My first day in the company was better than I expected. Hoseok and Taehyung didn't leave me for a second because apparently it was difficult for newbies to adapt to this new life, especially after killing someone, or two people like me.
They knew that I thought about them every time when I get the chance to be alone, so they made sure they always talk to me and make me forget about it.
Killing is a sin, it's a crime, but here they don't make you feel like you are a bad person. When I look around me, I see people experiencing the same as me, building a new life and hurrying the dark past. No one looks bad or cruel, they're all young or old people who made a mistake to protect their loved ones or to protect themselves.
During this first day, I got to know a few agents. Hoseok and Taehyung were popular, everyone knew them and respected them. Their relationship with them doesn't seem like a normal one between colleagues but rather like a family. I watched them giving advices to their juniors or asking if they didn't get hurt during a mission.
Speaking of missions, I still have no idea how it goes, but one sure thing is that I need to work my ass off mentally and physically to start. The idea is scaring me to be honest, but they don't look so depressed, so why not?
"I hope you're comfortable here." I lifted my head and saw Namjoon approaching with a smile on his face.
I was sitting in the cafeteria with Hoseok and Taehyung. We stopped to have dinner together after they finished showing me around the building.
"It's nice." I mumbled. "Better than prison cells I guess."
I heard him chuckle, "Sure it is."
He sat in front of me and crossed his arms. I could feel him watching him and hell I don't like being watched while I'm eating. I can't taste the food properly.
"So, you've been taking care of him?" he asked his friends.
"Of course." Taehyung answered. "He seems to adapt well."
"Well I hope it's true." the CEO stared at me. "We don't want Jimin to regret not going to jail." he smirked. "He seemed too determined to go."
I frowned and hated him more for always smirking.
There was a silence when everyone was busy eating, so I took advantage of it to ask what was bothering me. I cleared my throat, "So, mind telling me about the missions now?"
Hoseok was about to speak but Namjoon stopped him by shaking his head, "Not the time."
"Come on." I rolled my eyes. "When is it the right time?"
"When you'll be mentally prepared for it." Namjoon answered.
"I am!"
He raised an eyebrow, "You just killed two people two days ago." he said, making my body freeze and my brain stop working for a second. "You don't expect me to believe that you're stable enough to turn the page."
"Joon." Hoseok stared at his friend with a frown, "Don't be rude to him." I heard him whisper.
"You'll tell him until I tell you so." the brown-haired crossed his arms.
I clenched my fists and gave him the scariest look I have, but he didn't seem to be affected.
Of course.
"Then why did you bring me here? To just order me around?!"
He furrowed and burst out laughing, attracting the other agent's attention. He stopped and approached his face to mine, "Consider yourself lucky pretty boy. If it wasn't for me, you would be whining in your cell, your stomach crying for food." he said, coldly.
I was brave to keep staring at his eyes but not enough to add another word. I hate to admit it but he was completely right. I might hate people ordering me around, but I rather be patient with this than be beaten in jail.
"You need more time to relax your mind for a little, also to be more responsible." he added.
"I am responsible." I mumbled, my eyes staring at everything but him.
"Says the one who left a trophy with his name on it in the crime scene." Namjoon scoffed, and I could feel Hoseok and Taehyung trying not to laugh.
Yes, I know, I'm stupid.
Stupid enough to leave the trophy I won at the competition. The one I hit them with, multiple times until they lost consciousness.
It was supposed to be a happy day, the trophy was supposed to be a proof of my hard word, a proof that I will finally get to realize my dream of becoming a profesional dancer, but it ended being the proof of my murdering.
"I know you don't like my words." Namjoon interrupted my thoughts. "But one day, you'll understand them." he added before leaving.
Hoseok patted my back, "He's right Jimin, don't be mad with him."
"How can I not? He could at least talk nicely." I frowned.
"Sometimes being straightforward delivers the message better." Taehyung said. "He was like this when I first came here. I didn't like it either, but I learned plenty of things."
I sighed and simply nodded.
It was finally time to sleep.
