udith González Romero is one of the most powerful women in the world.
Coming from a modest family, she did the impossible to realize her dream; work in the world of fashion.
She studied design in one of the public schools in Barcelona. Three years later, she found a job as an assistant of the famous Spanish designer Adolfo Domínguez thanks to her talent and the many designs she presented with her CV. Her work and determination were appreciated by the man, she became a favorite in the company and he gave her the opportunity to release her own collection in the stores all over the world.
Later she became one of the most famous fashion designers, all the celebrities, men and women wanted her to design their gala outfits. She worked with Adolfo during ten years until she was 31 and had enough money to start her own business.
Now, she's 38 and the creator of Elegancia, a luxury brand that has been successful during the last seven years.
Judith isn't only a fashion lover, she also has a weakness for handsome and elegant men. She has been meeting a lot of them since she entered this industry, she dated a few of them but it never lasted long because she was still waiting for 'the one'.
Six years ago, she met Mateo Lazarte García, an Colombian model who participated in one of her shows. Their dating life was followed by everyone on the internet until they got married a year later. Her husband also took the position of director of the company and helped her build her empire.
Today, he wasn't the kind and classy man he was, he became one of those cheating husbands who take advantage of their wive's wealth to seduce younger women and sleep with a different one every week.
That's what I learned about Judith González Romero's life thanks to the PDF Taehyung sent me earlier.
I sighed and scratched the back of my neck. I looked at the coffee cup that was on the desk and frowned because it was almost empty and I had to get up again to fill it. How tiring.
I couldn't sleep this night, not only because I was nervous about my second mission and the fact that I have to leave the country with the fear of being caught in the airport, but also because of my last encounter with the Black Tiger. The way he looked at me when I was smiling to him couldn't be chased from my mind.
What saddens me is the fact that he thought that I was disappointed and disgusted by his kiss when it was the complete opposite. His reaction made me wonder if he had a bad experience with some guy before. I wonder who's stupid enough not to like his lips touching his.
I got up and filled my cup. I already spent two hours in the research room in order to collect informations on Judith and her husband. I'm going to Barcelona in two days and I needed to be ready to complete my mission.
I have a meeting with Taehyung in a few hours so that he introduces me to the agent who's going with me to Spain, and I can't hide that I'm a little anxious about it. I just hope it's someone nice and well experienced, I really don't want this mission to be shitty.
I took a sip of the hot drink and clicked on the official website of Elegancia. I opened the male section and gasped when I saw the prices, damn it was so expensive. The clothes were nearly as unaffordable as Chanel and Armani, but I must admit that I really loved the designs. The jackets and shirts I saw were simple and elegant, no extravaganza, no weird patterns, but it looked classy and perfect for men who love simplicity and comfort like me.
Opening this website just gave me more motivation to work my ass out and win this mission. Who knows, Judith might offer me one of the jackets, perhaps this blue one my eyes can't stop staring at.
I left the research room at 7 am, the agents were just waking up so I quickly jumped in the shower and changed my clothes. Hoseok was still sleeping when I finished, but I decided not to bother him and headed to the cafeteria.
The tables were empty so I ate my breakfast peacefully, memorizing all the informations and names I learned earlier. Surprisingly, I was doing a better job than when I was in college.
I finished my cup of orange juice and ate the last part of my bread before I and left the tray on the counter and ran outside the cafeteria.
"Morning!" I greeted my new friend Jihoon whom I met in the corridors, "You woke up early today."
"I went to the clinique to visit Donghyuk."
"Oh, shit Donghyuk!" I exclaimed, "I forgot to visit him again, is his leg doing better?"
Jihoon nodded, "It's healing well I guess. Where are you going?" he asked.
"Taehyung's office."
"The Barcelona mission?" he nodded. "Good luck." he added with a smirk.
I frowned. I didn't like the way he was looking at me.
"Why do I have this bad feeling?" I rubbed my chin.
