I texted Bloom during last period to tell her to meet me at my house so she could tutor me. As much as I hated chemistry, studying with Bloom actually made sense. She had a way of explaining things that made it easy to understand. She was also very patient with me and wouldn't get frustrated when I was messing around or having a hard time understanding, which was something I liked about her.
It was weird. I never pictured myself friends with Bloom.
Are we even friends?
I think we are. Or maybe she's just tolerating me because she has to tutor me.
I don't know but I don't mind her which is surprising because a lot of people annoy me. Bloom... she's innocent and pure in a precious way that makes me want to keep her safe or some sappy shit like that.
What does piss me off though, is that jackass Evan she's dating. How the hell does someone as kind and pure as Jasmine date a piece of shit like Evan. God, I just want to punch him in the face.
I was headed out the school halfway through last period to go smoke a cigarette. As soon as I walked out the building, two ugly bastards stood in front of me.
"Lucas, Jack," I exhaled, a small grin playing on my lips. "To what do I owe the pleasure, fellas?"
Jack laughed. I don't know why but he laughed because he's a fucking idiot like that.
"We got a message," Lucas spoke cooly, trying to puff out his chest to seem bigger than he is.
"A message from whom?" I crossed my arms over my chest.
"From Evan."
Of course that pussy got his friends to give me his message because he's too afraid to face me himself.
"What would that message be?" I laughed, this was ridiculous.
"To stay the hell away from his girlfriend," Lucas told me before he shoved my shoulder back.
It was mildly amusing to me that Evan was so threatened by me that he really needed other people to get me to back off Jasmine. God, what the hell is Jasmine doing with this idiot? I would never understand.
I looked at my shoulder where he pushed me, then looked at him. "You want to try touching me again, man, so I have a reason to beat your face to the ground?"
Lucas only smirked, amusement all over his face.
Jack rolled his eyes, "I don't got time for this. We're just letting you know, Evan wants you to stay away from lil Jazzy."
"Or else?" I taunted.
"Or else he'll beat your ass into the dirt." Lucas grinned, answering the question.
I quirked an eyebrow, "How bout we take this round back right now and I show you two where your places are?" Did these fuckers really think I was afraid of them?
Jack and Lucas shared a look before Lucas gave me an evil little smirk. "You know what, yeah. Let's see you take on two."
I scoffed, "Easy." I nodded my head to the side of the school where we were more out of sight from the principal catching us. I rolled up my sleeves, "who's first?"
The two of them shared another look before they started laughing which only confused me because I was being dead serious right now. I wanted a reason to punch both these assholes in the jaw.
"Do you think I'm fucking around?" Now I was less amused and much more annoyed. Why the hell was I even wasting my breath on these fuckers?
Neither of them said anything, they only smirked as they looked at me.
Next thing I know, someone grabs the back of my shirt and pulls me to the ground, taking me by surprise so I didn't have a chance to defend myself.
"The fuck?"
I couldn't even see who it was because a fist was thrown flying into my face. When I finally recovered from the blow, I saw it was another one of Evan's asshole friends.
Of course. Lucas and Jack are also too pussy to take me on themselves so like Evan, they get someone else to do the dirty work.
I didn't hesitate as I stood up and went after the guy, shoving him against the wall and punching his face at least five times.
I was still going at it, fuming from rage and anger when two bodies pulled me off him. It wasn't Lucas or Jack, it was some more of Evan's other asshole friends.
I managed to throw a few more punches but soon, it was five guys against one and punches and kicks were flying at me from every angle.
I was left half-lying on the ground with my breathing heavy as I coughed out some blood.
Lucas bent down so he was eye-level with me. God, how much I wanted to punch this asshole's guts out but I could barely open my right eye from the swelling a punch caused.
"Like I said," he spoke in a low and quiet voice, his face right in front of mine. "Back off lil Jaz or next time, we're going to be telling her to stay away from you."
A kicked my cars tire, trying my hardest not to scream or curse. Evan, Lucas, and Jack were leaning against Evan's car, all watching me with amusement on their faces.
I swear to God I would have gone up and killed all three of them right here and now but I couldn't.
Because of Jasmine.
They said next time they'd be telling her to stay away from me. I didn't know what that meant but all I knew was that they wouldn't be afraid to put all the world's fear in Jasmine, if that's what they had to do.
So instead of strangling them, I headed to get in my car for the sake of Jasmine — so they wouldn't say or do anything to her.
"Dude," when I turned around to see Shane and John, they both gasped. "What the fuck happened?" John stepped towards me, taking a good look at my face.
I exhaled through my noes. I didn't say anything, I just glanced at Evan who was smirking like a fucking cat.
John and Shane looked over to see where I was looking and instantly figured out who was behind my bruised and cut up face.
"Evan did this?" Shane asked in disbelief. "Fuck does he have against you now?"
"Jasmine," John answered in realization. "The girl that's been tutoring you. She was talking to you at the party. She's dating Evan, right?"
I nodded in response, still fuming with anger that was not settling down so I continued to glare at Evan and his little fucking minions.
