I sat beside Adrian at breakfast on Friday morning, the week had zoomed by. My morning training session was the same as yesterday, half training and half swimming with Adrian. It was nice; we didn't speak much, we just swam and had fun.
When Maximilian's friends saw the bruise on my face they went insane. It was funny; they had been throwing questions at me all day yesterday and they were bringing me things like I was very sick. It seemed to irritate Candice and some of the other girls at the table. I had gotten quite fond of Thandi though, she was actually dating Shayne. She was really nice.
"Where is Max?" The Queen asked because everyone had been eating for a while and her youngest son had yet to make an appearance.
"He is gone through his pre-big-match ritual." Adrian replied.
"Pre-big-match ritual?" I asked.
"This thing he does every time he has a big game. He completely isolates himself for an hour in the morning and focuses on getting his head in the game. He does it for ten minutes before the game as well." Edward answered.
Oh. I knew it was a big match, because the guys had been on about it all week. We were facing Brenson High School; apparently they were our second biggest rivals. Yesterday, the entire school was buzzing about it. I figured these kids either really loved the sport, or really loved the people playing it, either way it was made to be a big deal.
"Yes, when they win today, they have the final game for the championship next week." Adrian smiled proudly, in fact, all three brothers seemed proud.
I looked up as Maximilian walked into the room looking as calm as ever.
"Oh, waffles, nice –" he reached for a plate but Edgar shoved an apple into his hand. "Seriously?" he whined.
"Yes. Eat up." Edgar smiled at him.
Maximilian grumbled a few nasty words at his brother as he sat down and proceeded to eat two apples and a banana. I'm guessing no unhealthy foods on game day?
"So, Adrian, you are heading to Emily's?" The king spoke. Adrian nodded swallowing the food in his mouth with a little less smoothness than he had previously.
"But you said you were going to end the engagement." Edward said.
Oh... I had forgotten about that... He was engaged? Right.
"I changed my mind." Adrian didn't look up from his plate.
I felt my heart pound in my chest as a knot tied in my throat.
"But you do not –"
"Edward, stop." The Queen said.
"But it is not fair –" Edgar began.
"Enough." The King said.
Edward and Edgar simultaneously let out sighs of disbelief as they dropped their spoons. I saw the twins and Maximilian exchange glances before they all got up and began walking out.
"Come, Jessica." Maximilian said patting my shoulder lightly. I decided not to point out that I wasn't even half done eating as I nodded thanking the cook and attempted to get up but Adrian's hand on my wrist stopped me.
"Have a nice day." He smiled at me, I smiled back at him, "Smash them, Max!" he called not taking his eyes off my own.
"You are not coming?" Maximilian's head popped back into the dining room.
"Of course I am coming. You think I would miss a chance to see you embarrass Brenson in a semi-final?" Maximilian laughed grabbing my hand before pulling me out with him.
School flew by and before I knew it I was watching the match from the bench, but I could clearly spot Maximilian's brothers in the stands because they were surrounded by a bunch of agents I recognised by only their faces because they were all blending into the crowd wearing what everyone else was. Only the team was allowed on the bench, but since Maximilian was the coach's star, he got whatever he asked for while looking slightly sick. I was wearing black Adidas soccer pants because track pants were the only informal clothes I had, and a purple school t-shirt which was a few sizes too big for me, courtesy of Maximilian, but I tied it around my waist so it didn't look that bad.
I watched our team, dressed in black and purple while the other team was dressed in green and white. We were currently in the lead, four to none. Maximilian wasn't joking when he said they were going to embarrass Brenson High school. He had a hat trick for scoring three of the four goals, they had taught me about football yesterday.
There were a few minutes left and I heard the Brenson supporters visibly groan when Maximilian got the ball again. He dribbled past three Brenson defenders before he shot making the goalkeeper dive but instead the ball curved slightly the shot was finished by Jaime.
Jaime and Maximilian ran up to each other happily and the team all jumped on them. They got back to playing and were kicking the ball for a few seconds before the final whistle blew sending the crowd behind me into a massive uproar of excitement.
I watched as Maximilian shook some of the Brenson's players' hands and laughed with them before he disappeared into the changing rooms with the team. I got up only to have Thandi grab my arm.
"Let's go!" she shouted.
We were going to go the party at Jaime's house. I really didn't want to but apparently this was what the team did after they won – or lost. So Thandi was coming over to the palace so we could get ready, because Maximilian told get I needed a dress. A fucking dress...
"Just a minute." I said turning back to the changing rooms.
Maximilian came out and ran up to us, still dressed in his soccer clothing. "I will shower at home, let's go." He said.
A few minutes later we were back at the palace and I showed Thandi to my room as Maximilian was tackled by his brothers.
"Alright, I already took a shower, so you go while I finish up and then I'll fix you up." She said.
"Fix me up?" I asked uncertainly.
"Just go –" she shoved me, for someone with no training, she was quite strong.
I took a shower before I walked out of the bathroom in my pyjamas. She frowned at me and I laughed as she handed me a dress and told me to put it on. I headed back to the bathroom and put it on with some difficulty because one of the straps got caught around my ankle. When I was finally done I walked out without looking in the mirror. This was honestly the most uncomfortable thing that I had ever worn... What if I needed to fight? I needed pants...