I took a shower after everyone finished and got in bed. The one next to mine was empty because Hoseok was in a mission. He left right after dinner.
Hours passed and I saw night lights turn off, one by one. The agents found their sleep unlike me who couldn't close my eyes. Every time I did it I saw myself two days ago.
I opened the door because he gave me the keys. "Babe! I'm here!"
He told me that he had some assignments that's why he couldn't see me at the competition. "Junsun!"
I thought maybe he was listening to music.
I climbed the stairs and headed to his room.
What I heard in the corridor was nothing like music. They were moans, very masculine ones. I thought he was watching porn but I was sure it was his voice and the other one sounded very familiar.
My heart was about to burst inside my chest as I approached his room. I was imagining countless scenes in my mind and chased them and imagined again and chased them.
The trophy was in my hand, I came to celebrate with him because he had always been the first person I'd tell the good news to.
When I finally opened the door, I wished my eyes were liars, I wished they were showing me that scene just to fool me.
My boyfriend and my best friend were fucking in the same bed I slept the night before.
I opened my eyes once again to stop thinking. Everyone was sleeping, I turned my head and saw Hoseok laying on his bed. I was too drowned in my memories that I didn't hear him coming.
I sat and took the jacket I was wearing when I came here. I searched in the pockets and found my mother's picture. I layed down and kept staring at her smiling face. I remembered how sad she was when I left Busan after high school. I promised her that I would study, find a good job and buy her a bigger house. I also promised that I would call her everyday, but I didn't keep any promise.
I can't even imagine her state now that her son's face appears day and night on TV.
"Your mother?" Hoseok interrupted my thoughts. I guessed he was asleep but he was staring at me during the whole time.
I nodded.
"Where is she now?" he whispered.
"Busan." I said, my eyes not leaving the picture. "I left her four years ago to go to Seoul."
I heard him sighing. We stood silent for a long moment until he left his bed and came to mine. He slightly pushed me and layed next to me. I stared at him with confusion, "What are you doing?"
"I'm sure you don't want the others to wake up." he whispered. "We can talk easily this way."
I don't know if he's like this with everyone but I wasn't used to have other guys laying beside me. Junsun and Heonwoo were the only ones I ever got close to and we weren't that intimate to be honest. I am not a touchy person, I barely slept twice with my boyfriend.
Maybe that's why he stopped loving me.
"How is she?" Hoseok asked. I was confused at first but then I remembered we were talking about my mother.
"She's nice." I whispered. "She always took care of me."
He nodded with a smile. "Would you mind if I ask where your father is?"
I was expecting this question. I was always asked where he is because I never talk about him. I got used to it so I don't feel hurt anymore when people ask about him.
"He left us when I was ten." I answered.
"Oh." he rubbed his neck. "Sorry."
"It's alright."
He surprised me by pulling my head against his chest. He was half-naked so I could feel his soft skin and his muscular body. I couldn't see well with the dimmed lights but I spotted a few scars on his torso. I was curious but I knew I still couldn't ask questions.
He seemed to read my thoughts and chuckled, "A part of the work, do you have any questions to ask me?" I could feel his hot breath against my neck.
"I do."
"What is it?"
I took a breath and stared at his brown eyes. He looked exhausted and sleepy and I wondered why he was Sri awake and talking to me.
"Why did you try to kill yourself?"
He gave me a sad smile and gently caressed my hair. "Maybe because I didn't love myself enough." he whispered.
"Why not?" I frowned. "You're a good guy."
"You still don't know me." he sighed.
"How about now? Do you love yourself?"
He hesitated. "More than before."
I kept looking at him. I could see that he was the kind of person whose smile never leave his face but whose heart never stops breaking.
"Good night Jimin." he whispered before turning off the lights.
"Good night."
The next morning, I couldn't feel him beside me. He must have woken up early.
When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see a bunch of agents surrounding me.
"Woah! What the hell is happening here?" I sat and looked around me. "I didn't pee on my sheets." I mumbled. "Do I have something on my face?"
