Archer North
I saw Calla slowly getting from bed , she looked around and spotted me watching her. She got out from bed and walked looking around like I'm not even exist
Not going to lie.. this girl is dead gorgeous
She was fat and chubby and ugly but now she's so beautiful , sexy and damn attractive. She opened the bathroom door and checked it.
My eyes widen as she slowly zipped open her dress from the back.. I gulped nervously even I only saw her back features. My eyes widened as she dropped the dress leaving her only in her underwear. She entered the bathroom like it was nothing and I'm 1000% she's sober
My heartbeat went crazy and I can't believe she just did that in front of me when she knew I'm in this room too. She's teasing me right?
Her milky skin , sexy curves , her tall figure and the fact that her blonde hair falls perfectly even she just woke up from bed. This is torture
I closed my eyes for a moment and I heard the door open revealing her only in a towel. She walked to the bed , she started to look around to find something.. she saw my white shirt from last night and she took it
She face her back to me again , dropping the towel like she was alone revealing me her bare upper body from the back and her only in her panty. She casually put on my shirt.. this girl is unbelievable. She looked so hot and gorgeous just in white shirt.
She wore her heels again and took her clutch on the table.. She casually walked to the door. I quickly hold her wrist preventing her to go
"Calla.. look I'm sorry about yest-"
"Don't even think about appearing in front of my face again.. I don't want to see you for the rest of my life" She turned to me and looking at me coldly with that beautiful light blue eyes. She pulled her wrist from my grip and opened the door.. she walked out just in my shirt and her underwear inside
I rushed out and followed her to the lift , we entered it and none of us talk. Suddenly the lift stopped at a certain floor revealing a group of guys waiting for the lift. They automaticly checking her out and Calla doesn't even care that these guys are ready to rape her in second. I pulled her arm and trapped her at the corner of them lift covering her whole body with mine
I saw Calla smirked and the girl sure is crazy.. I smell her sweet scent and it makes me not on my right mind and makes my heart jumping crazily
I looked down to the ground , my eyes widened as I saw Calla's leg was caressing the guy beside us. I looked up to her and she's biting her lips to that guy, completely seducing him. Are you kidding me?
"Call me" She mouthed and winked , I turned my head to the guy and glared at him. He realised who I am and immediately looked away. Suddenly the lift stopped at a certain floor.. another group of boys wearing gym clothes
Suddenly Calla pushed me and slide her slim body between the guys.. of course guys stare at her
"Want my number?" She asked a good looking guy in front of her. My anger rised up in incredible speed and I punched the lift walls causing all of them to looked at me. I punched the button to the nearest floor
"Get out" I said looking at them one by one in anger , of course they know who I am
"Dude.. sharing is caring" One of them said
"Sharing my ass.. go out" I bursted and they all got out from that floor. I punched the close button and turned my body to Calla. She's smirking with her eyes close
"Do you know that they're going to rape you in second?"
"I don't mind" She opened her eyes looking at me with that killing stare
"You change Calla" I stated and she scoffed
"Into a slut" She smiled sweetly at me and I heard the lift dings.. She walked pass me out to the lobby. People are staring at her ass and I don't blame them because I will check it out too but.. get your head straight Archer
I walked fast to keep up my pace with her , I stopped her once again
"Let me drop you home" I said
"No thanks"
"You can't take a cab looking like this!" I bursted looking at her from head to toe
"Why? Because you're afraid I will sleep with the driver.. I mean that's not a bad idea to beg-"
"Are you on your right mind?" My brain completely explode towards this girl and I knew people looking at us because I just shouted at this girl in front of me
"Or you want to sleep with me Archer? How about tasting this body that once you called fat?" She asked as she slightly pulled up the shirt and I took her hand
"Let's take you home" I dragged her out and the valet guy threw me my keys and of course he's checking Calla out. I opened the door and forced her to get inside. Switched the door lock quickly and I ran to my side.. I got in and she's already put her seat belt on and looking outside the window
I got in and started the car quickly , I drove out from the hotel
"Tell me your address"
"Just dropped me at Jason's house" I scoffed hearing her like that
"Do you think I will let you?"
"I have spare clothes there , I don't want to go home looking like this" Spare clothes? In her ex-boyfriend house?
"Drop me here then" She's unbelievable
"I'm going to take you to the nearest clothes store" I said completely piss
You're officially the first girl that can make me mad and explode crazily in my entire life