He laughed and patted my back, "You'll see why." he said before leaving me alone, more confused than ever.
I decided to ignore what he said and just head to the office. I stopped in front of the door and took a breath, I was so nervous that my stomach started hurting.
I closed my eyes for a moment and shrugged, "It's no big deal." I mumbled to myself before knocking.
"Come in!" I heard Taehyung saying with his deep voice.
I opened the door and the strong smell of luxury and expensive furniture slapped my nose. "Hey sorry I'm l-"
What the fuck.
I froze when I spotted a familiar agent sitting in front of the desk. I could only see the back but I obviously knew who it was judging from the black clothes and the charismatic posture.
What the hell is the Black Tiger doing here too?
"Sit down Jimin." I could feel a tiny but of amusement in Taehyung's voice which got me annoyed because it wasn't the first time I got teased for being with the mysterious agent.
But I wasn't the only one who was surprised. The Black Tiger quickly turned around when he heard my name and I could see his eyes widening a little bit when he saw me.
I cleared my throat nervously and sat on the chair next to his, facing the mission programmer.
Taehyung crossed his arms and kept staring at us, I could see a smirk show up on his face.
"So..." I started, "Why is he here too?" I asked, pointing to the agent on my right.
"Because you're going to Barcelona together." Taehyung answered with the most simple and chilled tone ever.
I could feel the Black Tiger tense. He didn't say anything obviously but I saw him staring with the corner of his eyes.
"You gotta be kidding me, right?" I chuckled nervously. "I mean why again? I already went on a mission with him."
"Is there any problem?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow, "Did something happen in the first mission? Did he bother you?"
"What? No!" I frowned.
Taehyung shrugged, "Then I don't see why you can't go together again."
I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, "Yeah." I mumbled.
"One of our translators will accompany you and Ms. Romero's men will be in charge of taking you to her." he added. "Also." he looked at me, "Having a translator by your side doesn't mean that you don't have to learn a new language."
Of course.
"As Namjoon hyung says, in Bullet&Co we're not only working and getting money, but we're also learning."
"Okay, okay." I nodded. "I'm gonna need to wake up my inner Spanish side." I chuckled.
"Maybe you can change your name to Mario Jiminio Suárez." Taehyung said.
We started laughing and a sigh of frustration came from the silent tiger who surely had enough of our stupid and childish jokes.
"Anyways, next Thursday one of our agents will drive you to Incheon Airport, don't forget that the flight is at 1 pm." Taehyung said.
"Okay, but...what about me?" I asked with a small smile, "The police are searching for me you know... They can catch me at the airport."
"Jimin." Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Trust me, you're not the only one the police are searching in this company. We have our ways." he said, before opening the drawer and place our tickets on the desk, "The tickets and your new passport."
"New passport?" I opened the small green travel document to see the photography of a person who looks like me and at the same time not. I furrowed and kept staring at it like it was the strangest thing ever.
"Photoshop on point right?" Taehyung chuckled, "Told you, we have our ways."
"Yeah, but that police officer who's gonna check my passport isn't stupid not to notice the difference between me and this." I said, pointing to the photography.
I heard a snort and it wasn't coming from Taehyung. I turned my head and saw the Black Tiger hiding his mouth, I know he must think I'm an idiot or something which is so embarrassing.
"Make up, wigs...Haven't you ever heard of these things?" Taehyung asked, "Stop complicating things, the company's in charge of everything. What you have to do is get your pretty ass to Barcelona and find all the damn proofs that Mateo García is a cheating motherfucker, understand?"
I nodded, "Understand."
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Barcelona El Prat Airport. It is 7 pm and the temperature is 28 degrees.
For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened.
Turkish Airlines and the entire crew would like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice stay!"
I looked through the window and smiled because it was sunny outside, I just hoped it wasn't too hot.
The Black Tiger sat next to me during the flight and let me say that it was the most pressuring thing ever.
