Jennie Wilson POV
" I'll be back" Rose said. I nodded at sat on the chair. A person form little far away rotated his stool towards me. I froze. Vincent!
He is still in the bar! Woah! You look drunk! How much he drank!?
He was looking at me and started drinking again without taking his eyes of me like he was challenging me.
What do you think? I will stop you from drinking? Huh drink how much ever you want. Damage your kidneys, liver, etc etc I don't care. Drink the whole bottle...or the whole bar..or drink the whole Nile River but I will not give a shit.
Suddenly a beautiful Asian girl started coming towards me and sat beside me, driving my attention to her.
" Hi my name is Jisoo" she gave a 100 megawatt smile. She was so beautiful, black hair, perfect skin, she was so flawless. I was stars trucked by her beauty. I nodded and smiled at her.
" Hi, I am Jennie"
" I know..." She knows me!? How come I don't know her....did I miss something...don't tell me she is another classmate of mine...
She noticed my curiosity " I am Aaron's girlfriend.." Who's Aaron?
Then suddenly a person came towards us....hey it's the guy I met him in the cafe...the the Hunsberg short Vincent's friend.
Well he was tall maybe 6'2...why everyone is tall in his group...
He was so handsome, but he looked not so rude boy...he was giving a good boy vibes.... unlike Vincent and Blake. He gave a genuine smile at me.
"Hi I am probably have seen me.." I nodded shyly.
Rose came towards us and said " Bro can you drop Jennie too, she is not feeling well"
" What happened!? Are you alright!?" He asked concern lasing his voice.
" Nothing much, I feel little tired that's all, I am not used to these kind of atmosphere " I said nervously.
"It's ok dear, we will drop you! Anyway we were about to leave" Jisoo smiled at me, pating my back. I hugged Rose and we left the place.
Jen! Jennie!........
I could hear someone calling me in the background.
Why is she shouting?
"Damn Jennie! Wake up!" I could hear her voice clearly now.
Wait? Wake up?? I am sleeping?....
I opened my eyes little to see Harper standing in front of me with both of her hands on her waist.
" Now get up and be ready" she huffed and walked away.
Shit! Was I dreaming!? I dreamt about him..??
I looked at my arms and my back to see the marks he gave me but there was none.
Umm... I think it was a dream....but what is the day today?
I stretched my hands towards my mobile phone and looked at the screen.
Oh it's Monday! This means...last night was was not a was real..
My eyes went to the time on the screen...shit! It's already 8 am... I will be late to the class!!
I hurriedly went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and came out. I went to the kitchen to see Harper has finished eating.
" See you Jennie at the college" She said washing her hands.
"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I asked frustrated.
"Are you serious Miss Jennie Wilson?" She said raising her eyebrows. "You were sleeping like you were half dead, I was waking you up from the time I woke up. Now I'll be late. Bye"
"Where's Rose!?"
" She didn't come back, she stayed with her brother last night, bye come fast ok...I will be in college"
I took my dress out and went to the shower.
After getting ready I was going towards the door but mom's voice started ringing in my ear.
'You should always have something in the breakfast before you go out or else your stomach will roar all the day'
I ate what Harper left in the kitchen and it was already 8: 45 am.
I call the cab and praying in my mind.... please please please God! I don't want to be late in Mrs. Williams class. She will roast me if I get late.
The cab stopped at the gate and I hurried after giving the fare.
8:56.... I entered the college
8: 58 I reached my department...and started running towards my classroom.
" May... I come in mam" I huffed, I was going out of breath, because I was running all the way like Usain Bolt.
Mrs. Williams gave me a death glare.
" What time is it....are you out of your mind.. what's your excuse kid"
"" but she let me in after giving me multiple stares.
Everybody was staring at me now... I hated attention. I hurriedly went towards Harper to sit. Someone tapped me from behind.
"Hey..." I turned and looked at him. Hayden! I smiled at him and turned front. I was nervous, he was looking so hot and handsome of course.
After 4 classes we had lunch break. Finally!! We settled in our college canteen.
" Uh....this biochemistry sucks so doesn't go on my mind" Rose whined.
" Why were you dancing with Blake!?" I was dying to ask this question to Harper from the last night.
" Oh he, he is a nice guy after all, he apologized me and said he didn't mean anything at all, he asked me for a sweet of him..."
" He apologized me so sincerely, I couldn't say no, besides you always say whoever forgives a person's mistake and give them a chance, have a big and kind heart. So....I have a big heart." She grinned widely.
"That's my girl " Rose hugged her.
" Blake is in industrial engineering, even other boys too...well I kind of admit he's hot" Harper smiled at her words. Harper and her theory. I sighed.
Suddenly my eyes went to a group of people. It's them....everyone was present... Vincent, Blake , Aaron, Emma, Jisoo, Xavier. They were searching for a place to sit.
Oh God ! Why are they here....I hid my face with my hands and peeped through the gap between my fingers.
They finally moved to go sit down somewhere, but my relief was short-lived because of all the booths in this diner, they sat in one next to ours.
I willed myself to look at Vincent and almost groaned in displeasure when I saw he sat facing me, but then I met his eyes, and I felt a jolt down on my stomach.
