I turned around to see Zac. I was putting my things in my locker when he walked up to me, an annoyed look on his face.
I was a little surprised to see him come up to me at school. I didn't know if me being his tutor made us friends.
"Miller," I quirked an eyebrow.
"You could have texted me, you know. Let me know that you got home safe and weren't drugged and kidnapped by your Uber driver." He looked at me with a straight face, his voice cool.
I blinked, almost wanting to laugh. Was he serious? Was he... worried about me?
"I don't have your number, how was I supposed to text you? You didn't tell me to."
Zac ran a hand down his face, "You have my number."
"No, I do not." I gave him a confused look.
"I put it in your phone when you were at my house," he told me, annoyance seeping through his voice.
I blinked again, taken aback by how weird he was acting. "How was I supposed to know that?"
Zac groaned. "You should have told me you got home safe," his voice was filled with frustration. I didn't understand why he was being so moody. I didn't have a chance to say anything because as soon as I opened my mouth, he had already turned around and walked away from me.
"What was that about?" Bea asked as her and Jade walked over to me.
I sighed as I shut my locker, "I don't know. He's being a moody little girl once again."
Bea narrowed her eyes at me, "Since when do you talk to him? What do you mean again?"
Right, I hadn't told them it was Zac I had to tutor.
"About that," I mumbled sheepishly as we started walking down the hall to head to class. "The kid I have to tutor in chemistry, it's Zac."
"Hold on," Jade stopped walking and placed her hands on my shoulders with her eyes wide. "You are tutoring Zac Miller? McHottie soccer star bad boy, Zac Miller, and you didn't tell us?"
I rolled my eyes, pushing her off me. "It's not a big deal." We all walked into class and took our seats.
"Yes it is," Bea argued. "He's an asshole."
"He's not that bad," I mumbled as I pulled out my notebook. "Not all the time, at least."
Bea scoffed, "So you guys are friends now?"
I shrugged, looking at her with a dull expression because this wasn't a big deal for me. "I don't know if I'd call us friends but yeah, I guess we've talked a bit. I went to his house and tutored him yesterday."
Jade let out a laugh when she saw the look of disgust on Bea's face.
"He's an asshole," Bea repeated.
"He's moody and annoying but he's not that bad all the time, B." I started writing down the notes that were on the board, not finding this conversation as relevant as Bea did.
"What was it like?" Jade asked, leaning forward. "Tutoring him? Being alone in his room with him?"
I rolled my eyes, "It was fine. He just... I don't know. Sometimes he's normal, sometimes he's kind of nice, sometimes he's arrogant and flirty, and sometimes he turns into a brick wall and gets cold. I can't understand him."
"Why don't you tell Mr.Carlton you changed your mind and don't want to tutor him?" Bea asked.
I sighed, "I can't do that. I can't tell Mr.Carlton I can't tutor Zac because he annoys me. He's going to think I'm selfish and stubborn."
"So then lie. Tell him... you have other things to do after school or have no free time to give Zac."
I gave Bea a reassuring smile, "It's fine, Bea. First of all, I can't lie. Second, I'm not going to be childish and bail on helping Zac because I'm afraid Mr.Popular bad boy is going to be an asshole to the nerd."
"You may be smart but you're not a nerd, Jas," Jade said to me. "You're dating one of the star soccer players, everyone thinks you're a sweet girl."
I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disagreement. "Doesn't matter, people still don't like me. They don't think Evan is in my league, nor do they like the fact that someone like me is dating someone like him. Nobody thinks I'm good enough for a guy like Evan, God knows what he even sees in me."
"Oh don't start with this sappy insecure shit," Bea groaned, placing her head down on the desk. "You're a babe, Jasmine. Don't talk about yourself like you're not important."
"I'm not," I grumbled quietly, keeping my focus on the notes I was writing.
"Mr.Miller, so nice of you to join us." The teacher spoke, causing the class's attention to shift to the front of the room. Zac walked in late, gave the teacher an arrogant grin and headed for his seat at the back of the room.
Zac stopped when he got the middle of the left side of the room where I was sitting with my friends.
He looked at me with a grin before he took the seat in front of me, turning the chair around and sitting so he was facing me.
Bea and Jade both looked at me in shock while I looked at Zac.
Bea's eyes were narrowed as if asking 'what the hell is this?' whereas Jade was grinning excitedly.
"Miller," I mutter, looking at him for a second before looking back down to my notes. "What do you want?"
I was annoyed to say the least. This morning Zac was annoyed at me for no reason and got frustrated and walked away. Now he walks into class grinning at me like I'm holding candy in front of him for him to take.
"Are you going to tutor me tonight?"
I didn't look at him, I kept my eyes on my paper. "You showed up to class. Pay attention and you might not need a tutor."
"That's no fun," he pouted like a child. "Are you suggesting I walk out of class and don't come back so you can tutor me?"
I looked at him in confusion, "No, idiot. I'm telling you to sit in class and pay attention."
"But I want you to tutor me."
I narrowed my eyes at him, not sure what game he was playing now. "Really? You seemed quite annoyed at me this morning."
He rolled his eyes nonchalantly, "I was annoyed because I needed a morning blowjob, relax." And once again, arrogant and cocky Zac was back.
I scrunched up my noes, "I don't want to know about that."
"About my morning blowjobs?"
"Shut up!" I exasperated quietly so attention wouldn't get draw to us. "Turn around. Leave me alone," I groaned.
"I don't think you should tell me what to do, Bloom." His voice was low but a smirk rested on his face.
I quirked an eyebrow, no longer feeling very scared of him. "Are you going to stop me?"
"I might," he shrugged casually.
"Try me." I challenged, narrowing my eyes.
"Oh God!" Bea yelled loudly which caused everyone to look at us.
"Beatrice," The teacher called on her. "Mind using an indoor voice?"
"Indoor voice? What is this, elementary school?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she leaned back in her seat.
The teacher simply sighed, getting back to reading whatever he was.
Bea leaned in closer to Jade, Zac and I. In a quieter but still disgusted voice, she said, "The sexual tension is killing me. Please shut the fuck up."
Unlike me the first time I met Zac, Bea didn't hold back. She always said whatever she wanted to and wasn't scared of other peoples reactions.
Zac let out a laugh before he turned around and started playing on his phone, like usual not paying attention to the actual work we had to do.
Jade leaned in and spoke in a quiet voice so Zac wouldn't hear, "Tell me this isn't a ship?"
I looked at her in utter disbelief, "I have a boyfriend!" I whisper yelled.
"Please," Jade scoffed. "Even I would give Zac a morning blowjob."
From the small laugh that escaped Zac's lips, he had heard what Jade said which only caused her cheeks to go bright red. Bea, on the other hand, was softly slamming her head against the desk to exaggerate how much she wanted to throw up right now.
"Be my guest," I mumbled, turning back to writing notes.