When I should have been happy and excited to sit in the business class for the first time in my life, I spent the entire hours sleeping or reading the airline's magazine to avoid his stares...or his breathing.
This agent does something to me, I don't know what it is but what I'm sure about is that I always get nervous around him. So nervous that it's unhealthy.
I looked at him, he was sleeping peacefully, his dark locks were hiding his eyes and his mouth was slightly opened. How can someone look so soft while sleeping when he's a charismatic bomb while awake?
"Mr. Christian Park and Mr. Andrew Min?" a man wearing a black suit approached us. He smiled and shook hands with us, "I am Pablo, her secretary." he spoke English with a Spanish accent.
"Nice to meet you Pablo!" I exclaimed. I hated being awkward and shy with new people so I wanted us to be cool since the beginning. I only knew a little bit of English, but it's alright, our dear translator is here to save us.
Pablo drove us in his black Mercedes, I sat on the back next to 'Andrew' and the translator sat on the front.
I'm still not over the name he picked, I laugh every time I remember it.
Andrew? Seriously? I mean, he could have chosen better...no? Or maybe I shouldn't be the one talking judging from the name I picked.
A beautiful scenery interrupted my thoughts. I looked through the window and saw the most spectacular architectures around me. I read in some articles that Barcelona was popular because of its architecture and it was indeed what I was seeing now.
The buildings were old but the power of their beauty wasn't ready to age.
A beautiful Gothic style mixed with classic and colors created a perfect harmony along the large street called Passeig de Gracia which is the most expensive and most fashionable street in Barcelona and maybe even in Spain according to some article I read the night before.
I looked at the Black Tiger who was sitting next to the other window, "We should come back here." I told him, "We need to get pictures."
He turned and stared at me with a blank face. He leaned his head toward me to say something. I did the same and got closer to him. I felt his warm breath against my ear and I heard him whisper, "Who said I want to come with you?"
I froze.
Well damn, it sure burned too much.
"La empresa de la señora Romero está en este barrio, llegaremos ahí en cinco minutos." I heard Pablo say. Hearing him confirmed that I was in love with Spanish, it's such a sexy language.
Even though I haven't understood a single shit.
"He said that the company is near, we'll arrive soon." the translator said.
"Oh, claro claro!" I exclaimed.
I heard him snorting again.
"Señora Romero, los agentes Christian y Andrew." We entered the large office where a beautiful dark haired woman was standing with a large smile on her face. She was wearing an elegant turquoise dress and purple jewelery that matched her heels.
"Bienvenidos, es un placer conocerle a ambos." she greeted us.
"Welcome, it's a pleasure to know you." the translator said.
"El señor García sale del trabajo a las seis de la tarde, tiene que seguirlo y saber a dónde va y a quien habla."
"He says that Mateo García leaves work at 6 pm, you have to follow him and know his whereabouts." the agent translated the secretary's words.
'Andrew' and I simply nodded.
"But I don't want you to start now." Judith spoke in English. "You must be tired because of the jetlag." she smiled.
"Yes." I smiled nervously, "I am a little tired."
"Just rest for today, you can start tomorrow." she said.
"Thank you Señora Romero." I said, doing my best in pronouncing the Spanish word.
I turned to look at the Black Tiger, "Let's go." I said.
"Pablo will drive us to the hotel." the translator told us.
We left the building and got inside the car again. The hotel was near the company, we were there in less than ten minutes.
"Welcome to Hotel Royal Passeig de Gracia." the Spanish concierge welcomed us inside. Our luggage was immediately transfered to our rooms while we waited for the receptionist to give us the key cards.
"Room 401 Mr. Daniel Kim." she smiled to our translator. "And room 403 for Christian Park and Andrew Min." she gave me the card. I pressed my lips because I knew I was going to share the room with the Black Tiger because 'two partners should always stay close' as Namjoon always says.
We took the elevator and headed to the fourth floor.
"Well guys, I'm sleepy. I'll see you in the morning, okay?" Daniel told us before entering his room.
