“Cory! Anthea! Hurry up your friends are waiting for you!” I screamed in exhaustion towards
the empty hallway.
“Yes mom!” A chorus answer filled the room before footsteps approached and four little feet
drew closer.
I smiled fondly at the two eager children in front of me. Cory was still chewing the breakfast I
made for him while Anthea had peanut butter stains on her cheek and hand.
I lowered to their level and wiped the stains off her hand before facing both of them.
“Don't forget what I said. Stay with your teachers all the time and stay safe.”
“Yes mom.” They chorused, smiling cheekily. I couldn't help the tears that sprung from my
My son and daughter, the lights of my life.
It came as a shock to me that I gave birth to not one but two children. They both looked alike
as well, sharing my mocha complexion with only a difference in our eyes and hair.
I kissed their cheek and gave them a firm hug before leading them with their small luggage
in my hands.
Coming outside I gave their things to the teachers and watched them step into the bus for
their school trip. I wouldn't see them for a while.
I forced my tears back as I waved at them till the bus disappeared from view. I was going to
miss them so much.
It was unbelievable in a way. In a matter of six years my life had changed so much. I never
thought I would have love and a healed heart, but their existence brought new hope into my
I didn't have time to stay idle though, I had work to do.
Turning away, I moved to my garage and entered my car, driving to my workplace.
Immediately I entered the building, I was met with greetings wherever I went. I gave firm
nods in response as I passed my colleagues.
Immediately I spotted Lucy, my secretary, at my doorway holding a familiar cup I groaned.
“You’re a lifesaver.” I thanked her, taking the cup of coffee from her hands as she smiled.
“Call me if you need anything Miss Greene.” She bowed before walking away.
I entered my office before I took my sip of coffee, staring at the panoramic view the glass
offered me.
It was a shock when I managed to land an interview in S Corps. In such a short time, I had
proven myself and become one of the highest ranking executives. It was something I
would've never imagined before, but my hard work paid off.
It didn't help the rumours however, especially when he did nothing to curb it.
I closed my eyes at the rhythmic knock. I didn't even need to turn around to know who it
“The kids are on their trip now?” a deep voice came from behind me.
I hummed in response and heard his footsteps approaching before the warmth of his body
came against mine.
“Did you kiss them goodbye for me?” he asked again.
A smile grew on my lips as I finally gave in. Spinning around I looked up to face him.
Jonathan Salvador, President and Owner of S Corps.
And my self proclaimed suitor.
“They’re already smitten with you. They told me to send their love to Uncle Jon. There was
no need for a kiss.” I said, rolling my eyes. He had been good to my children and i
“Not a problem,” he smiled cheekily, his handsome face and sculpted jawline transformed
into a cheeky expression as he leaned in.
“No offence to them but there's only one pair of lips I want you to kiss.” he wiggled his
eyebrows playfully making me laugh.
I never thought I would get tangled up in this kind of relationship, especially considering that
he was my boss. I was guarded at first when he took up an interest in me , but he spent his
time proving himself and respecting my boundaries. He was equally devoted to my children
which made it easier. It was only last year I had given in and accepted him yet we were still
taking it slow, limiting things to kisses and touches.
“Be serious Jon, what brought you here?” I asked. Despite dating, we still kept our
professional boundaries in the office and even though he toed the line with a sneaked kiss
here and there, he never came without a reason.
His face turned serious immediately, all teasing and humour gone. He let out a sigh, carding
through his jet black hair.
“I have to travel today for the deal I told you about. Turns out they need my personal
appearance there and I don't know when I'll be back.” he said.
My heart sank instantly. The deal he was talking about was several months in the making
and I knew how vital it was for the company, but it meant that he would be gone for
goodness knew how long.
“I need you to take a hold of things here for the time being.” He continued, smiling fondly,
“One of the major things is a merger with another company and I want to leave it to you.
You're the only one I trust to deal with it.”
I nodded without hesitation, reaching out to squeeze his hand
“I’ll hold the fort here boss. You do your thing.” I tried to joke even though.
Immediately his face lightened. He leaned in and gave me a small peck, caressing my cheek
before leaving.
In less than an hour all the necessary files were sent to me. While I sorted through them
Dave, his secretary, explained all the necessary details
“it was a large firm like our own, but it was struggling through structural and financial
problems. They reached out and agreed to the partnership.”
“And who's in charge of them?” I asked as I finally took the file I was searching for.
He said something, but my hearing had dulled as I traced through the letters. My blood
turned cold as I saw the name on the file.