Jennie POV
My brain was reeling out. I didn't turn back. Please let it not be him again....
I increased my speed of walking. I walked at the brisk place reaching my little apartment in a matter of minutes.
I felt a relief when I heard the familiar click of the lock opening and pushed open the door into my warm apartment.
I set my bag on the stand at the side slipping off my boots and coat, hanging up my coat on the coat rank. I jerked when I someone called me.
" You're back Jennie!" mom squealed.
" Oh my God! Mom you scared me...and why are you still awake.." I said keeping my hand on my chest.
" Well I had some work to do" she said lifting a heavy box.
" Mom, how many times I have warned you not to lift heavy things. It's not good for your health" I sighed taking the box from her.
" Oh dear, can't I do little expect me to sit idle.!?" She pouted.
"Exactly! My mom is precious to me" I gave a peck on her cheek.
" Did you eat? Did you take medicines?"
"Yes dear , your father took care all of it." She said smiling widely.
"Good night ma" I said hugging her.
" Good night sweetie." Mom pecked my forehead and went off to her room.
I walked towards my room eager just to sink into the warmth and comfort of my bed after that terrifying walk.
Was it him or it's my hallucination..? It's been 2 week since he attacked me!? Why do you care anyway? Forget it and move ahead in life..
Next morning..
"Jennie.....oh Jennieya....." Harper screamed from outside.
" I'm coming down now, please don't call my name again" I yell as I walk downstairs.
Mom was serving breakfast to dad and Harper was sitting on a couch.
" Hey college girl" Harper smiles a bright, perfectly lined smile while standing to pull me into a tight hug. I hugged her giving same bright smile to her.
" Aunty... I have a favor to ask! " Harper chirped.
" Go on dear, we are listening..." Mom said.
" Well it's like this.......we have a friend who is offering us to stay in her house, you see we cannot make up and down from college to house and vice versa. It will be hectic, so I am telling her to move in with me" she said in one breath.
" Mom I cannot live without you all " I pouted.
" Oh come on, kindergarten's not like they going to eat you up there" Harper teased me.
"Aunty please.....please make her agree, it's for her own good" Harper whined.
" Dear I think Harper is right...3 hrs will be very total 6 hrs for coming and going. Besides here environment is not suitable for studying dear.... maybe that's better" Mom said.
" But mom...."
" Oh come on Jennie dear.... I am there with your mother, nothing going to happen to us. We just want you to have a good future and a comfortable life" Dad grinned. I hugged dad and mom tears escaping from my eyes. Harper was silently, carefully wiping her eyes watching our family bond. I separated from them and I faced Harper.
" Yes I'm coming..." I said giving a bright smile to her.
"Yay.... finally" she hugged me and started jumping like a kid.
Next day....
" I just can't believe you are in college! My only daughter, a college student, living on her own. I just can't believe it" Mom whines and wipes her teary eyes.
" Ma..... don't cry, this is why I don't want to leave you" I whined.
" Don't worry about her dear, just pack your things" Dad gave a pat on my back.
" Okay sweetie, I am baking cupcakes so you could take them with you, chocolate! your favorite" Mom winked and I giggled.
" Thanks Mom, You are the best!" I kissed her cheek gently, mom and dad walked out of my room as I continued to pack my things.
After I filled 2 luggages, 3 small travel bags, and my backpack, I skipped my way down the stairs. My parents were giving me a nice farewell. I heard a car honking sound. It must be Harper!
Dad brought all the luggages down and dragged it towards the car. I hugged mom and dad And then we were off to the Rose house. My eyes widened when I saw Rose house.
Rose was waiting outside for our arrival.
" Oh my God! This is your house!!" Harper gawked at the house.
"It's nothing much...haha, let's go inside folks" Rose said cheerfully.
" See I don't want to live alone here in this big house, I told Dad to buy a simple house but he bought this for me, I don't want to be a third wheel in my cousin's house since he has a girlfriend, so I decided to live here." Rose said cheerfully.
" where is our room!?" Harper said excited.
" There is no ours, everybody gets each a room" Rose laughed seeing our expression.
" Now that's why I love you" Harper chirped hugging Rose and jumping. I rolled my eyes by their behavior. These are kids literally!
Finally I was in the room in which I will be living. It was 3 times bigger than my previous room.
" So do you like it!? " Rose said raising her eyebrows.
" Like it? I love it Rose, thank you!" I hugged her.
" Oh it's nothing, I am glad you accepted to stay here! I'm soo happy" Rose hugged me tightly.
" Can I rest for a while, I feel tired " I pouted feeling tired.
" is all yours! " Rose bowed to me and left the room. Feeling exhausted I lay on the bed. I was feeling homesick. Everything was perfect here still I missed mom and dad. I have never lived alone before. Did I make a right decision coming here!?