His gaze was unblinking, his face serious, my chest ached with unspoken feelings, which came from a twisted place that dismissed the fact that he was abusive towards me all the time.
I lowered my head and imagined throwing the rest of my cheeseburger in his face, once more trying to hide behind my hair, but I knew it was useless. I could never hide from him.
" Hey Rose! " Emma shouted from there. Shit! Can't they leave us alone..
Rose turned and looked at their direction. " Emma, you all are here!!"
I felt everybody's gaze on me. My cheeks burned as I bit my cheeseburger again, so subconscious of myself that eating became a torture. I didn't feel any taste as I chewed, looking at the random photos in my Instagram feed so I wouldn't have to look at him.
" Hey what's up everyone" Xavier said after the waitress took their orders, turning around, and slapped Rose on her shoulder in what seemed to be friendly gesture.
" Tonight's race is going to be fun" I heard Emma say.
" Not so fun because they are piece of cake. It will be a easy victory for Blake and Vincent" Xavier added.
" a real race!!?... I wanted to see it once in my life." Harper said excitedly.
"Well are invited to see it" Blake smiled at her.
" Yay...." Harper chirped . She was asking so many questions like a amused kid and Blake!? He was so calm and answering her every question. Woah I never saw that side of him.
" Vincent is the ace of the game, the skill and strength of him and Blake, this is going to be a easy victory for them" Emma said as if it was the fact.
" Like always" Blake said in his deep voice.
" Don't sound too smug, bro. I heard some rumours about some guy who's supposedly unbeatable. They are saying he'll be racing at the track soon." Rose said.
" Let him come. I'll show him how it's done." Vincent talked big, and before I could stop myself, I pull my gaze from my screen to look at Vincent.
My throat closed up because he was already looking at me, his fiery gaze making me feel like there was no one else in the diner for him but me. It didn't make sense. If he hated me so much, he shouldn't be paying attention to me. He shouldn't be looking at me like that.
"So you are coming right!?" Emma said looking at me.
" Huh! Me!? No no....I am not into such things.... I am not coming" I shuttered.
" Oh come on it's going to be fun" Jisoo pouted.
" Sorry but I can't come....I have to study and I have some work to do"
" Ha! Nerd, can't even enjoy her life" Harper cooed. I gave her a death glare.
" I think we should get going, lunch time is over ..." I said nervously.
" Okay meet you at the race then...bye bye " Rose said getting up from there. We were off to our class.
After all the classes......
" You peoples should get going I will catch up.... I need to ask some doubt to Mrs Williams.." I made an excuse... I wanted to spend time alone.
" Okay....see you soon..." Rose said and she went off with Harper.
I went to the terrace, where there were no people, you could see whole Hunsberg University. The wind was flowing smoothly. I relaxed, leaving my hand in the air. Then suddenly I heard a voice.
" Hey....."
I jolted when I heard a sound....a guy voice! I turned to look who he was.
"Uh....hi....Hayden" oh God why is he here!?....
He started coming towards me, my heart was beating crazily. He smiled at me. God! He is so charming...
" What are you doing here...!?"
" Umm.... relaxing I guess..."
" Yeah... you have microbiology notes...I mean...of previous class.." he said ruffling his hair. He looked cute when his hair was messed up. I bet he was cute!!!
"Yeah sure, wait a sec" I opened my bag and searched the microbiology notes and gave it him shyly, because his gaze was on me...and my heart was beating crazily.
God! What has happened to you !
" Uh thanks...." Then there was a pin drop silence. It lasted for 1 sec...2...3..4..
" Uh....Are you and Vincent together....I he your.... boyfriend!?" He stammered, still looking at me without blinking.
" I am not his girlfriend" I laughed nervously.
" Then at the party...?"
" Oh it's friend knows him that's it..we are nothing.."
" Uff... that's a relief..." Hayden relaxed, his lips curved to a smile.
" Excuse me..!?" I asked him confused and amused by his words. Suddenly he came closer to me. I was feeling uncomfortable now.
" Well you know fresher's party is about to I want you to be my date.." he whispered it into my ears in his deep husky voice. I almost shivered.
Did I hear it right....!???
He is asking me to out I mean as a date..?? Well nobody asked me that..... before...I was blushing now.
" Why me... there are so many girls in our college..."I asked shyly.
"Uh ....I friends are already paired, I have no one else... and they are forcing come in pair... I have no choice...they don't understand... you see they are stubborn..... besides you are beautiful and worth it... I can proudly take you as my date"
" It will be my honour, if a beautiful lady like you be my date" he bowed making it the situation dramatic. I was blushing hard now. No guy treated me like this before. And there's Vincent....that jerk. He should learn from Hayden...
"Umm....ok...I will be...your fresher’s party.." I said nervously and blushing heavily.
" So it's a Yes!? You will be my date..?" He was excited and his face lit up.
"Um...yeah...I will be your in the FRESHER'S PARTY" I exaggerated the last words, I didn't want him to be mistaken.... thinking..
Mistaken for what huh!?
For accepting to be his girlfriend?
You want that right Jen!
What no!
Come on he is handsome....a nice gentleman...what do you need...
