We had probably five consecutive shots before we finally abandoned the bar for the dance floor. Whilst dancing and throwing my hair around, Asher got pulled away by some of his coworkers. The alcohol was finally starting to hit me and I started having trouble keeping my balance. It was only painfully apparent when I bumped into a wide muscular chest. I froze with my hands on the man's chest as I looked up. He was tall; taller than Asher, and incredibly fit based on what my hands were feeling. The first thing I saw was his sharp, clean shaven jawline. Even through my blurry vision, I could see how sharp his facial features were. He had high cheekbones, a straight but perfect nose, deep double eyelids that revealed ice grey irises, and slicked back dark hair. I found myself steadying myself on his broad shoulders. He didn't say a word as he stared at me. I giggled and tried to look like I wasn't as drunk as I actually was.
"I'm Minnie. Sorry about bumping into you," I apologized. I knew my words were slurring a bit, but hopefully it wasn't too bad.
"You're not an employee. Who brought you?" The gorgeous man asked. His deep voice vibrates through my body and woke up places that couldn't be seen through my clothes.
"The question is, are you taking me home?" I flirted shamelessly. The man sighed before looking around, when he didn't find what he was looking for, he held my up by my arms and led me outside. He waved someone down before a sleek town car parked in front of us.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Where are you taking me?" I smirked. He sighed before putting me in the car and getting in after me. We drove for a while before finally getting to a hotel. After checking in, the mysterious man took me up to the room and we went inside. He looked even yummier in his steel gray suit in proper lighting. The cut looked like it was tailor made to fit him. Standing there with his hands in his pockets, he looked like a model.
"You can stay here until you sober up, then you'll be able to find your own way home," he said as he looked around the room. I saw my opening and pounced. I pulled the back of his neck down to meet mine in a kiss. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck as he stood frozen. He wasn't participating, but he wasn't pulling away either. I let go of his neck and unbutton his suit jacket before pushing it off his shoulders. His hands came to my waist and it was like a switch flipped in him. He picked me up and I was quick to wrap my legs around his waist. He laid me down on the bed before releasing his lips from mine.
"You're a strange woman," he said mostly to himself as I started unbuttoning his shirt. He was just too good looking to let pass. He stopped my hands, making me look at him.
"You understand that after this, we'll most likely never even see each other again, right?" He asked. I nodded. I didn't care at the moment. I just wanted to be legs-spread underneath this Greek god. I didn't even know his name, but it didn't matter to my hazy brain.