I hadn't heard from my brother in a while so I decided to pay him a visit. I was in a good mood and I was sure nothing could dim me.
I pulled up to my parents houses on foot and walked inside the compound heading straight to the front door. The door was unlocked, typical of them, so I just went through it.
My brother sitting on the couch greeted me as I entered the house. He looked so focused in what he was doing that I didn't want to disturb him.
I tiptoed passed him to the back garden in search of my mom but she wasn't there, only wet flowers petals glistening in the sunlight welcomed me.
"Where's dad?" I asked him when I walked back in.
"I have no idea" he replied without lifting his face from his books.
"And mum?" I lifted a brow looking at him.
“She went to get seeds” This time he raised his head to look at me.
I nodded and walked to him, sitting beside him.
"What are you working on?"
"It's nothing-" he turned his book to show me. "I'm just doodling. By the way I passed my take-in quiz"
He said that so casually that if I didn't know what he was talking about I wouldn't have understood him.
I jumped in shock, my butt was still on the chair.
"You what? Oh my goodness, Zane" I covered my mouth with my fingers before drawing him close to me and placing his head on my chest. "I am so proud of you"
I could feel his smile through my shirt and I just held him there.
Zane is smart, so smart that I am sometimes jealous of him. He plans to further his education in an institution my parents cannot afford but just because I didn't go to the university if my choice doesn't mean ge shouldn't go to the high school of his. That's why I'm working day and night to make sure his dreams are fulfilled.
As I was celebrating him Marie called.
"It's been three days and you left me hanging"
"I'm sorry, I just dropped by to say Hi to Zane"
Marie and Zane have been close? I wouldn't say that but they have a little bit if tolerance for the both of them. It's funny and cute when they fight.
"Oh, say Hi to him for me and also how was his exam?"
I was taken aback because even I had no idea he exam was upcoming until he reminded me. I brought the phone down and covered the speaker with my hand before turning to Zane.
"She knows you went to write an exam?" I whispered.
He just looked at me and shrugged before going back to his drawing. I place the phone back to my ear. "You knew he was writing an exam?"
"You must be getting old" she laughed “Everyone knew about this. Well except you” I could imagine her touching her temple and shaking her head.
“Anyways how about your interview? Have they gotten back to you yet?”
“I don't think so” my voice dimmed and I internally started to regret. “We’ll talk at the bakery okay?”
“Okay!” she answered before the line went dead.
I said bye to Zane and left the house to uber to the bakery, Marie would kill me if she found out I wasted money again. Since I am low on money and she knows my financial status she insisted I minimize my spending.
At least I get to go there early.
"You're here fast" she greeted me the moment I entered. The bell connected to the door at the top that alerts us of customers coming into the bakery.
"Yeah. You were already when you called I assume." she walked around the counter to one of the tables I stood beside.
"Yeah. Ms Patty said I should be here today"
"Extra pay?" I asked, raising a brow.
"Yeah" she answered removing her apron.
I nodded in approval because as carefree as Marie can be she can be stupid. You could describe her as a crazy peoples pleaser. The last time Ms Patty requested for someone to take an extra shift, Marie offered and Ms Patty made her take the shift without an extra payment.
"You wanna check the mail?" she pointed towards my phone with her chin.
I opened my phone to my email and nodded. "Yeah"
Dear Zaria,
We are elated to inform you that you shall be resuming you seat in the prestigious Ace Fabrics$Co this coming week. We look forward to working with you.
Christian. A
"Oh my gosh" my covered my mouth with my palm. I was at the verge of jumping.
Marie snatched my phone and went through the mail.
"You lucky bitch" Marie laughed and hugged me so tightly I almost lost my breathe. "I'm so happy for you, you have no idea"
Tears were pouring down my eyes because I never expected to get in. I told Marie I was doing for the plot and then this?
"We should celebrate. What do you think.."
"No!" she pushed me to the door. "Wait until after your first paycheck then we can celebrate. I'll drink wine"
I internally fist bumped the air in excitement. For the year Maria and I had been friends It's rear to get her to drink alcohol.
The last time we went out, she dragged me out if my house to a club downtown. My rejections fell on deaf hears.
When we got to the club she order for water while I took alcohol and got drunk. I was lucky she took water because she was the sober one that had to drive us home.
"Finally, I should get more jobs offers to get you to drink." I laughed.
"You wish" she joined me.
"Wait! I didn't tell you about the interview"
"Oh shit" she dragged me inside immediately. "What about him"
"Well... he is fine for sure" I blushed.
"Not shit" she scoffed.
"When I walked in there was just the aura of his and he was staring at me like-" she cut me off mid-sentence.
"Aria, you can be delusional without letting it get to you, you know?" she placed her palm on my thighs and looked at me pitifully.
I sighed. "He's a tall as a giant with brown eyes, allow me to be delusional."
She laughed.
Her phone pinged and she immediately flipped it.
"Who was that?" the speed at which she flipped her phone was suspicious.
We've never had to hide anything from each other so I wonder why her behavior was so.
"It's nothing, just a spam message. You should get going, I wouldn't want Ms Patty to see you here" she stoop up putting on her apron.
"She is coming?" I was confused.
"I think so, you can't predict her you know" that one was right, Ms. Patty is unbelievable.
"Sure, I need to prepare for Monday anyways." I said as I stood up and walked towards the door. "Call me when you get home" I waved to her.
"I will" she waved back. "Bye!"
From Zane passing his exams to me getting accepted and to Marie acting suspicious it was overwhelming and since I was going home by legs, the thoughts attacked me. I couldn't help it until I got home and flopped on my bed.