The following morning, mom woke me up from sleep, and she was like, there's someone downstairs waiting for you.
Who comes to find someone this early in the morning, I have no friends and trust me, not even a boyfriend, so who coaxes to disturb my sleep.
I walked down with mom and the minute my eyes sighted the person mom had called me down for, my heart almost gave up.
Kabir is in my house and with my parents?.
I looked out the window and a police van was reported there, they were packed at my front and I am wondering, is he hear to arrest me, after all, I made sure his car goes on a food feast.
"Sir, can you please let me speak with your daughter, it's quite urgent"
He explains.
Dad rose from the sofa and left, mom turns around and followed.
Kabir waited for the doors to their room to be shut first before he latch out on me.
"How dare you sabotage my car, do you know how expensive that is and you think after committing such crimes, I won't find out?".
I'm guessing he knows already but how?.
No one saw me doing that and how come he learns that I am the one, least I forget, how the hell does he know my house.
"Listen to me sir, I have no idea what you're talking about, I did nothing and I'm innocent"
I sizzled looking absent.
"You're innocent, are we going to do this?".
He recollects my attention.
I nodded feeling confident, however every desire of acting innocent fell to the ground, the minute Kabir handed me a video playing on his phone.
Oh shit!.
I saw myself tinkering on his phone, the CCTV footage outside must have captured me caught in the act
"Sir, I can explain"
I passed his phone to him, he collects it and smirked.
How on earth will I get to explain myself.
"Miss Samantha, you need not try to lie again, and trust me, I won't be letting you go, since the police are here, you should go to jail".
Kabir strolled to the door, he takes a look at my face before proceeding to leave.
"Hold sir,"
I yelled, "please don't send me to jail, I'll do anything in return,".
I pinky promised him.
Kabir turned around and said, "are you sure, you're willing to do anything?"
I nodded and accepted all over again, Kabir shuts the front door and rides back to the path I was on.
"Will you do anything, Samantha?".
He asked again.
"Yes sir, anything please doesn't send me jail"
I accepted in a haste.
Kabir chuckled, he held a look that screams I am so enjoying this, and as much I wouldn't want to be under his control I have no clue how to save myself.
On the one hand, I lied to my parents about getting a job and on the other, Kabir wants to send me to prison.
I haven't gotten there for all my life and wouldn't think of doing so, and if accepting Kabir's request will save me
I don't see why not.
He called my name, I looked up and he added, "if you want to escape prison, I have a job proposal for you".
"What job sir,"
I answered.
"I want you to become my son's nanny and trust me, you have no choice but to say yes"
He exposed giving me no ultimatum.
On a scale of one to ten, how many thought that my peaceful life was about going into a state of turmoil.
I should take care of a child, no way.
Don't get wrong, but there is a difference between loving a kid and taking care of them.
Sometimes kids turn into a monster.
Well discovering how much I wouldn't wish to accept such a job proposal from him, what choice do I have?.
It's either I say no and risk going to jail or say yes and risk getting shouted by Kabir at every slightest opportunity.
"So, do you accept miss Samantha?"
He interrogated me for a final answer.
I hoisted my head and dangled them.
Kabir smiled and called for my parents.
Mom and dad came down and I had no flipping idea why he sent for them.
I stared at him and prayed he doesn't get me exposed even after I accepted his proposal, however, Kabir didn't do that.
He walked up to them and whispered something to their ears, I shifted a step closer trying to attain whatever they were talking about.
But he turns suddenly and winked at me.
What's happening?.
Mom and dad both sides thwarted me and I still don't comprehend what was happening?.
"Baby, sir Kabir just told us everything, why didn't you tell us,".
Dad tells.
"Yes dear, how can you keep such a huge information from your parents, I'm so disappointed"
Mom pours out right after dad.
Wait what exactly did Kabir tell them?.
I shifted back and Kabir was seated at the sofa surfing his phone, doing that his eyes wiggled and I could have sworn he made that just to irritate me.
What are my parents talking about, did Mr annoying tell them what I did or I'm I not understanding anything.
"Dad, what's going on, can you explain"...
I pulled away from them.
