The entire meeting was clear and succinct. I did most of the talking while most of them
gaped my way. Richard was still pale, nodding to everything I said while looking at me in
shock. Brienne looked infuriated yet she couldn't say a word. I smirked inwardly.
Viktor’s gaze was especially bored into my face to the point I could feel it. Still I managed to
keep my cool until I was done.
“Now that the briefing is done, I will see you all tomorrow.” I stood up and it took everything
in me to not bolt out. Instead I walked calmly and found myself in the nearest restroom which
was thankfully empty.
That went well, I thought breathlessly as I looked in the mirror. Still I couldn't believe I
handled myself and I was still shaken by the entire thing.
The door clicking open made me jolt. I whipped my head towards the entrance
Grace, Victor's mother faced me directly, no expression on her face.
My heart hammered in my chest as I looked at her. What was she going to do now?
Threaten me? Shout at me?
My heart skipped a beat as she moved closer only to…embrace me.
“I missed you dear girl.” Her voice sounded choked like she was holding back a sob. It was
the last straw I needed to let go.
I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tighter. My eyes shut immediately.
She was the only one I missed, the only member of her family who didn't treat me poorly or
look down on me for my state back then. Even though she couldn't show it, she had always
supported Victor and I especially after the fallout even at the risk of being maltreated by
Richard. I hated that I couldn't say goodbye to her before I left.
“I’m sorry.” I murmured only for her to move back.
“Why are you sorry? I'm just glad that you’re alright. It's been six years since I heard from
you. I didn't even know when you left or why.” she smiled
I swallowed the lump in my throat. So Viktor hadn't even gotten the courage to tell her that
he threw me out?
I shook away those thoughts.
“How are you doing?” I mustered a small smile as I looked over at her. My heart fell as I
looked at her state, even though she was still beautiful, with her ashy blonde hair pinned up
perfectly, she looked thinner and more worn with new lines on her face. I had noticed it in the
meeting room and it was even more visible up close.
Goodness knew how the continuous losses had affected her family, especially with that
excuse of a husband.
She shook her head, bringing a smile I knew was forced.
“I’m good. We're all good.” even her words didn't sound convincing.
“I don't need to hear any explanations right now. I'm just happy to see you. You're like the
daughter I never had, you know?”
A lump formed in my throat as I nodded.
“You always told me that.” I said before tugging her towards the exit.
“Let's go.” I said. The path back to the meeting room was short but I would make the best of
Holding her hand we walked out of the restroom together roaming the hallway towards the
meeting room. I asked about her health but she still refused to give much away but I could
tell that she wasn't happy with the state of things, including Viktor.
As she asked about my life I hesitated.
Could I tell her about my children? She was completely innocent in this but I couldn't fathom
the chance of revealing anything.
I parted my lips to speak but a voice cut me short.
“Grace!” I frowned immediately. It was none other than Richard himself but it was farther
away meaning they had left the meeting room. She turned to me, giving a sad smile.
“It's a shame we couldn't talk much. In another time maybe.” she said.
I nodded immediately. After sharing one more hug I watched her leave.
A sigh left me as she disappeared from view. I was done with this for today and I still had
other things to deal with. I stretched in the hallway before heading into the meeting room
I opened the door ready to retrieve my things when—
“How dare you?”
Alarm bells rang and I twisted to find Viktor standing there fuming at me. His eyes were like
hot coals boring into me.
I took a step back as he advanced, a sneer on his face.
My heart jumped from the shock but I quickly composed myself. It seemed like he wanted to
make trouble but I wasn't going to let him.
“Why are you here?” he practically snarled, making me tense.
“I work here.” I said dryly. Inside, I tried to ignore the apprehension. Seeing his face and
Brienne's was already bad enough, now he was trying to threaten me?
He didn't seem satisfied with his answer, “I told you to never show your face to me again-”
“And?” I interrupted, raising my eyebrow “You think I spent the last five years working here
just so I could see you again? Trust me, that's the last thing I wanted.”
He was fuming, his cheeks flushed and eyes wide. Once upon a time it was a look I would
tease him fondly about. Now I could only sneer.
“You flatter yourself too much Mr Reynolds. This is the last situation I wanted to be in, but
nothing can be done. It's merely business. I want nothing to do with your personal life.” I
I tried to move away from him only for an arm to suddenly grip mine painfully.
I fought a wince as I faced him and his grin.
“Whether you like it or not you've come back to my life, and for that I'm going to make yours
a living hell.” he said. His glare bored into mine, promising revenge.
For a moment no words left my lips. Silence filled the room. I broke it by chuckling loudly.
“I don't know if you're deaf Viktor, so I'll repeat this one last time. I want nothing to do with
you or Brienne or whatever mess you're into. I'm only here to do my job and nothing else.” I
sneered once I was done, watching in satisfied glee as he reared back with shock written all
over his face. His grip on my arm loosened and I pulled away.
If he thought I was still the biddable and soft girl he could throw around and treat however,
here was his wake up call.
I glared at him openly, letting my hatred and coldness show.
He was nothing to me now.
“Now get out of this meeting room and the company. I have work to do.”
I moved past him, bumping his shoulder harshly in the process before I stepped out of the
meeting room.
I managed to hold everything together, greeting Lucy casually before I entered my office.
The moment I entered it all came crashing down.
I nearly collapsed onto one of my office couches, taking in deep breaths. My legs were
trembling underneath me, even though I wasn't standing anymore. Closing my eyes, I took in
deep breaths.
His threat still rang painfully in my mind. What was he going to do to me now?
I shivered at the possibility. He would never know about our children.