After few minutes. I freshened up wore my pyjamas and I begin to unpack my bags. My clothes are neatly folded and stored in the big closet. I started arranging the things.
Suddenly Rose shouted " Jennie.....come down look who's here, come down I want to introduce you"
Introduce me!? It's must be her cousin and her girlfriend perhaps..
I ran down the stairs. There were many people maybe around 5-6 people, but only Xavier was facing me. Rosé pulled me towards her and screamed " look who's here everyone"
Everybody's attention was now towards me. I froze. God! It's's him....the guy who attacked me in the cafe!
My knees went weak, but Rosé was holding me tightly as if I was going to evaporate. I spotted him....the maniac.
My breath hitched in my throat, my heart started racing. He was directly looking into me.
I gripped Rose hand in my hand growing insecure under his stare. Even with the distance separating us I could clearly see those cold, cold eyes tracing my part of body and I felt naked. I felt like he was stripping me, leaving nothing but heat and insecurity. He was looking me like I was his prey. His eyes were filled with pure hatred towards me.
It was constantly ringing on my mind. Each and every scene of that night was repeating on my mind. My gaze averted to a girl who started approaching me...the girl whom I met in cafe at that night.
" Hi Jennie..I am Xavier's girlfriend Emma" she raised her hand for handshake. My heart was hammering my chest. My mind was going blank. I started stepping back pushing the hold of Rose.
" You.... " I started stepping back.
" Listen Jennie, I am sorry about the attack that happened on you at the cafe. It was a mistake, please give me a chance to explain" Emma started taking larger steps towards me. Then somebody shouted from behind me.
" You what!? You got attacked in the cafe!!!" Harper screamed almost getting everyone's attention.
" When, how, you didn't tell me you little twerp" she pulled me towards her almost screaming on my face.
" Please, give them one second, let them talk, they are having a important conversation" Rose reached towards us and clamped Harper's mouth.
" What want.." I shuttered not looking at the maniac and his friends, just staring the marble floor. I was panicking. My breath was becoming uneven.
" Please calm down for a second, please someone give her a glass of water." Emma shouted.
" No please leave me alone, why are you here!?" I started panicking.
" Please take Vincent outside, she is panicking seeing him" Emma ordered the boys out there. Xavier and another guy left with that maniac.
" Now please calm down, let me explain it to you." Emma said in calm tone. A tall boy maybe of 6'2 was standing beside her. They made me sit on the chair. We were all sitting on the dining room, across the dining table.
" We need your help Jennie, it's severe, I know it was wrong to approach you like what happened that night, we didn't know he would be there" Emma said concern lacing her voice.
" Let me tell you something....please listen carefully, you need to know everything " Emma said in dead serious tone.
" Vincent is suffering from cyclothymia disorder. It's basically a mood disorder that causes depression and mood swings. People with cyclothymia can typically function in daily life, although it may be difficult."
"In some people, traumatic events or experiences may act as a trigger for this condition, and Vincent became the prey. He started developing this disorder because he was betrayed by his ex lover. Her name is Eva Smith, Blake show her the photo" Emma ordered. Blake came towards me and handed me the photo.
No way.....she just looks like me, same face, same hair, same's like cut copy paste.
Well she was a rock version of me. She was so stylist, her personality was dead opposite of me. Here I was a simple girl with no style, no makeup, all bland looking.
Suddenly Emma cut me off " she's the one that Vincent loves"
" So he mistook me as his Eva" I said amusedly.
" Exactly, that's the point, he was so smitten by her. They started dating when they were in 5th grade. She was another powerful businessman's daughter and she always visited Vincent's house. Now that's where he fell for her trap. They started dating each other. Everything went so fast. He danced according to her tune. He was addicted to her. I don't know what black magic she pulled upon him.
His laptop, PC, iPad, were full of her videos and photos. Let's say he was crazy in love. Everything was going on ease. Vincent was the most popular guy, and every girl dreamed of him.
He was perfect in everything sports, looks, studying, his social status. He was the top student in our school.
His relationship started getting sore when a new transferred boy entered our school Jake Kinley. He was a new competition to Vincent. He was the son of Vincent's father enemy, another tycoon in the world.
Vincent became the school football team captain. So Vincent and Eva didn't get much time for each other. Vincent somehow managed to spend time with her. But she started acting weird. Vincent started loosing many positions, because he daily fought with Eva.
She always got irritated by him eventually. His emotions started to get unstable. Jake Kinley was taking his all positions from sports to his girlfriend.
He heard many rumours that Eva was going out with Jake Kinley, but he was so blindly in love with her, he never accepted it.
Until one day, she was caught making out with Jake. He was way beyond shock. His mind wasn't accepting that she betrayed him. He craved for her, he was addicted to her.