"What don't you understand dear," dad says, "did you forget that yesterday you got a job and didn't even tell you that you will be staying with your boss at his house,"
He added.
Staying with my boss.
"I still don't understand dad!"
I said again.
"What they are trying to say is that!"
Kabir joins in the discussion.
I paid close attention to him speaking, and he dares to tell my parents I would be working from his house since I am his assistant.
I'm quite thankful he didn't tell them I would be working as his son's nanny, so help me God he did do that, I would have gone all Jackie Chan on his ass.
Another thing to understand is that mom and dad accepted without any form of resistance.
Mom takes my hand and dragged me up to my room
"Go take your bath and I'll prepare your suitcase"
She says right after I was shoved into the bathroom.
I pulled my clothes and bathed, trust me I am still unable to understand what was going on and the reason behind it all.
Is working with Kabir going to be a tough nut to crack?
Is he going to be a good boss, which I'm quite doubtful of, will I be able to take care of his son?
Those aren't the only thing inside my head, I had so many questions I asked myself while taking my bath.
Afterward, I came out covering a towel, my clothes had already been picked by mom and don't forget my suitcase packed and ready to go
She walks in thereafter I got dressed.
"Baby, your boss said you should be fast okay, are you done?".
Mom asked standing at my back.
I turned around with my suitcase and nodded.
"Yes mom," I said.
She smiled and with both our hands attached, mom takes me down to meet dad and Kabir seated waiting.
Kabir gets up and scanned my outfit.
He smiled and left after thanking my parents, at least he seemed respectful towards elderly ones right.
I'll give him a 5/10 if I am rating him.
left with Kabir to his car packed outside, he sends his driver to park my suitcase inside the trunk, he takes it and right after he trunked them in, I was pushed in by Kabir with force.
He sat next to me after banging the car door's, I swerved and mom and dad both waved me
They had this look, that verified they were happy to see me go.
Kabir's driver drove off and I was stuck pointing out the fact I am leaving the comfort of my home and Into the lion's den, yes! Kabir isn't going to let me live in peace.
Subsequently some time riding, we finally came to an enormous villa, Kabir stepped out of the car, and I too did, just to have my jaw dropped by the massiveness of the house.
My bags were given to me by Kabir's driver, I smiled warmly and sauntered behind his royal highness, Kabir himself.
We got to the front door and a man pushed it open, he falls his head down and greeted Kabir in a different form.
"Salam Alaikum!".
The man said.
I watched like, what the fuck is saying, Kabir conceded and left me standing there.
I changed positions and scanned through when unawares he yelled.
I rewind my attention and saw Kabir giving a sign to the man that welcomed us.
He understood and asked me to come with him
I nodded and left without interrogating about where we were going.
The man took me to a room, he nudged the door open and I strolled in
I had just taken a step when Kabir shouted my name, I turned and so did the man.
He evacuated in hurry and I was there facing Kabir's infuriating glance at me.
"Sir, do you need anything?".
I invited.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do need something".
He reacted.
What does he want, it hasn't been an hour I came and he's behaving like a jerk, which of cause he is.
"Tell me, sir, what do you need?".
I gave an audience to his request.
Kabir pulled his phone out and showed me a photo of a young boy, by the looks, he might be his son.
"Do you know, who this is?"
He inquired of.
"Is he your son?".
I acknowledged unsure of my words
He nods and ordered me to go pick him up in school, I asked why I should accepting the fact I haven't met him before and Kabir was like, so! You should go pick up my son because I am ordering you.
Ugh, such audacity.
There was no way I was going to disobey, even though I wished to, I locked my bags inside my new room and walked away to pick up Kabir's son
I stepped out of the house and Kabir's driver volunteered to take me to his school, I thanked him and we both left together.
It was a minute drive, I got down from the car and I walked into the school premises heading to the administrator's office.
Trust me, I had no idea where it was but something pushed me to keep on going further, luckily I bumped into a teacher and he directed me to the office.
"Good day sir"
I got in after knocking.
The man takes a look at me, "who're you?"
He asked.
I thought Kabir was going to inform the school I would be coming to pick up his son, however, I am guessing he didn't.
"Sorry sir, I am Samantha and Mr. Kabir sent me to pick his son up".
I clarified to him..