“Now girls, by the end of today, you both need to be sparkling and spotless, before I get into our body maintenance, we need to go over certain things- Penelope, can I have your attention please” Ma says irritation evident in her tone, this is going to be a very long day. “Why of course Mistress Joanne” Penny says with a sly smile. “It’s Mistress Joaquin to you, Penelope Jasmine Ambrose,” she says trying but failing miserably to keep calm. “Yeah, whatever,” Penny says dismissively. “Vas a ser mi Muerte!” “Okay calm down Ma, nobody is dying, what certain things did you want us to go over Ma?” I am trying to calm the situation. “Bless you, good child, your sister wants me dead Elijah, anyways Roseanne, Penelope, what do you do when a man hits you” “Oh I know this one, you kneel him in the balls,” Penny says, we share a look and laugh. Ma shakes her head but there’s no mistaking the little smile she’s trying to hide. “I know the other mistresses won’t approve of what I teach you girls but I don’t want you stepping out into a world where you have no experience and met all these men walking all over you because they call the shots. Rose, Penny, when you get out of here, run, any chance you get run the hell away from here and these men, some of them don’t just buy girls to satisfy their needs, some of them kill women, young girls, they’re murderers, they’re evil, Dios, so evil…” “but ma…” “you listen to me Penny, they’ll try to break you, to make you forget who you are but don’t let them see you break, don’t let them have the satisfaction that they’ve eaten you alive,” she say with tears hanging in her eyes, what have they done to her, oh my God.
This afternoon was eventful, Ma cried and held us to her chest, I knew she always loved Penny just as much, Penny challenged her and she secretly Ignored that, I know. Penny and I are both having a wonderful spa session now, the beauty of being auctioned is the fact that we get uninterrupted spa sessions. I let out a sigh of relief, I’ve needed this. “Are you ever going to tell her?” Penny asks, “Tell who what? Penelope” I say with a little laugh. “Ma, Joanne, and you know what.” She says, “No Penny I won’t, will you tell her?” “No I won’t Anne, it’s not my story to tell, Dios Anne, what if things get worse for you out there, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself, I mean I couldn’t do anything, I’m so useless to you Anne, I wish I could be better for you” her voice breaking at the end. “You’ve done plenty Penny, if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t even be here now, you’re my sister Penny and I wouldn’t have made it past everything without you. I love you” I say my body now facing hers as steam clouds my vision but those piercing blue eyes, I can never mistake. “I love you too Anne” she smiles. “I mean I would’ve hugged you but we’re naked,” she says. “Say less” I cringed then laughed. “Well well, if it isn’t our very own Penny and Anne,” Betty says as she walks in with a towel wrapped around her slender figure and her minions, Ella and Sammy “Look what the cat dragged in,” Penny says causing me to giggle. “Oh shut it Penelope, you think we don’t know about your obsession with Anne. “Oh yeah, you think we all don’t know about your obsession with Mistress Harper,” Penny says with a drawl, Sammy and Ella gasp, some of the girls were already walking in when they heard Penny’s remark, the gasps, giggles, and whispers were too much. “The American mistress, no wonder she wanted to be groomed by her, now we all know what kind of grooming was happening” “I saw her sneak out of the mistress’s room the other day” “Oh dear, Betty’s been used already” “She’s not fit to be auctioned” “What will her buyer say” The whispers were getting a little too much even for Penny, Betty’s face was already red from anger and frustration, “let’s get out of here before she kicks us In the face Anne” Penny giggled and we sneak out under the cover of the steam.
Once out we laughed, “You didn’t see her face when Dali said she saw her sneak out of the mistress’s room late at night”. Penny says screeching.” it’s getting late, let’s go get our facials, wax, and get our bodies massaged then I’ll sneak up to your room and then we can spend our last day together” I sigh dreamingly, “Penny, what if we don’t make it far enough and we get killed,” I ask. “Shhh, be quiet Anne, I don’t want us to be exposed”
After getting our bodies massaged and ready to be handed out on a silver platter, we had our fingers and toes done, we looked ready to be placed in a showroom.
Later that night, I snuck into Penny’s bedroom, it is just down the hall from mine. The girls here aren’t allowed to have a roommate, the mistresses say it breeds stubbornness and disobedience because of the last riot. Only younger girls from the age of 10 and below have roommates, the older you get the more you understand that this place isn’t as it seems. I was 7 the first time I was locked in the basement for a week, Mistress Amy thought it best to teach me a lesson because I was in the library during sleeping hours, I was found unconscious and dehydrated when I was 12, that’s when they started with the pills and needles, I hate needles. I was injected with a funny-looking liquid next I knew I blacked. When I woke up I was in a pool of blood and it was Penny who found me, she had just been brought into the system and was wondering about me.