Calla Lockheart
"What do you mean you can't come?" I pouted to hear the news that Jessica couldn't come because her dad needs someone to help him to go to Texas.
"Sorry Calla.."
"It's okay , we can meet other time" I said
"Bye" I ended the call and sighed big time , I decided to walk inside and just find my brother. My eyes caught the sight of Andrew and Matthew from a far. I need to avoid them as if they're poisonous person
"Sorry" Someone bumped me accidently
"It's okay" I smiled
"Wait.. are you Calla Lockheart?" She asked and I nodded
"Oh my gosh.. you're so awesome. I'm Jenny Malwed" We shook hands
"Calla Lockheart"
"I just got into writing songs these days and you're literally the best at it. How can you make a song so beautifully?" She asked dreamy and I chuckled
"Base on experience , I write in every emotion and mood hat I have so maybe that's why" I said
"You're really talented , I mean.. can we contact each other? Sorry I'm too straight foward and I don't think you're comfortable and-"
"We can.. I'll just give you my number , you can contact me and we can meet if I have a free time" I said and she seems cool
"Oh my gosh! Thank you.." She squealed and took out her phone from her small clutch , she handed to me and I quickly type my phone number
"Thank you once again.. I'm your biggest fan" She said holding my hand and I smiled
"Thankyou" I walked away first and tried to find my brothers.. where are they? This charity thing was meant for them now for me. I decided to stop for a drink because my throat is so dry
"Strangely we meet again" I turned my head to see Archer standing beside me , I choked on my water. Archer patted my back to calm me down and I felt his skin touched my bare back
"You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine" I said putting the glass on the table and walked away. I really don't want to deal with them seriously and I hate when Archer was the one who approach me
"I hate him so much" I mumbled
"Calla" I turned to see my little brother James
"Oh my gosh.. where were you?" I asked
"In the middle , let's go to Claudio" James took my hand and lead me to where Claudio are. I felt my phone vibrate so I took out my phone and got a message from the girl earlier.
"There you are" I looked up and my eyes widened.. What the hell! What is my brother doing with Aiden and Morris?
"I need to go to the toilet" I said , I quickly walked away from them. Damn I need to get out of here , I hate the fact that the 7 Gold Lifes boys are everywhere in this place. I need to find an excuse to go home
I walked out from the ballroom and make my way to the toilet. I'm seriously not on my right mind right now. My head went flashback to where the teased me , mocked me and bullied me.
I bumped someone again and but this time he grabbed my hand tightly
"You have a habit to bump someone huh? What are you, a truck?" Oh shoot! I kept my head down and trying to let his grip go from my wrist
"You're quite interesting huh?" He said
"Let me go"
"Tell me your name and I'll let you go" Archer said and I cursed a lot under my breath
"I don't want to" I said, still trying to let his grip go. Suddenly he pulled me into the disable person's toilet. My eyes widen as he closed it
"I think I know you.. tell me your name" He said and I looked up to him. He looked at me and he still got no clue about who I am
"Darla? Jessy? Marissa? Ellie?" He called a random name and I bet that's the girl that he had sleep with
"Let me go Archer"
"Just tell me your name and I'll let you go.. as easy as that" He said
"What for? Find out about me? Stalk me?" I asked
"Maybe.. maybe not.. depends" He said smirking and I hissed
"This is childish okay? Trapping me in the toilet.. just like all cliche movie"
"Well in cliche movies , the guy kisses the girl so should I kiss you now?" Archer asked and I closed my lips tightly glaring at him
"So are you going to tell me?" He asked and suddenly someone knocked on the door. My eyes widen..
"Someone inside?"
"Archer! Let me go.. someone wants to use the toilet" I said pulling my wrist but he still holding it
"Tell me and I'll let you go.. Do I need to repeat again and again?"
"You really don't know me? Not even recognise me?" I asked and he raised his eyebrows
"You know me? As in we know each other?"
"Hello!!!! I need to use the toilet!!!!" Someone knocked crazily and I looked at him panic
"Let's go out and I'll tell you" I said
"I don't trust you"
"Hold me when we go out and I will tell you.. I promise seriously" Someone kept knocking and calling.. I looked at Archer seriously. He held me tightly and opened the door. He put his arm around my shoulder.. my eyes widen as we saw old lady glaring at us
"Sorry" Archer said and pulled me away from the toilet..
"So tell me.."
"Come here" I gestured him to get closer to me , I tiptoed to his ear
"You don't remember me Archer? Of course you don't because I was fat but now.. not anymore" I whispered into Archer's ear leaving him speechless in every way
I let his grip go and walked away..
"Whale??" Shoot!