"He did this because his girlfriends been studying with you?" Shane scoffed, looking at me in confusion. He thought this was just as ridiculous as I did. "Possessive, much?"
"He didn't do this," I licked my lips, tasting a bit of blood. "He got his army of fucking assholes to do this because he's too pussy to fight me himself."
"How many were there?" John looked at me with worry seeping through his eyes.
"Five guys," I told him. I didn't even feel pathetic because though there were five guys against one, I managed to knock 2.5 of them out.
I turned around and opened my car door.
"Where are you going?" Shane asked as I started to get in the car.
"To get some fucking alcohol swabs." I shut the car door behind me and sped off before they could stop me.
When I got back to my house after going to the convenient store and buying some bandages and disinfectant to clean the cuts, I noticed an extra car on the driveway.
"Fuck," I muttered as I shut my car off. I knew John and Shane would be here but I had completely forgotten that I texted Jasmine and told her to come over.
I walked into the house and saw her sitting with the boys. "You're here," I exhaled, a little relieved to see her. At least I knew she was here and not with that piece of shit, Evan. At the same time, it was no good that she was here.
She nodded her head very slowly as she took in my appearance and noticed the beaten state I was in.
"What the hell happened?" She spoke softly as she walked over to me and took my bandaged hand. I looked at her, wondering how someone like her was standing in front of a piece of shit like me right now.
I glanced at the boys. With a simple look, they knew to stay quiet about Evan's boys doing this to me. Jasmine didn't need to know that. It wouldn't do anything but stress her out and if I was the reason she got into a fight with Evan, I wasn't worried about what he'd do to me next but I didn't want him lashing out on Jasmine.
God, I am going to get this girl hurt by her jackass of a boyfriend if I keep spending time with her. Of course the one tutor I get had to be the guy I hates girlfriend.
Even calling Jasmine his girlfriend made me want to rip his head off. He did not deserve her. How does she not see what a fucker Evan is?
"I'm fine," I muttered dryly and pulled my hand away from her. I took a step back, not wanting to stand so close to her because I could tell I was hurting her by being cold towards her and that only made me want to hug her.
I don't even know why I fucking care but I do. She's too kind and genuine and... just precious, of a person for me to want to see her sad.
"We'll be upstairs studying," I didn't have it in me to tell her to leave so instead, I turned and walked up the stairs without waiting for her because I couldn't look at her any longer, knowing what a fucking mess I was making.
I wanted to punch something so badly right now. I didn't know what the hell I was thinking or doing.
Who the fuck cares what Evan thinks, he can suck a dick for all I care.
But at the same time, I wouldn't put it past Lucas and Jack to hurt Jasmine in some way. I couldn't be the reason they get to her and manipulate or taunt her in any way.
Why the fuck did I care what happened to Jasmine? I've barley known her for two days.
I placed my head down in my hands and groaned, not knowing what the hell I was going to do.
Do I distance from her and tell her to fuck off or do I ignore what Evan wants? She was my tutor. I could ask for a new one but I don't think I'd be able to tolerate anyone the way I can tolerate her. If I failed the course I would get kicked off the soccer team. I'm the team captain, I can't just get kicked off the fucking team.
"I can come back some other time. We don't have to study right now." Her soft and gentle voice broke me out of my thoughts. I could tell she felt uneasy which only made me feel guilty because I didn't want her to be scared or nervous around me.
I shook my head, sighing and looking at her. I clenched my jaw, keeping my voice cool and distant for the sake of Jasmine herself. "It's fine. Let's just get this over with."
Half an hour in, Jasmine gave up with my bullshit and asked me if I wanted to talk about it.
I did.
But I couldn't. Not with her.
If I told her what really happened, it would only cause more problems, mainly for her which I was not going to risk because I knew what a selfish and shitty person Evan has always been.
I knew I was being rude, I was being cold and emotionless which I could tell was hurting her feelings but I couldn't help it. If I be nice and become better friends with her, I don't know what Evan will do to get us away from each other.
It's really not that deep. She's just tutoring me. God knows Evan's insecure ass is threatened this much by me.
"What the hell is going on?" Shane asked me when I came downstairs in the living room after Jasmine left. It was awkward and uncomfortable to say the least.
I groaned as I plopped down onto the couch, "No idea."
"You really going to let Evan control you like this?"
I clenched my jaw at the sound of his name. "No, I don't care what the fuck he does to me."
"Then why were you being so hostile towards Jasmine?" John asked. "She was concerned about you."
I leaned my head back on the couch and sighed, "Because, if Evan keeps hating the fact that her and I have to spend time together because she's tutoring me, Lucas and Jack will not hesitate to make it clear to Bloom that she needs to stay away from me."
"Wait," John's eyebrows pulled together. "They told you they would hurt her?"
"Not with those words exactly, but yes."
Shane elbowed me causing me to wince in pain which he disregarded. "Dude," he grinned. "You care about her."
I turned and gave Shane a dull look, "Do you want her to be manipulated by assholes like Jack and Lucas?"
Shane frowned, "No. You're right. It's probably best to get a different tutor."
I sighed, "I guess that's what I'll have to do."