Hoseok chuckled, "Good morning Jimin."
"What's happening? Why's everyone here?"
"Because it's time."
I raised an eyebrow, "Time for what?"
I saw them smirking.
"Time for our tradition." Taehyung said. "Something the newbies have to do before we officially welcome them to the Bullet Agency."
I frowned, "And what is it?" I asked worriedly, knowing it wasn't going to be fun.
"You need to wake up the Black Tiger." Hoseok smirked.
I froze.
"He has a mission in two hours." Taehyung stared at his watch. "He needs to wake up and get ready."
"Are you kidding me?" I furrowed. "I'm not doing this."
"Yes, you are." the orange-haired laughed. "Everyone here did it."
"And judging from how you're looking at me, it doesn't sound cool at all." I mumbled.
"That's the charming part." Taehyung shrugged.
"See this scar?" an agent said, pointing at a big scar on his right cheek. "The Black Tiger punched me when I woke him up. He was wearing a ring so..."
I gulped.
"He almost broke my arm." an another agent said.
"He literally threw a chair on me."
I looked at them, frightened. They all experienced horrible stuff after waking him up and they seemed so chill about it.
I stared at Hoseok, hoping he would have mercy on me but he just smirked. "It's our tradition."
"What's the tradition for the girls? I'm sure they don't wake him up."
"They get to clean the men's bathrooms."
I gasped and dramatically put my hand on my heart, "That's more cruel!"
"Or not?"
Taehyung pulled me out of bed, "It's time Jimin."
I quickly put on my trousers, I didn't want everyone to see my cute ass already.
I went to clean my face and came back to find Hoseok still waiting for me. He put his arm around my shoulders and we walked outside the dorms.
"But wait a moment." I rubbed my chin. "Why does he have a room for himself? That's unfair, everyone sleeps in the dorms."
"He had an agreement with Namjoon. I told you that he was the only one he talks to. I don't know the reason but the boss asked us not to ask many questions."
"I see."
We walked along the long corridor until we arrived to a quiet space where I guess his room was. "It's here." Hoseok said. "Wake him up and tell him to get ready. He has to meet Taehyung in twenty minutes to get the instructions."
I stared at the door like it was the way to hell. "Why me?" I sighed.
Hoseok laughed and ruffled my head, "Don't worry, if you succeed you won't get to talk to him again."
"I hope so."
After he left, I stood before the door and took a long breath before opening it.
A disgusting smell of cigarettes surged from inside. A smoke surrounded the bed so I couldn't see properly. I quickly opened the windows to let the smell go. How can he sleep like this?
I nervously approached the bed, he was peacefully sleeping in the same clothes I saw him wearing yesterday. I wondered how he could survive with smoke and heat above all.
I spotted two empty packs of cigarettes on his nightstand. It seemed like he smoke all of them yesterday.
I frowned. I always hated cigarettes, not only because of the smell but because I know the effects it does to your body. This dude was slowly killing himself with this shit.
I didn't want to waste my time here so I decided to quickly wake him up and leave for once.
I leaned and poked his cheek, "Wake up." I whispered.
A poke was maybe not enough so I gently shook his arm, "Wake up."
I shook him again, but he didn't move.
I tried touching his face, pinching him and tickling him but nothing. If he wasn't breathing, I would think he was dead.
After multiple failed attempts, I decided to get in the bed and sit on his lap. I leaned until I could feel his body against mine. I looked at his face, he looked so calm and undisturbed. "Come on wake up." I said.
I sighed.
I maybe need to call him but I don't even know his name.
I cleared my throat, "Come on, get up Tiger."
Lord, it sounded so wrong.
He was still not waking up, so when I was about to slap his cheek, I felt two hands grabbing mine and the next second I was on the floor groaning from pain. "What the hell!" I shouted.
"What the hell are you doing in my room?" It was the first time I would hear his voice and damn it sounded so deep.
"They asked me to wake you up." I mumbled, gently rubbing my ass because it hurt like hell.
"No one wakes me up." he said coldly. He looked at the open windows and frowned, "Who the hell told you to open them?"