No! I have to stay single...don't forget why you came to Hunsberg University...just shut up and complete your's for your own good...
You shouldn't waste on these is not made for you's only for rich people... you can't afford love...not at least at this period of time...
Suudenly I came out of my thoughts when he grinned widely, I guess he was happy...he is so cute and charming..
" Well you didn't finish our dance last let's dance" suddenly he snaked his hands around my waist and turned me round and round.
I giggled by his actions. We were moving, without any music, laughing....humming the song. He made me feel mind was free now...enjoying the moment.
" You know about the race...happening on the west side of the city..?"
"Yeah I know Rose told me, isn't it illegal..?" I asked amused.
" Yeah it is, but most of the cool stuffs are illegal. It's a big match everybody from different colleges, from all around the city, come to race." he said facing me.
"Will you join me, I mean I am participating the race for the first time... I would be happy if you come to cheer me up" He rubbed his hand on his neck nervously. Why is he so cute!??
" I'm sorry but I can't come, I have some work to do "
" Ah.... please...'s my first see I turned 18 and now I can participate in this match...can't you come at least as my friend" he showed his puppy eyes and whining like a baby. Why is he so cute....stop it......
" No are coming and that's final" he grabbed my arms and started dragging me out of the terrace.
" Nope I am not listening..."
" Slow down atleast...."
He made me climb his car, and we were off to West side of city. He headed down a long ground path way in the woods that let us deeper and deeper into encompassing dark.
After 10 minutes of rocky ride on a bumpy road, the forest gave way to a clearance filled with parked cars. In the distance, the crowds of people stood by what I assumed was a track, which ran around a farm. We got out of the car, we were greeted by icy cold air...I could see sun was setting slowly..
"Woah......" I shivered but it wasn't only because of the temperature. I took in the people surrounding us, adrenaline pumping through me.
They looked like the kind of people I would never willingly associate myself with. Most of them were dressed fully in black and wearing winter leather jackets, looking like they could crush me with their fingers if they wanted to.
Most of them were much older than us, menace carved into their faces. I double checked if my phone was in my pocket, feeling as it if was my only means of rescue if anything went wrong, and I followed Hayden, who headed to a nearby groups of guys.
He brought me closer towards him, snaking his one of his hand on my waist possessively, as if I would get lost in this place.
"Hey guys! Meet Jennie, the girl I talked about...." The whole group was looking at me and I blushed to the roots of my hair.
My eyes went to a tall guy, and to the guy next to him, another guy smoking a cigarette as he was leaning to a girl next to him, and another guy who was again...tall.
" Oh look here's our chocolate boy....with his girlfriend" the tall guy said out loud, pointing at Hayden.
" What no...she is not...she is just a friend" Hayden blushed and I was turning into a tomato. He started introducing me to them one by one.
"Let me show you everything around here, I know it's your first time watching a race..." Hayden smiled at me, and excused his friends.
There were few cars nearby, some people were getting ready for race...Hayden was explaining all the things in race... I was tensing because of the atmosphere created here...I had never came here before.
I was very nervous. I clutched one of my hand on Hayden's arm and other on his palm of same arm. He noticed I was getting nervous, so he gave a peck on my forehead reassuring that everything is fine...and he is there for me.
Suddenly I saw a red Dodge Challenger Hellcat pull up around fifty yards away from us. There were many group of girls flocking the car, half of them wearing black leather skirts and leather jackets that fit their perfectly proportioned bodies like a glove.
Two persons were coming out of that car, they started taking off their helmet and ran a hand through their messy hair. I froze.....and my eyes widened....
Blake and Vincent!??
Vincent was looking immensely attractive with is spiky dark hair with the sides shaved close and black clothes that added to his appeal. That made him look like he came right out of a movie.
Was he this handsome all the time!?
I never noticed this before....
how could you...the every moment I shared with him was scary... I can't gawk at somebody while having a panic attack...he always made me feel like he would love to kill me anytime.
Then suddenly his eyes landed on me. His face twisted in raw pain, and his eyes flashed with liquid anger. My skin started tingling with stranger awareness, I always reacted this way whenever Vincent was around me, it was out of pure fear. Vincent's eyes were liquid fire as he watched me, stripping me of everything.
His eyes travelled through my face to my arm!? Shit!
I forgot I was still clutching my hands on Hayden's arms. I hurriedly left his arm nervously.
Why am I so nervous...!? Why did you leave Hayden's arm..!? Are you afraid of Vincent!?
No I am not....yes you
" Here see this...the green's really cool and.." Hayden turned me towards the right side of my view pulling me by my waist.
Hayden was lost in his own world and he was explaining me continuously unaware of the situation. In the corner of my eye, I saw Vincent and Blake coming in our direction, and I grew very still, my breath stuck in my throat.
"Please don't stop. Just go somewhere far, far away"
They were just few feet away from us, I tried my hardest to ignore them...
" You see I am nervous it's my first race.... I really want to win it. I am so excited...." Hadyen looked at me with excited face.
" Don't will—"
"Hey kid!" Blake interrupted us. Hayden and I recoiled in shock. Hayden suddenly removed his hand from my waist.