Crystal Lemiere
"Take a shower, beautiful. You're stink." He let me go and gestured to me to take a shower. I was going to punch him with my right hand but he caught my hand. I glared at him and walked towards the bathroom. Before I got into the bathroom, he caught my arm. I turned to him ready to punch him but he looked at my wound.
He opened the bandage slowly and I hissed in pain.
"This is what you get if you try to fight me, beautiful." He said and I pushed him. I walked into the bathroom and looked at the wound. I took a shower carefully and dried myself. I put on a new bandage and looked at myself at the mirror. I sighed.
I put on my clothes slowly and walked out of the bathroom. I looked around and there's no Lucas. I looked for him all over my suite room but none. He's gone. How can he come and go without any warning? What an asshole!
I sat on my bed and took out my phone from my bag. My eyes.. it's midnight and yes I'm awake because I slept for almost 12 hours. Autumn will arrive in a few hours.. I was going to play some music when suddenly someone opened the door.. my eyes widened when I saw Lucas. What the?!
"How can you go through there?" I asked him in disbelief. I called Jones that second.
"Jones! Where all the guards?" I bursted angrily.
"Ms. Lemiere, I already put them all in place and-" Lucas showed me something and I cursed under my breath. Of course my guards will let him in. He's undercovering as someone else.
I ended the call with Jones and got up from the bed. I walked to him and I saw a wig and fake beard on the ground. He threw a white coat.. he pretended to be a doctor? I turned to him disbelief.
"Get out." I pushed him towards the door but he caught my arm and pulled off my new bandage. I cried in pain for it and he forced me to sit down.
"You cause this.. so don't pretend that-"
"Then don't try to fight me.. I might like you but I can hurt you too." He said and I scoffed.
"Like me? You're a crazy man.. why would you hurt me if you like me? You just want my dad's throne along with his money.." I hissed coldly and I groaned in pain when he put a medicine on my wound. He put on a new bandage and treated my other wounds.
"Done." He said and I got up from my seat. I walked towards the bedroom again and before I reach my bed.. Lucas caught my wrist and pulled me to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned to my face closely.
"No wonder men are worshipping you, Crystal Lemiere." He said as he trailed his finger to my cheek, "but too bad.. they can't have you.. You're mine." He smirked and then let me go without any warning. I slipped a little.
"You asshole!" He stopped walking and then he turned to me. He walked back to me and I stood firmly.
"Well.. it's kinda sexy when you call me that." He smirked and leaned his head closer to me. I scoffed and without any warning he kissed me. I didn't kiss him back.. but when he slipped his hand to my cheek to deepen the kiss that's where I lose control.
When I kissed him back, he stopped.
This guy knows how to lure a girl and he knows how to play..
"I'll see you next time." He smirked and turned his body.
"Next time? Just leave me alone!" I bursted.
"Crystal.. You can't get rid of me." He said confidently.
"Oh really? So this is your game huh?" I asked as I crossed my arms.
"Game? It's not a game because you're mine."
"What is your plan?" I hissed and he ignored me. He got out from the window. I sat down on the bed and looked at the floor blankly.
I need a plan to play him.. He's playing me and I'm going to make him pay for good. A few minutes later.. there's a knock on the door. I ran to the door and opened it. It's Autumn.
She hugged me and smiled big time. She noticed the bandage and frowned right away.
"What happened?"
"Lucas Vecton." I answered and her eyes widened.
"What? How can he get through the guards?" She asked disbelief.
"We met in Miami and he came here too earlier.. I don't know how but I'm pretty sure that Jones already set the guards all over the place." I said and Autumn looked at me weirdly.
"Why is he like this again?"
"I don't know.. I think he wants my dad's throne or money or something.. He can't go through Matthew, Dylan or Brandon." I hissed as I sat on the bed.
"Thank God that you're okay, he's a freak mafia and he can kill you anytime anywhere."
"I know and apparently I'm still alive and I think he will make me as my dad's bait."
"Well.. we have to tighten up the security and you need to tell your dad about this." She said and at the same time.. someone called me.
Oh my gosh.. it's my freaking dad.
"Oh shit!"
"Yeah oh shit but you gotta answer it or else.." Autumn said and I pressed the green button.
"Crystal Lemiere!" He bursted out as soon as I picked up the phone.
"Yes daddy?"
"I know what happened to you in Miami!" He bursted angrily and shit!
"What do you mean?"
"Don't give me that question! I want you to come back home right now!"
"Dad.. I-"
"No excuses! I have already sent a private jet there.. get your ass there and come home before I grounded you big time!"
"Dad.. I'm freaking 22 years old!" I hissed coldly.
"I'm changing your team.. no more Seth and Jones. Galahan and Contantin will be your team from now on!" He bursted and ended the call. Great.. just great.
"He's mad.. isn't he?"
"Of course, he is. I'm in big trouble."