I have to be honest, this guy sounds so scary. His dark eyes pierced mine until I couldn't formulate a word.
" have a mission in like an hour or something." I said. "And your room stinks, how do you even sleep with this smell?"
"It's none of your business." he mumbled. "Leave and tell them to stop this stupid game."
I stood up and crossed my arms, "I'm not leaving until you get up and get prepared." I said, trying to sound confident and not scared at all. "Don't think that I'm afraid of you like the others, you don't scare me. I was told to wake you up so I did and I am planning to stay until y-" I couldn't finish my words because he left his bed to pin me against the wall. He was too close, I could see that his brown eyes were slightly hidden under his black locks, "You talk too much." he mumbled with his deep voice. "Shut the fuck up."
I gulped. My arms started hurting because he was tightening more and more his grip on them. "Okay, now let me go." I whispered.
He kept staring at me for a moment and then he released me.
"You should meet Taehyung in ten minutes."
"Get the hell out of my room." he pushed me outside and slammed the door.
I rubbed my neck and left a heavy sigh, "Well, it was better than expected."
I showered and put on my uniform before I headed to the cafeteria.
Everyone was looking at me, searching for any bruise or scar on my body.
"You alright?" Some agents I don't know asked me.
"Yeah I'm alright." I nervously rubbed the back of my neck.
"You're still alive." I felt someone put his arm around my waist.
"What did he do to you?" he asked me, examining my face with his eyes.
"He just pushed me on the floor, nothing really bad." I shrugged.
"You're lucky. He must be really tired."
I raised an eyebrow, "So you're saying that he could have done worse."
He nodded. "I'm surprised he didn't hurt you. He tends to be quite violent that's why."
We sat around the table and I was surprised to see waffles, muffins and pancakes. "Oh?"
"It's your first prize." Hoseok smiled. "Now, we officially welcome you to the Bullet Agency."
I rolled my eyes. "What a way to welcome new people."
Hoseok laughed and took a sip of his coffee, "So, did you have a good night?"
"No, but he seems like he had a good morning." I said, watching Taehyung coming, a grin on his face and a hickey on his neck.
"Oh, seems like you already ate your breakfast." Hoseok joked when he arrived.
Taehyung slapped his head, "It's just a mosquito."
"Mm sure." the orange-haired smirked, "The same mosquito that bit him too." I saw him looking at a tall boy who I recall to be Taehyung's boyfriend.
Taehyung frowned at his friend, "Asshole."
"Why doesn't he come?" I asked.
"He's shy." Taehyung smiled. "Especially with new people."
"Shy?" I scoffed. "With a body like his, I'll be out there giving morning kisses to everyone."
"Well thanks god you didn't." Hoseok said. "Or else I wouldn't have survived." he said, his eyes fixed on mine.
"Kook!" Taehyung called his boyfriend. "Come!"
The tall boy came with his tray and sat next to Taehyung.
"So Kook, this is Jimin, he just arrived yesterday. Namjoon brought him. Jimin, this is Jungkook, my boyfriend." Taehyung seemed so happy to introduce us. I didn't know how it was like to date in this company but they seemed good.
"Nice to meet you." we shook hands and exchanged those awkward smiles.
"Do you like the company Jimin-ssi?" Jungkook asked.
"Jimin-ssi?" I was triggered. "Ya... don't call me like this." I chuckled. "It sounds too formal."
"What should I call you then?"
"I was told you were younger so you may call me hyung."
Taehyung and Hoseok shared a smile and ruffled Jungkook's hair, "You're doing well."
I raised an eyebrow.
"Kook isn't good at making friends." Taehyung told me.
"Unlike you." Hoseok rolled his eyes. "This guy can make friends even in the bathroom."
"Guys!" a guy interrupted us. He didn't look so tall, he kinda looked the same height as me, not that I'm assuming I'm short. His hair was a dark brown and he wasn't wearing the same uniform as us. He was wearing the same leather clothes I saw on the Black Tiger. I guess he just came back from a mission.
