a heavy backpack almost effortlessly, now that must hurt right?
The students rushed past me, just like everyone in the airport, trying their best to get to their destination quickly, it looked like a storm was brewing and coming our way but then she seem unbothered,
like she was in a world of her own and couldn't care less about anyone else, she trailed behind her friends, I wanted to very much see her face but then again, the wind blew her very long raven black hair into her face, but she was not bothered by that too, she didn't even try to get it out of her face,
She was beside me now and I reached out to sweep the hair out of her face and see who she is, but instead the hair blew in my face and I lost my senses.
I must have stood there for a long time with my eyes closed, inhaling her scent and looking like a fool, because when at last Smith found the courage to tap my shoulder and call out my name, the wind had stilled and she was gone.
"Alpha..." Smith murmured,
Looking around wild eyed, I searched the airport for her heart beat and scent but found none, for a moment I thought I had imagined all that scene, but then Smith couldn't have imagined it too right?
"Where is that girl?" I turned to Smith.
"What girl sir?" He asked shuffling his feet
"The school girl in pink top and dark jeans, the one with the strange chocolate scent" I explained
"Oh, if you mean the students that were here—"
"Yes" I replied impatiently
"They left 10 minutes ago sir" He replied.
I sat in a corner of the bus thinking of the things I couldn't explain, why did I not know we were coming here?
Why did daddy say I must not come here? Why am I feeling like I should be here? Why are we in California and not Atlanta as planned? Maybe I can get an answer to the last question if I ask principal Anderson, but now the question I really want an answer to is, what is in California that scares my parents this much?
"Hi there" someone said and sat beside me, there you go again, why won't they just leave me alone?
"Hi, Alexandra, I'm actually talking to you" she tried again,
"Oh hello" I replied without actually looking at her,
"I'm glad you could finally come with, it's fun having you here" I could hear the smile in her voice, if this person was being friendly, then maybe I could ask her what went wrong, and why we're in California instead of our real destination.
"Hmmn could you..." this time I actually looked her in her eye and I was surprised to see Nellie, the school nerd.
"Yes? You were going to say something?" She smiled at me.
"Oh yeah, I was wondering if you could tell me why we're here and not in Atlanta, I mean we were supposed to go to Atlanta right?" I asked her
"Hmmn, I don't know, maybe that's true, but the juniors are suppose to be on their own school trip there now and we are here" she shrugged.
"Don't you find it strange that we're here and not there?" I asked
"Strange? Maybe but then it looks like it's going to be fun, doesn't it?" She beamed
"But the seniors and juniors are never taken to the same country at the same time right?" I asked further, I just really want to know what's happening.
"Maybe" she shrugged again, probably losing interest in me and my questions, she picked a book from her over packed backpack, I wanted to ask her another question but thought better of it, realizing she must be here for some peace and quiet, yes I needed that too but more than wanting some time to myself, I wanted answers and Nellie wasn't helping,
I hate doing this but then sometimes we have to do the things we hate to get what we want.
I entered her head, blocking out her thoughts and reading her past thoughts, she had a weird and twisted explanation for the reason we're here, she wasn't quite sure why but couldn't object or question it either, she just knew California had been chosen and she had to come, it was almost like, an important information was erased from her memory, almost like someone entered her head!
"Thank you Nellie" I said softly as I exited her head, I felt her gaze as she wondered why I was thanking her, well I just felt the need to thank her since it was wrong of me to have entered into her head in the first place, I felt like thanking her for letting me in.
"You're welcome" She replied and went back to her book.
Even though I was still confused, the ride did feel good and hearing the students play games and sing sounded like fun and lifted my mood somewhat, maybe I could just stay low, don't attract any kind of attention toward myself, stay out of trouble, maybe I can keep the fact that I was in California a secret from Mom and Dad,
"Don't you ever enter my head again, it's dangerous" Nellie said suddenly,
I turned to look at her, then realize she was staring at me.
I felt so restless and unease as I picked up a company file.
I still couldn't get her out of my head, maybe I should give Shane a call and ask about her, or even ask for a picture of her, to see what she looks like incase—
"Stop it Craven, you sound mad" I said out loud to myself.
But even if I was ready to accept the fact that it was my mistake or imagination and forget about her, Rex wasn't ready to,
He howled loudly in my ears and made my life hell, he wanted her as his, I could perceive he wanted her badly,
I almost lost control.
"Maybe I should go for a run" I muttered.
Or maybe I just need a woman, it's been too long, I've stayed away from women for a month and now I'm beginning to experience the effect of it.
Women had always taken my mind off that little child and not having something to amuse me for long must have reawaken the desire to see her again,
Here's what I'll do, first I'll go for a run then when I come back, I'll have what I want.
I stared at her without blinking, then she snapped her fingers and brought me out of my thoughts, I was very sure she heard the thundering of my heart beat,
Does she know what I am? If she does, then how?
Is she one of us?
"Penny for your thoughts" She asked, grinning.
"What do you mean by that?" I replied, smiling nervously,
"Oh that, it was a line Michael William used in when angels fall" she winked like I was supposed to be impressed.
"Michael who?" I asked her.
"You don't know Michael William?" She asked like I was supposed to know him, when I shook my head, signalling no, I saw the light go out of her smile, obviously this Michael person meant much to her, and she expected everyone to know him.
"You can tell me about him if you want, that way I'll get to know him and will know who he is next time someone talks about him" I attempted a smile.
"Really?" Her eyes revealed stars,
"Yes" I replied, almost instantly, she started a story of her Michael William,
He is an actor, a singer and a writer, and she is his biggest fan,
Michael is her hero, for her, the sun rises and sets on his shoulder, she knew more about him than she knew about herself,
She knew the names of the movies he featured in and the stories he's written by heart and told me all of them, I nodded and said woah, yes, really? where it was necessary, even though I wasn't really listening to her, I just couldn't wait to get out of her sight.
"Do you know he wrote the moon wolf and the warlock's daughter?"