17TH May
Beautiful morning with Hannah's favorite breakfast menu made by the person Hannah has always loved all the time. She will never miss breakfast, because according to her this is the source of her energy before working a full day. Moreover, her mother always cooked Hannah's favorite food at breakfast.
"Mother, I was thinking. Should we open a cafe too?" said Hannah suddenly. Irene, her mother, raised her eyebrows.
"Why do you suddenly think like that?" asked her mother.
"Well, I've experienced being a waitress well, so I can just help mom at home if I can." Hannah replied excitedly. "How?"
Irene smiled gently, grabbed the back of Hannah's hand, and grasped it. "Good idea. But, I think we have to wait, because currently we have only a little money." replied her mother.
Seeing her mother like that, Hannah returned her mother's grip, then smiled understandably.
"Of course, Mother. I understand. Besides, I can also save a little of my salary for our modal later. Take it easy." hannah smiles showing rows of teeth in a sweet way.
In Irene's heart, she cringed sadly seeing Hannah who was so excited without knowing that they had been in debt. The more you see Hannah who is always cheerful like this, the more it hurts for Irene every time she wants to explain to Hannah if they have to set aside money to pay off her debt which is piling up with high interest. However, seeing Hannah's cheerful smile could also be a medicine for Irene herself, remembering it seemed to be a cure for her sadness.
After breakfast, Hannah returned to her bedroom upstairs to get ready for work. She remembered that her bicycle had been left at her place of work so she decided to leave early by public transportation.
Before long, the door to the house opened. Irene turned to someone who opened the door and found Alex coming with a smile.
"Oh, alex? Good morning, son. You were here so early in the morning. What's wrong?" said Irene while giving a small kiss like her son.
"Good morning, aunty. Ah, actually Hannah doesn't know this yet, but I'm here to take her to work." replied Alex. Irene nodded in understanding.
"Hannah's getting ready now. Have you had breakfast? I can make hot soup for you." Irene offered Alex breakfast, then Alex responded with a gentle shake.
"No need, aunty. I've had breakfast at home. Thank you." she replied softly.
Hannah came down half running, then was surprised to find Alex who was chatting with her mother. "Alex?"
Alex turned to the source of the voice that had called him. "Hi!" exclaimed Alex greeting Hannah. "You didn't forget, did you, that your bicycle was still at your workplace yesterday?" Alex reminded.
"Of course not. That's why I'm leaving early on public transportation. Why are you here?"
Ignoring Hannah's question, Alex smiled good-bye to Irene and grabbed Hannah's hand. "We're going first, aunty. Come on!"
Justin wouldn't have wanted to spend time outside the office if Dennis hadn't come all the way from America just to take him out to lunch at a cafe. Justin just ordered a cup of hot coffee which he likes as usual.
Justin looked at Dennis who looked voraciously eating his lunch.
"Looks like, you really don't have anything else to do?" Justin folded his arms across his chest.
Without turning around, Dennis replied, "No. I have a lot of work and it makes me very tired. I want to spend as much time here as possible before I return to America." pausing, Dennis turned to Justin. "You never feel tired, do you?" he asked.
Jutsin only shrugged his shoulders. Dennis was stunned by Justin's reaction. "You could be an acute workaholic, you know."
The doors to the cafe opened, and as usual, Alex walked in at a relaxed pace. Veronica, who almost accidentally ran into Alex, just smiled awkwardly and left immediately, about to tell Hannah that Alex had arrived.
Jutsin turned his attention to several employees who were seen still pacing orders. Then, his gaze fell on a man who looked very friendly with all the employees here, seen from the employees who continued to smile and greet him, as well as that man. Then, a female employee approached the man and sat right next to him so Justin could see her face. Instantly, Justin frowned.
That girl again.
Justin's frown deepened, and his silence made Dennis look up. Seeing Justin staring in another direction, made Dennis see where the man was looking.
"Oh? Isn't that the CEO of the Hamilton Group?" said Dennis, when he saw Alex.
Justin turned to Dennis. "Who?"
Dennis turned back and faced Justin, pointing a finger back, pointing at Alex. "That man. Alex Hamilton." Dennis paused, felt something strange, then turned around to look at Alex again. "Wait, he looks very familiar with the clerk. Are they--"
Before Dennis could reveal his awkwardness, Justin had already interrupted him by flicking Dennis's temples, causing the man to complain in pain.
"Don't get into other people's business, Dennis. Quickly finish your meal." said Dennis.
According to Justin, Dennis returned to eat his meal, while Justin turned his attention back to the girl employee whom he had been seeing lately, along with the man named Alex. The girl seemed familiar with him. Showing a cheerful smile as if he was not aware of the crowd in the cafe and suddenly, Justin felt that this cafe was no longer crowded, as if the laughter of the girl had filled the whole room.
"Tonight we go to the club, right?" Dennis interrupts, causing Justin to turn back to Dennis.
"Hm, of course."