"Jack!" Hoseok waved to him. "Come here!"
"We have a newbie." the stranger smirked, "Did he do it?" he asked Hoseok who nodded. "You're still alive?" I knew he was talking about their stupid tradition right when he asked me this question.
"Yeah, still alive."
"What's your name?"
"How cute." he pinched my cheek, making me feel so uncomfortable. "I'm Jackson, but everyone calls me Jack here."
"Jack?" I raised an eyebrow. "So, what are you in charge of?"
"I'm in charge of the missions in China."
"Because you're Chinese." I nodded.
"How did you know?"
"Your accent is too obvious Jack." Hoseok rolled his eyes.
"Shut up Jay."
"Jay?" I furrowed.
"I know you're confused with the names." Hoseok laughed. "But when you come here, you get to find a new name or a pseudo."
"Like a stage name or something?"
"Yeah, but you're not gonna be performing here so.." Taehyung said.
"So, what are your names?"
"He's Jack as you now, I'm Jay... kinda took it from my family name Jung. He's V." he pointed to Taehyung.
"I like to win so it means victory." he said, showing me a V sign with his long fingers. He put his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders, "He goes by JK. It obviously means Jungkook, but we thought it sounds cool."
"I see." I nodded. "I can't decide on my name yet."
"You still have time until your first mission." Namjoon joined us. "By the way, I go by RM."
"RM? What does it stand for? Really Mad?" I chuckled.
The others started laughing, "Well about that..."
"Fuck you." he told them and stared at me, "It means Reality Madness."
I laughed, "I don't know how the hell did you come up with this but I'll keep on calling you Namjoon."
"Namjoon hyung." he mumbled. "By the way, your first training starts today."
"Oh?" I don't why I suddenly got excited.
"Make sure you stay free this evening." he told Jungkook.
The training wasn't that difficult, especially because I was used to work out and move a lot at the dance academy.
Also, Jungkook is kind and patient as expected. He taught me some simple moves to defend myself, and what to do to avoid getting hurt a lot.
He was quiet and spoke only to say something important. I thought it was good, better than someone to annoy my ass.
When we finished, it was already 11 pm. He left to take a shower and I stayed at the training room.
I didn't feel like sleeping. I was scared to see them again when I close my eyes.
I saw a punching bag, I thought it was a good idea to relieve my nerves for a moment.
I took a breath and punched it. I groaned because it was harder than I expected. But I didn't care. I kept punching it until I got used to the pain.
But who said I was going to forget?
As I slammed my fists, the scene of finding them together, naked on his bed kept replaying in my mind. Their wide eyes when they saw me, the lies coming from their mouths when they wanted to calm me and their faint cries when I hit them.
I remembering every minute, every second of it.
I punched the bag as strong as I could, tears started falling from my eyes as I shouted "Why?!" again and again until I lost all my strength and my energy.
I fainted on the floor, I was literally sobbing, my face sticking with salty tears and my fists covered with blood. I didn't realize I hurt myself so badly until it stung.
It was midnight when I finally decided to go take a shower. I wiped the sweat with a clean towel and headed outside.
I opened the door and was surprised to see the Black Tiger, all sweaty and half-naked. I guess he was in the other room where were weightlifting machines.
My eyes rested on his torso. It was all covered with scars, most of them looked still fresh. A big tattoo representing a tiger was majestically occupying the space on the side of his abs. Then I looked at his arms and I realized that he was hurting himself judging from the multiple scars on his wrist.
I felt my chest tightening as I looked at his body. He may be quiet and reserved but it spoke on his stead. I could see how much he was hurting and how much he must have suffered in the past.
He put a towel around him to cover his body and gave me a death stare, then I saw him looking at my bleeding fists. He lifted his head to look at my eyes. His stare was cold and indifferent.
We stayed like this for a moment until he pushed me, "You're on my way." he mumbled coldly before entering the training room.
I pressed my lips, "Such a rude asshole." I mumbled and headed to the dorms.
I hope I'll never get to meet his rude ass again.