I sighed and opened the door to the royal suite. I entered and widened my eyes because it was more spacious than I imagined. There was a big sofa in front of a large flat screen and small golden table where a flower bouquet was standing majestically on.
The bathroom was bigger than my old room, it had a jacuzzi and a shower cabine, without forgetting the luxurious counter made with marble where a golden washbasin was put in the middle.
"Shit." I heard my partner curse outside.
I left bathroom and went where he was just in front of the bed.
I raised an eyebrow because I didn't understand what annoyed him. He was only staring at the single bed so I don't know what's wrong.
Did I just say single bed?
My eyes grew wider when I just realized that the royal suite they gave us had only one bed.
I turned and caught him staring at me with an angry face.
I put my hands up, "Hey, it's not my fault okay!" I scratched the back of my neck and took my phone to dial Taehyung's number.
"Hey, you arrived well?" my friend's voice sounded tired.
"Yeah we're good. How about you? You sound weird." I asked.
"I just had an argument with Jungkook."
I rolled my eyes, "Don't tell me you're still mad because he went to his brother's wedding.
I heard him sighing, "Let's talk about this later. Why did you call me?"
"I just wanted to know who took care of our hotel reservations."
"Me, why?"
I frowned, "You? Didn't you realize you booked a room with a single bed for me and...t-the Black Tiger?" I felt my cheeks warm up for no reason.
"I know." he chuckled. "The hotel is full, consider yourself lucky that I got you that royal suite."
"Go to sleep Jiminie, you have a mission tomorrow." He hung up.
"Pfft." I pressed my lips and stared at him. He didn't say anything, he just sighed and took off his leather jacket. He grabbed his purse and the spare card before heading to the door.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"None of your business." he mumbled before leaving.
"None of your business." I imitated his grumpy face and started laughing.
I was sweaty and tired so it was the perfect time so take a good warm shower.
I spent half an hour under the shower head, thinking about the first time Junsun invited me to a hotel. It was two years ago when we travelled to Jeju, it was only a three-star hotel but I spent one of the most wonderful nights. This was where I experienced my first time, I offered him my body, trusting him to take care of it and always protect it.
Who could have thought that one day he would touch my best friend's body too.
Sometimes, I think that it's my fault that Junsun chose to cheat on me because I was too shy and we couldn't have many intimate moments together. I only slept with him like two or three times, it was enough for me because it was special to my heart but it seemed like it was nothing to him. He needed more that's why he went to Heonwoo.
I'm a good for nothing.
I didn't realize I started crying because I was submerged in my thoughts. The tears came down along my body and disappeared in the middle of the water flowing from the shower.
I wished Junsun could be patient with me and wait until I learn to be a better boyfriend to him.
After I showered, I put on some nice clothes I bought before coming to Barcelona, without forgetting to put on some perfume and style my hair.
I left the room and walked around the hotel. It was my first time travelling outside Korea so I was surprised to see so many people from different countries and hearing multiple languages.
Some tourists were preparing to go out, some group of young girls and guys were surely going to a night club and I saw some couples entering the restaurant of the hotel.
I stood in the middle of the reception hall and wondered what to do. I wasn't hungry nor energetic enough to go clubbing, I only needed something to relax me and make me forget the past.
Alcohol maybe.
I looked for the bar and found one in front of the pool. I opened the door to be welcomed by loud jazz music and green and blue lights.
There were all sort of people; group of friends talking and laughing while drinking beers, couples enjoying the calming music while drinking a cocktail and solo drinkers who spend the entire night downing their thoughts on the alcohol.
Like me.
I headed to the counter and asked the barista to get me a Martini. I sat on the bar stool waiting for my drink and looking around me.
"Oh." I spotted the Black Tiger sitting alone in a small table in the corner. His face was resting on his palm while he was staring at the glass.
It seems like I'm not the only one who needed a good fresh glass of alcohol to make me chase the negative thoughts.
