Lucas Vecton
"You sure are crazy, Vecton. She's the daughter of Nicholas Lemeire. We're talking about the 7 Gold Lifes here.." Deandre said as he sat down across me.
"Andre.. She's damn interesting.. This.. this.. this.. this.." I pointed at my scar, "from her own hands.. She's a damn fighter."
"Patt was killed and you know who killed them? Marco Hastington.. Don't risk your life for this and you know we never want to wake the lions up." He warned and I smirked.
"I already woke the lions up anyway."
"What?!" He looked at me in disbelief.
"Nicholas already knew about what happened in Miami and she's under his watch now. Completely 100%."
"Then you won't see her again.." Andre laughed.
"No.. you're wrong. I can see her a lot from now."
"You're completely insane.. Do you want to die?" He asked me.
"She's mine and I'm going to get her no matter what."
"You can call random girls out.. no need to waste your time for this girl." Andre said as he sipped his alcohol.
"I have no interest in whores and sluts." I said as I took my phone out. I gestured to him to listen.. I dialed a phone number.
"I'm in front of my dad, you idiot." Crystal answered.
"Good Afternoon, Mr. Lemiere." I said and Andre's eyes widened.
"You hurted my daughter." Nicholas said in an angry tone.
"Well.. your daughter is a great fighter and we both hurt each other 2 days ago." I said.
"You hurted? I don't fucking care. If you try to approach my daughter again.. I will not hesitate to kill you."
"Mr. Lemiere.. Instead you are killing me.. let your daughter kill me." Andre gestured me that I'm dumb.
"You're under my watch, Lucas Vecton. You will be dead if you dare to lay your finger on my daughter." He warned me.
"I suggest you to tighten up your security, Mr. Lemiere because I might come to your daughter anytime and anywhere because you're daughter is beautiful, smart, sexy, well-trained a-"
"You know that I'm a man of my words, Vecton. I know where your base is so.. don't joke with me about my daughter."
"So.. How about I ask you to pick.. your wife or your daughter?" I asked in a challenging tone.
"Fine! If you want me to kill you.. let's see each other." Crystal said.
"Not on my watch, Crystal Lemiere!" Nicholas bursted angrily. I smirked hearing that and Andre literally rolled his eyes.
"Hey babe, I dreamt about you last night." I said.
"That's it! I will kill him mys-"
"You idiot! Why do you even have to say that to my dad?" Crystal bursted to me.
"Babe, we can't hide our relationship forever.." I joked.
"Funny you dumbass.. Like I will have a relationship with you." She hissed coldly and that made Andre laugh his ass out. I threw a water bottle to him.
"Babe.. you wound my heart. I thought we're going to get married together."
"Funny asshole.. I'm giving you a chance to not call me after this. I mean.. never call me again if you want to live. My dad will find you if you don't listen to me." She said and I raised my eyebrows.
"So you care about me?" I asked and she ended the call. I laughed my ass off because she's damn cute.
"You're one crazy man."
"Oh I know I am.. and I will get this girl." I said.
"Goodluck.. and if you died.. I will be the first person who cried for you."
"I'm touched but I won't die." I laughed and he rolled his eyes.
"You will die."
"I won't die." I said and he shook his head in disbelief. He excused himself to go home because he has work. I decided to call someone..
"Nathaniel Bryant." I smiled widely when he picked up my call.
"You're lucky that I'm still at the office or Joan will kill me."
"You know you owe me something.."
"I know. Don't tell me you want to get Crystal."
"You know me so well, Bryant." I smirked big time.
"Look.. she's a Lemiere and now Nicholas has his eyes on her 24 hours. He triple up the security and he put all of her siblings to watch her. I know I owed you big time but.. it will be hard for me to help you. I'm a part of them now." Nathan said.
"A part of them or not.. you owe me and you should know that I'm serious about this."
"Let's just meet up.. and tell me exactly what you want."
"You know Bryant.. if you don't help me.. your wife will be next." I warned.
"I know.. Let's meet up." He said.
"Good. I'll text you the place and make sure no one follows you or Joan will be my next target." I said in a serious tone.
"I will come.. don't worry but tell me a nice or rational idea to get her or else I won't do it." He said.
"You have my words, Bryant. I'm a nice guy, remember.. I helped fake your death."
"I know.. I know.. See you tomorrow." I ended the call. I walked to my computer and tried to find my men's location. The Lemiere got them and I bet Crystal put them in Miami. She won't risk bringing them to New York. I scanned their location and found them.
I got up from my seat planning to call Harry but my phone rang.. I took it out from my inner pocket and smiled widely when Crystal called.
"Babe.. you're one interesting girl."