Emma hardly got any sleep ,she tossed around on her bed ,she got up looking tired, it was a little cold today ,she was going to meet her aunt so they can go to the cemetery together she was going to do what she always do ,wear are nicest clothes, look her best and tell her mom all that have been happening in her life ,not much has happened lately . she got a call from her aunty an hour later "hi aunt meg ,I'm almost ready we can meet up by ten thirty"
"ok dear I just left the airport ,let's meet there " ,she got a call from clair too and assured her she was fine .she met up with aunt meg two hours later and they headed to the cemetery when they got there aunt meg hugged her
"maria it's been a while, I kept my promise and your daughter is doing okay she is all grown up now,time goes by so fast ,I wish you were here to see how she turned out "
tears rolled down aunt meg face
" aunt meg ","I'm fine dear ,let me give you some space to talk to your mom"
aunt meg gave her space she knew she needed it ,emm bent down removing all the dead flowers and twigs on the head stone and put the new flowers she bought down ,she stood and stared at the head stone ,she remember her mom it felt like yesterday when she was here with her
"hi mom ,have you been well ,I have been well i wanted to tell you all about my life but nothing interesting happened in my life as of late, only with clair by the way we are still friends , she is still the same as i told you before ,sometimes i get scared that when she gets married we may grow apart i hope it doesn't happen she is the only friend have got.,school is fine,I will be done in a few more months ,I think that's all that happened this past month oh I forgot something I met this old woman she reminded me of you in a way ,she lost someone too "
,she looked up ,she was trying to stop herself from crying ,she promised herself not to cry but it was hard
."bye mom ,I will be back ,I really miss you I wish you were her but I know you are with me always "
. she walked towards aunt meg who immediately gave her a hug
"let's go have breakfast dear",
later that day aunt meg had to leave so she wont miss her flight she couldn't stay the night because of work and the twins she bid her aunt farewell at the airport "take care of yourself dear"
,"I will " she hugged her tight
"you need to go now before you miss your flight" she waved at her "bye darling".
Emma got home and sat on her bed ,she signed she always felt weak on this day and was reminded of the good days,she remembered her mom's beautiful smile and tears threatened to fall from her eyes a knock on her door brought her back to reality, she stood up to check who was a the door,it was already late almost eleven and she wasn't expecting anyone ,maybe it was Clair "who is it "she asked and got no response ,that was odd she was getting a little scared she summoned courage and opened the door lock she looked outside and found no one this was getting more odd as she was about to go back in she saw a parcel on the ground, she picked it up ,she looked for an address or name but found non ,that was weird ,emma looked outside the door to see if someone was there again ,this was the last thing she needed ,she went in her house to open the parcel , when she opened it she found a letter .who was this from
"Dear emma ,I know you will be surprised by this , this is really weird and you may wonder how I know your name ,I'm someone who has watched you from afar and I admire you a lot but I don't know how to approach you maybe one day I would be courageous enough to do so
love p.t"
Emma dropped the letter she found this was very weird how do this person know her address was she being followed ,she went to double check if her door was locked and her windows too ,she needed to show this to clair,she hoped she wasn't being stalked that would be really scary ,that night emma barely slept she was on high alert ,she woke up the next morning feeling so exhausted she had just one class today that was a relief she really needed to rest ,she took a shower and got a call from clair who offered to pick her up she put the letter in her bag to ask what clair thought about it . after class they went to a cafe nearby and emma brought out the letter "Clair i have something to show you ",she handed the letter to Clair who silently read it "Emma wow this is really creepy im sure this person has been watching you from afar that means it may be someone we know ,are you suredidn't you see anyone "
"I'm super sure i checked twice,what do you think",
"he may just be your secret admirer but sending this directly to your house means he followed you or saw you there I just hope it's not what I'm thinking do you think this is enough to call the police "
."I don't think so clair ,I should just be extra careful and lock my doors well". clair looked really concerned
"do you want me to stay with you for a few days", emma smiled slightly "you don't need to clair I will be fine emma tried to assure Clair even though she was a bit scared