"You never did tell me how you ended up leaving the party," Asher said in between bites. He's been asking since that night how and when I disappeared, but I always kept my mouth shut. I didn't want to tell him I had a one night stand with one of his coworkers. He would probably be traumatized. Luckily the doctor walked in so I didn't have to think up another excuse. The doctor looked over my chart as he closed the door behind him.
"Luckily, it's nothing contagious. Congratulations, you're pregnant," the doctor told me. After doing a thorough examination, he prescribed me prenatal vitamins and suggested a follow up with an obstetrician before we were taking a cab back to Signa. I felt numb. This couldn't be real. I didn't even know the guy's name. Asher seemed to be in a similar state of shock. Neither of us said a word as we walked back into the company. After pressing the button to call the elevator, Asher finally grabbed my shoulders to make me face him.
"Now I need to know what happened the night of the office party. How could you be pregnant? It has to be someone in the company. Who did you sleep with? Who's the father?" Asher asked in a type of word vomit. I felt like I was on the verge of tears as I stumbled over my words. Asher looked passed me to someone before letting go of me.
"Mr. Signa. I'm sorry. We'll find somewhere else to talk," Asher said. I turned to see the face that had been burned into my mind for the last four weeks. My eyes widened as I saw the recognition in his face. He remembered me.
"If what you said was true, I believe the wrong people are talking," the man said stoically. The elevator doors opened and we all got in. Wait, Asher called this man 'Mr. Signa'. Was this guy really the emotionless, young CEO Asher always talked about? Asher was still too shocked to say anything.
"Mr. Lee, I'm going to borrow your friend for a moment," Mr. Signa said in the silence.
"Most people mistake Min for my girlfriend," Asher said awkwardly. His word vomit was back. When Asher felt anxious, he always ended up saying the first thing to pop into his mind.
"If this woman was your girlfriend, she wouldn't have slept with me," Mr. Signa said simply. I choked on air at his comment. He was so blunt about it. The elevator stopped at Asher's floor but he didn't get off right away. Instead, he turned to me.
"Go ahead, Ash. I'll catch up with you later," I stopped him. I knew he was trying to protect me, but this was a conversation that had to happen. Asher sighed before getting off. Mr. Signa didn't say anything as the elevator took us all the way to the top floor. I followed him silently to his office. He closed the door behind me before staring at me. It looked like he was analyzing me. He leaned against the edge of his desk and crossed his arms.
"My name is Jax, by the way. Jaxon Signa."