I resumed work today and I couldn't be more excited. I was literally giddy even when Mrs. Peters, my department supervisor, took me on a mini tour and showed me my cubicle.
It's wasn't small by any means it fits just right, the perfect size and my laptop and notebooks as were as other necessary devices that were provided by the company was on my table.
"I hope you have a great first day" Mrs. Peters smiled at me before walking away.
"Thank you" I whispered happily then dragged my seat out.
"And oh," she came back in urgency but not towards me. "We have a meeting in thirty minutes, be sure to attend."
I smiled and nodded before rushing to take a seat. I still can't believe I am here.
I put on my laptop and went through the already assigned work they had programmed for me. I sorted out some things and arranged my desk and notebook book in the thirty minutes I had.
My coworkers were all headed to a multipurpose hall and I joined them. The hall was huge, It had this cinematic format where all the chairs went from low to high, the front being the lowest and the back being the highest. I squeezed past the people and headed to the highest part of the hall, It was dark there only the front and middle were illuminated.
In my defense, I am new and just wanted to see how their meetings are done. I don't know if it was my eyes or if someone was actually sitting on the row I walked in to sit but I moved in further and I saw his outline.
I knew it was a man from the build, he looked buff but slim at the same time, and his suit hugged him like a second skin. I knew he was tall and the way he sat had this aura of authority. Did that sound familiar? I don't know. But I know not to mess with him.
“Sorry,” I gave him a nervous smile. “Let me just squeeze in real quick.” I placed my mini bag on the chair beside him before sitting beside it. He didn't say anything or give any reaction so I minded my business.
“Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to this impromptu meeting. We hope not to cut your scheduled calendar but some things are in urgent need of our attention” the commentator commenced the meeting.
I brought out my notepad and pen to jot down relevant ideas and also input mine in case It slipped my mind.
“The trending patterns these days are mediocre, and don't fit our style as a prestigious fabric company. We have made what the public likes and we have seen how that went. Our style, outreach, and patterns are unique, we do not need to follow trends.” the host points out swiping through his slides.
I huffed. Is he serious?
“Following trends is more marketable than doing what you like because you have a name” I whispered under my breath.
That caught the attention of the mysterious man sitting beside me. He shifted and looked at me, his scent waffled through and I was entranced.
“Why do you say so?” his voice was deep and quite familiar.
“It's a trend, and because it is millions of people want it. You see your favorite celebrity with a red diamond petal patterned dress will make you want one like it, not one that ‘looks’ like it” I explained.
“Hmm, so we should oversee our plans for the company to cater to fans of celebrities?”
“No” I adjusted to face him slightly and I didn't miss his hands going up to his chin. “Certain trends bring in more revenue, especially when it’s beneficial”
“How did you know,” he asked looking forward.
“I don't know” I shrugged adjusting forward. “Common sense?”
Time passed and soon we were being dismissed, I left the hall in a hurry to get lunch with my postcards. I was expecting my paycheck letter this week from Ms. Patty. I waved hi to some of my colleagues who welcomed me earlier and headed to the cafeteria.
As I was about entering a shadow stopped me, I was met with the behind of a man obstruction the way.
"Sorry, could you-" I paused at the familiar scent and statue. "Oh"
I recognized him the moment he turned, he was the man who interviewed me. "Zaria" he called my name and my stomach dipped.
"You know me?" I was expecting he would have forgotten who I was.
"Of course, our newest member"
His was so tall that I had to look up to him, his broad shoulders shielded me from the people behind him. They was his hair was slicked back looked so professional and yet so sexy and his stubble upgraded his features.
I was so nervous that I had to manually control my breathing.
"I didn't know you worked here." he faced contorted into that of confusion.
I chuckled nervously and gestured with my hands. "I didn't expect and interviewer to be an employee especially in a company like this. You would expect them to be two separate people right?" I was talking too nervously.
He nodded and smiled. "It's the lunch break, shouldn't you be getting something?" I sighed at his voice again.
"Ah yes," I stuttered. "I was just about to go get some"
"Let's get some outside in the resturant down." I was shocked. I did know how to tell him that I don't have money for that.
"Ah- I'm okay actually, I just wanted to grab a burger here no biggie"
"I insist" his lips tipped upwards at the side. That smirk made my stomach turn in a weird way. His stubble highlighted his plump lips.
My mouth formed an 'O' and I nodded accepting his offer, not like I had a choice.
He bade the people he was surrounded with goodbye before leading me.
We got out of the building and the warmth of the sun rested on my skin, I moved forward so that I could stand beside him.
"I heard of one a few blocks away, there serve the best fries" he looked at me. "And burgers"
My nerves were all over the place and I could do nothing but smile and nod.
We got to the restaurant and he ordered the food for us, I have no idea how he knew what I wanted to get but he ordered exactly it.
"How did you know I was going to order that?" His mighty stature and aura made him look out of league for the restaurant.
He placed the milkshake in front of me while answering. "You said you wanted burgers earlier, and fries are usually a go to"
"Obviously" I chuckled, subtly rolling my eyes. "I meant the potato salad."
"Isn't that a norms? You get your burgers with that" he genuinely looked confused.
"Oh my goodness, my best friend thinks I'm crazy for eating both"
He chuckled, the sound rumbled in my chest. Taking a bite before answering. "She's the crazy one"
After a while of eating, I asked him. "Why did you insist I eat lunch with you?"
"Your are our newest employee, isn't that obvious"
I nodded slowly in understanding. "Yeah, thank you. I appreciate"
"It's nothing" he said as he gave the waiter his card.
"I'll accompany you back" I raised a brow up at him.
"Aren't we both headed there?"
He patted his suit. "Yeah, I have a personal problem to solve before I go back."
"But lunch time's over, wouldn't you get in trouble?" I asked as I entered the elevator while he stayed outside.
"They wouldn't have to know would they?" he smirked at me.
I nodded and smiled, making a zipping sign with my lips and my pointer finger and thump glued together, and made a show of throwing the 'key' away.
The elevator doors closed and I sighed a breath of relief. 'What the hell just happened?' I questioned myself as I got to my desk.
I was overwhelmed and I wasn't even done with the day, I just wanted to be done but the excitement that I started my job and it went well filled me to the brim. I couldn't wait to go home and tell Marie about this. Plus the pay check from this jib could literally settle my debt.