I ducked hearing a swoosh come at me and I turned smashing my fist into it a few times before I jumped back as it swung back towards me. I heard something swing at my feet the same time something came at my chest and took to jumping back again, which finished with me doing a pretty unplanned flip before I landed on a pipe and jumped off before I could slip. I landed ready to fight as I listened to pipes cling.
That was NOT part of the sequence I chose.
I cried out as something suddenly smashed into my knee. I dived forward before rolling on the ground and grabbing a pipe of my own, I didn't even have time to think before I heard another swoosh. I hit my pipe out and it met the other with a loud cling before I jabbed it forward, expecting them to jump back, which they did, I grabbed the other end of their pipe and used that to make them punch themselves in the face. I heard a grunt.
Yes, someone definitely interrupted my training sequence.
Without giving the guy time to recover, I threw both poles aside and ran forward before throwing my fist to his face, I jabbed him in the ribs a couple of times, not missing a beat so all he could do was block - or try to. I grabbed his head and pulled it down so I could kick my knee into his abdomen a few times before I let him go and heard him grunt as he hit the mat.
"Good job, Aria!" I pulled the blindfold off my eyes and turned to give Steve an annoyed glare as he clapped before I turned back to the guy, Tony, in front of me and helped him off the floor.
"Sorry." I gave Tony a guilty smile seeing him wipe the blood from his lip as I helped him to his feet. "You ruined my sequence." I glared at him.
"Element of surprise?" he gave a smile and I rolled my eyes and noticed Riley and Aaliah at the door.
Tony was one of the few people in our agency that was along my age, along with the two people at the door.
"Be happy, it's practice for your next assignment." Steve, who was my trainer, spoke.
"Assignment?" I jumped in excitement.
"Don't throw a party just yet." Riley said from across the room.
I raised my brows turning to look at him.
"Why? What is it?" I looked from Riley to Steve.
Our agency consisted of a lot of intensively trained agents. We were usually hired to help the government or some private organisations assassinate, protect or just track people... or clean up a mess other people made. I guess we did our jobs very well, and were unheard of.
"Well, it's not that bad, you're just hired to... protect the youngest son of some very important people." Steve said.
"Youngest son?" I asked as I took the folder from his hand. I opened it and ran my eyes over the name and picture before I snorted. "No. No." I shook my head handing the folder back to him.
"Aria, it's been assigned to you –” he was saying.
"And I'm denying it.” I stated. I was not going to fucking babysit an eighteen-year-old idiot that went around creating trouble for himself and was in the news more than the Kardashians were seen on social media. "Give it to someone else." I said.
"He's a prince; this family is one of our biggest clients, Aria. Right now, everyone else that looks like they're young enough to go to school are already on or assigned to assignments, you're the only one free for this. Look at it this way, it's like that unexpected holiday everyone always wants." He said.
"I don't want a holiday! And it's not. This guy gets into more trouble doing crap than Riley does at birthday parties – o offence." I glanced at Riley and he nodded. Last time someone had a birthday party, Riley set off a bomb that ruined their backyard pool. Mind you, he was not even allowed to touch demolition being a 2nd level agent. He was seriously penalised for that.
"None taken." He said.
"Look. I tried to fight you out of it, but it's already assigned. If you deny it, it's on your record meaning -" Steve was saying.
"I know what that means." I cut him off crossing my arms over my chest as I clenched my fist.
It meant postponing my 3rd level test for twelve months, meaning no bomb squad for me and no intense solo missions. I had the test in about two months.
"Fine." I muttered grabbing the folder.
I gave it a quick read through.
Maximilian William Hanover was the youngest of four sons to the King and Queen of Wallington. He was currently still in high school, 12th grade.
"Oh, yeah... uh... one more thing... He goes to a private school –” Steve was saying.
He was cut off my Riley, Tony and Aaliah's laughing. Great, this just keeps getting better.
"I'm assuming I have to go?" I muttered glaring at Steve.
"Yes." He said, "You've already been enrolled, Miss Jessica Parker." He said.
"Jessica." I muttered still annoyed by the assignment.
I had never gone to school, I was seventeen, but because of our program and my dad, I finished school at fourteen. I didn't need anything else, if I ever had to leave the agency, they would place me somewhere and I did not plan on leaving.
I let out a sigh.
"I'm going to get cleaned up." I muttered.
"You leave for Wallington tomorrow at 5 AM." Steve called from behind me as I walked into the locker room.
Great. Fucking babysitting. At least after my 3rd test I won't be sent on kiddie missions anymore. Right now though, I was going to be stuck doing this for the couple of months.
But I had grown up with Riley and his friends around me, I was forced to as we were all in the same code and were trained and tested together. I could handle a childish teenage boy. Parties and soccer games, right? That's all there was to it. Well, and keeping snipers away from him, but that was undoubtedly the easy part.