"Get me another glass." I told the bartender who simply nodded with a smile.
I headed to his table and placed the glasses in front of him. "It's not good to drink alone." I said before sitting before him.
He lifted his head to look at me. He frowned and rolled his eyes, "It's not good to drink with you."
"Oh, come on!" I laughed. "It's fun to be with me."
He didn't answer and just kept looking around.
I smiled and pushed the glass toward him, "I got this for you." I said.
"Why?" he asked, avoiding my stare.
"I don't know." I shrugged, "I just thought you needed it."
He simply nodded and let out a heavy sigh.
I just stared at him and wondered what is making him so sad and tired all the time.
"Say...why are you at the bar instead of going outside and discovering the city?" I asked.
He looked at me and crossed his arms, "Look who's asking." he chuckled. "What about you? Why are you here?"
"Cause I need to drink." I pressed my lips. "I got so many things in my mind that's why."
"Well then it's the same for me." he mumbled.
I knew it wasn't a good idea to keep on talking about this so I just drank my Martini and listened to the music.
I started feeling a little hotter after I finished my first glass and asked for another. I rested my cheek on my hand and stared at my partner. His eyes seemed concentrated elsewhere, so I followed his gaze to see an old man playing the piano.
The Black Tiger looked like he was hypnotized by the gentle melodies coming from the black and white keys.
"Do you like the piano?" I asked with a lazy voice.
He hummed.
"Can you play it?"
He hesitated for a long moment before shaking his head and say, "No."
I drank a second Martini and my head got heavier. I sighed and gazed at him once again. He looked incredibly hot with a simple white shirt and his messy black hair covering his eyes.
I let out a small laugh and approached to cup his cheeks. "Your cheeks are red." I smiled.
He widened his eyes and stared at me with surprise, "What are you doing?" he asked.
"You look cute." I giggled. "Soo cuute!"
He quickly pulled my hands away from him and cleared his throat before looking around.
I laughed when I saw his cheeks becoming redder and I knew it wasn't just the alcohol effect.
I stood up and nearly stumbled but a woman was quick enough to grab my arm. "Graciaas!" I exclaimed with a ridiculous accent.
"Another glass." I asked the bartender.
The young man laughed, "Are you alright sir?"
"Of course!"
I took my glass with a wide smile and went back to the table. I closed my eyes and begged my brain to erase Junsun's image from my mind. I took a sip of my drink and smiled, "Ahh life is good." I always lie to myself in order to make me feel better.
I lifted my head and caught him staring at me. This time his eyes weren't cold, they looked so warm and bright. I kept smiling, thinking that he's the most beautiful person on earth. Ah, I loved how alcohol worked like magic, making me see beauty everywhere.
I giggled and covered my hot cheeks, "What? Do I remind you of our kiss?" I asked with a pout.
He didn't answer.
"Do you want to kiss me agaaain?"
When he didn't say anything again. I stood up and leaned to cup his cheeks again. I looked right in his eyes and whispered, "Here is another one." I closed my eyes and placed my lips over his.
That was the last thing I remembered until the sun rays woke me up the next morning.
I groaned because I had a horrible headache, "It hurts." I mumbled.
I turned and moved my hand until it touched something soft. I kept caressing it and I opened my eyes to see a naked man lying beside me.
My vision was still blurred so I opened my eyes wide to finally realize that the Black Tiger was sleeping peacefully next to me. A white sheet was covering his lower body, but I could still see his v-line and it made me blush so hard.
I rubbed my head and tried to remember what happened the night before. We were at a bar and I drank a lot, we shared only a few words and listened to the jazz music.
Then I started getting too drunk and said some things I can't seem to remember.
Something else happened.
"Oh shit." my eyes grew wider when our second kiss came into my mind.
I couldn't remember anything else like how we came back to the suite or why is he naked...
I slowly looked down.
"Oh shit, oh shit." I cursed when I finally realized I was naked too. "Hell no." I covered my mouth.
Have I...