He begged her to come back to him, but that b*tch never came back. She insulted him in front of everyone and accused him being a psychopath, abuser. He was begging her, crying for her....hoping she would come back to him, but it never happened. Slowly he was going into depression. Everybody was talking about him, about them, it was making him more depressed, he started developing several mood swings.
Eva and her new boyfriend left the country after they finished senior high school, because Vincent was going wild, he was going insane without her.
He was admitted to hospital for several months. There is no cure for cyclothymia, but there are treatments that will help you manage your symptoms.
Doctor tried to treat him but Vincent never let them. Doctor said until and unless he lets himself to heal nobody can help him much.
Vincent was very stubborn, but never let anyone to cure him. He fixed his mind only Eva could cure him.
The medicines helped him only for short duration of time. He was getting restless, he daily cried for her.
We begged Eva to come back but she was a gold digger, she only loved his status and fame."
Emma's eyes were filled with tears. I and Lisa were shocked listening to his story.
" Please only you can help him, we are not asking you to be his girlfriend, but if you stay around him, maybe he might feel better, there maybe a chance of overcoming the depression. It will only happen on your presence. If we let him be, cyclothymia can increase the risk of developing bipolar disorder." Emma clasped her both hands together, tears flowing through her eyes.
" Only you can make him stable Jennie. If he be around you, we can lessen his disorder. Please I beg you, please help us."
" In short you are saying that my best friend should babysit a psychopath, a depressed guy" Harper said anger lacing her voice.
We flinched when Blake stood up angrily making a thud sound, by hitting the table.
" Listen you little piece of meat...don't f*** with me, mind your language " Blake spoke angrily at Harper.
" Oh yeah, you might think this is useless , but my bestie's life is precious. I can't let her risk her life for that maniac, he has already attacked my best friend in the cafe what else we have to wait for" she snarled angrily at him.
" Why you...." Blake was saying I interrupted him.
" Harper calm down, look mam I am sorry but I can't help you...we are students here, we have worked hard to reach here. Please leave us alone to live peacefully. We don't want any trouble"
" How much money do you want!?" Blake raised his voice.
" Excuse me " I said confused and angry.
" Just speak up, how much money you want to pull this act, I know you low class people want money, you go up to any extent for money" Blake spat the words like fire.
" What did you just say, we don't give a f*** to your money, who wants your money, how dare you talk about her like that, you spoiled rich brat" Harper spat the words on his face.
" Guys stop it" Harper said pulling Blake to a side.
" I knew it, I told you Emma this is useless, turns out she is same as that b*tch, gold digger, heartless, after all she carries the same f***ing face of hers, even her personality matches" Blake kicked the chair furiously making it to fall.
"Oh don't you talk about her personality, she is the most beautiful from inside as well as outside, we down need your opinion" Harper spat at him pulling me behind her.
" F*** you! Let's get going Emma there is no hope from this b*tches. " Blake dragged Emma out of the hall.
" Please reconsider your decision, we need your help" Emma shouted while Blake was dragging her outside.
"You were the one who set up all this " Harper barked pointing at Rose.
" No wonder why you were asking us to stay, showing all of a sudden concern. I should have seen it coming. " Harper said flashing her angry eyes on Rose.
" You people think we are cheap just because we are poor, because we don't match your status. Is is our fault we are born in poor family. We do have a heart and we have a right to live too, make decisions, you people think you can buy everything by money "
Harper started breaking down. I caressed her back crying.
" I should have let you stay in your house, it was my mistake. What will I say to your mom and dad if anything happens to you. They believe in me." Harper said sobbing.
" It's ok Harper , calm down everything's fine." I pat her back tears continuously flowing through my eyes.
" Let's get going from here, we shouldn't stay here" Harper wiped her tears and dragged me towards to her room.
Rose blocked us " please listen Harper , Jennie I am sorry, please forgive me. I didn't know the situation would turn out like this. But you are my true friends, please don't leave me. I admit it I was wrong....but please don't leave me alone here I promise it will never happen again" Rose started crying hard.
" Please think about your parents, your studies, you can't leave it like this, your parents have so much hope on you, please don't give them pressure for small small things. Besides it's 11pm. What will they think! I promise I won't repeat it again. It's ok if you don't want to help them, please don't break our friendship" Rosé begged holding our legs.
" Rose what are you doing, I pulled her up. We hugged each other.
" Blake is blunt but he is good by heart. Everyone are good. They didn't mean to be rude please I am sorry" Rose said in between sobbing.
" Please don't leave me alone in this house, I personally wanted you to stay here. I know what you people are. I always envied you people. Please don't misunderstand me"
"It's ok Rose....I am sorry I raised my voice at you" Harper hugged her.
We went off to sleep. Harper, Rose slept in my room, we hugged each other sleeping on the king-sized bed.