"Sit –" Thandi shoved me into the seat by my dresser.
"Calm down!" I yelled.
She rolled her eyes and I took a moment to take in how pretty she was. Her braided hair was tied back into a neat high bun. She wore a white crop top with black tribal print on it and paired it with a flowing black high-waisted maxi-skirt. She wore black wedge heels. It would all suit the beach really well.
She began doing something to my hair and I just sat there bored for about half an hour before I pulled out my phone and did something I had been stopping myself from doing the whole day: I looked up Adrian and Emily.
The internet was flooded with news of their engagement, as school had been today after they had made the official announcement earlier. She wasn't a princess but she was the only daughter of one of the wealthiest man on this side of the planet. I clicked on a picture of her and Adrian together; he had his arm around her waist for a shot before they entered a press conference. She seemed tall; they were at eye-level with her in heels where I knew I would probably be just below his nose if I stood beside him in heels. Her hair was blonde and pinned back neatly in the picture and her makeup consisted of smoky eyes and nude lips. She looked great. He did too in the fitted black Armani suit he wore; I wondered how many he had, along with a white shirt and a red tie that matched her dress. I scowled at myself as I closed the application. I was here to protect Maximilian, not for Adrian. Not to like him and not to be jealous of his relationship.
Focus, Aria. You can't mess this up.
Thandi moved to my face and glared at me as I blinked while she was busy with my eyelashes.
"Sorry." I squeaked.
A few minutes later she finally moved away from me.
"Done! Put these on."
I groaned grabbing the weird sandals from her and putting them on. They came up just below my knees.
"Are these sandals or boots... Did someone have a hard time deciding what to make?" Her answer to my question was a sigh as she covered her face and shook her head.
"They're called gladiator sandals, Jess. How do you not know that?" I turned to look in the mirror and I gasped. She squealed. "You look like a girl!" she yelled.
"Hey!" I shoved her gently as she laughed. I looked back to the mirror, she was right. I wore a long-sleeved bohemian styled white dress – it came down to my mid-thigh – and brown gladiators. My hair fell down my back in waves and my makeup was natural and pretty much covered my bruises up.
I smiled as Thandi's arm slipped around my waist and she snapped a few pictures of us. "Let's go!" she grabbed her bag and began pulling me from the room.
"Um – wait –" I glanced at the closet all my weapons were in. "I'll meet you downstairs." I told her, she nodded smiling and left. I shut my door and searched for the smallest gun I had hoping it would somehow stay hidden beneath the dress; I added a knife and left my room.
I opened my room's door to leave but stopped as I almost collided with someone.
"Oh – sorry, I was just coming to see you." Adrian's voice came; I looked up and saw his eyes widen a little. I looked back down feeling my cheeks burn. "Wow... You look... really beautiful." His words only made it harder to breathe as my face heated more.
"T-thank you." I said. "You wanted to see me?" I added quickly to make the silence to away.
"Yes. I just... uh, never mind, it is not important." He shook his head before he walked away. I stared at his back confused for a few seconds before I made my way downstairs.
I stood in a crowded room watching Maximilian watch his friends play some alcoholic game in the dining area. I knew he had had a little himself but I wasn't going to tell on him. I was with Thandi and a few of the other girls that usually sat at our lunch table but I wasn't really paying attention. I was too busy trying to figure out why Maximilian found this fun... It smelt like sweat, alcohol, smoke and sea water, the music was making my head pound and people had to bump into each other just to walk by. I excused myself from the group and made my way to the kitchen still keeping an eye on Maximilian. I grabbed a bottle of water and went back to the living room but before I could go to the girls, a hand caught my wrist and turned me before pushing me against the wall. I had learnt to control my impulsive reactions.
"You look amazing." I looked up at Brandon. I smiled thanking him; I had heard it from a lot of people in the past few hours, including all of Maximilian's friends.
I felt his hand move to my waist as he leaned closer to me.
"You still owe me for that elbow." He said into my ear. I blushed embarrassed as he chuckled.
"I said sorry." I mumbled.
"No, I want a dance, but not here, it's too crowded. On the beach." He said, I glanced over at Maximilian, I couldn't leave in case someone decided to ruin this party looking for him.
"I can't, sorry. Maybe... some other time." I tried to walk away from him but he shoved me back against the wall roughly, his hand tightening on my waist as the other held my neck firmly.
"On the beach. Now." He said. I narrowed my eyes.
I lifted my arm and locked it around his wrist to get him to let go of me before I shoved him away forcefully. I was trying to make this as subtle as possible.
"Don't ever push me like that." I glared at him before I attempted to leave again by walking away but he grabbed my wrist so tight his fingers were digging into it making me wince. I clenched my fist edging towards hurting him.
"Or what?" he asked smirking. I didn't reply. "What, Jessica?" he shoved me back against the wall rougher than the first time.
I heard gasps as the sound of a fist to his face filled the room, but it wasn't mine. He fell back onto the floor and a kick to his stomach had him curled into foetal position.
I felt someone take my hand and looked at Maximilian shocked. Gabriel was the one that had kicked him, but Maximilian had hit him.
"Keep your fucking hands off my family." Maximilian hissed before he pulled me through the crowed.