My chest heavy with embarrassment as I curled up in my bed crying. Knowing I was doomed for my mum to have seen me dressed like a prostitute. Right now they must be discussing it downstairs. I blew my nose into my dress not minding the mess I was creating.
I searched for my phone to inform Letty that I wouldn't be able to keep to our plan when I remembered Peterson had it.
“Great,” I muttered.
“Maryann, are you in there? We are planning the vacation and I can't find my favorite sister” Christopher called through the door.
I had forgotten about the vacation, it was Christopher's 25th birthday and we had planned to celebrate with him at Pelican Hill Resort in San Francisco.
“Maryann! Come on baby, open the door”. He called again softly.
I couldn't ignore my best brother in the world for long, so I got up and opened the door, hiding behind it.
Christopher chuckled at my childishness, I usually do this after messing up and don't want him to see my face. He closed the door and took my hands leading me to the bed.
Tears streamed down my face, as the words tumbled from my mouth. “I just wanted to have fun and now Mum is going to kill me”
His hold on my hands tightened. “Shhhhh— no one is going to do that and why didn't you tell me you wanted to go clubbing? I would have taken you myself” he asked softly, raising a brow.
“You know too?” I exclaimed, my eyes widening as I leaned back.
Christopher looked at me as if I had grown two heads.
He pulled me back into his arms, rubbing his warm hand on my back soothing me.
“Nothing is a secret in this house you know that”.
“I didn't want to be stopped, that's why we kept It a secret” I gave him my puppy dog eyes.
“At least Letty should have told me, you both knew I would have found a way.” He said caressing my cheeks.
“Maybe she felt you wouldn't let your little sister go to a place where adults do hot stuff”.
I admitted, moving further into his arms and taking in his scent, Christopher and I shared a deep bond. If he wasn't my brother, he would probably be the first young man to be my lover. I winced at my thought.
Suddenly he burst into laughter, the vibration from his chest causing me to pull away.
“What?” I asked, giving him a puzzled look.
“You are not even smart, what were you even thinking, leaving the house like that? Someone would have surely caught you, if not mum”.
I didn't answer, as realization dawned on me.
“Go and change and let's go down,” He said, smacking my shoulders.
I stood up, took some clothes, and entered the bathroom.
A few minutes later we were going downstairs into the living room.
“We need to put a leech on her before she humiliates us” My heart stopped when I heard my mother's voice dripping with contempt. “If Peterson hadn't stopped her, tomorrow's headline would have been, “The Sharp’s daughter, Now A Prostitute.”
Christopher gave me a gentle squeeze on my arm, offering comfort. I felt like a dog that needed to be caged at my mother's words.
Taking a deep breath I continued, we got down and were greeted with a heavy silence. The tension in the air was very palpable.
My parent's eyes blazed with anger as they glared at me.
I pretended not to notice and went to sit on the island stool, relief washed over me as I found my phone on the counter. This is another session of the house in my father's twelve bedroom mansion. The living room has a kitchen in it and it's mainly where we receive relatives and close family friends.
“So Mum where did we stop, our chief planner is here”. Christopher joked trying to clear the air.
Everyone turned to look at me.
“Can we go next tomorrow please?” my voice sounded clogged.
“On my birthday Maryann!” Christopher exclaimed, his eyes popping out like a cork exploding from a champagne bottle.
“Oh God, I have forgotten.” I groaned. Peterson has successfully disorganized my thoughts.
“Maryann you can stay back and rest if you are not well” Dad chimed in.
“No Dad, I can't miss my brother's birthday for anything in the world,” I said, smiling at Christopher who smiled back.
Just then my phone beeped and a notification appeared on the message icon,
Unknown number “We are not done yet, but you are mine”.
I visibly tensed, unconsciously looking around. My heart began pounding, as I wondered if he was still around, watching me.
“Maryann, are you okay?” Christopher asked with concern.
“Yes, I just— just need to start packing. I rumbled, standing up and going to the fridge to take a bottle of water.
“I think I'll be needing Maryann’s help to shop at the new mall” Peterson suggested behind me, his voice was deep and husky giving off an aura of sexual allure. I mistakenly closed the fridge with a bang, my heart almost jumping out of my chest.
“I… I got a bad headache Mum” I spluttered, my eyes pleading.
Peterson looked at me, his gaze unwavering.
“Then you should rest,” he said, picking up a wrap of chocolate on the counter.
Christopher intervened. “I’ll go with Uncle Peter. I also want to check it out”.
“We will get you something for your headache” Peterson smirked, chewing noisily.
“Thank you” my voice quavered, making me clear my throat in embarrassment. I walked out hurriedly, seeking refuge in my bedroom.
Alone at last, I released a heavy breath I didn't realize I had been holding, rubbing my chest, and willing my raging heart to slow down. Sweat formed on my forehead, betraying my anxiety.
I wiped it off with the hem of my shirt, and just then my phone rang, I jumped in fear causing it to fall.
“Oh God” I groaned.
Picking the call blindly, “Hello?” I spat rudely.
“Maryann!” Letty's voice came worriedly through the phone.
“Letty, I need you,” I said desperately, rambling on. “Where have you been? Sorry I didn’t show up.”
“Girl, you need to calm down”. Letty soothed. “What is going on?”
“Can you come? I need you.”
“I don't think Christopher would want to see me, he is angry with me”. She said, sighing.
“He stepped out with Peterson”.
“Is he around?” She asked.
“Yes, and I think he will be coming for the vacation” my voice trembled.
“Oh my God Maryann! What will you do? Letty exclaimed.
A knock sounded at the door, Interrupting.
“Letty hold on, let me check the door”. I said walking to it.
“Okay—” I didn't allow her to finish speaking before ending the call.
I opened the door, and to my horror, I found Peterson there.
My mouth opened but no words came out, his piercing gaze caused my heart to begin pounding again.
“Maryann” he breathed, sounding husky and heat went straight to my core. “ You forgot this” he raised the bottle of water.
“Oh..”I blinked in realization, my throat suddenly dry.
“ Thank you” I grabbed the bottle from him and slammed the door shut.
I could hear his low chuckle as my body collapsed onto the cold floor, my heart almost exploding.
Despite his initial rejection, my attraction for him hasn't died. One look from him and all my resolve melted.
Peterson sure has a strong hold on me.