.......She was caught red handed she didn't have any choice but to tell him what was troubling her ,she hated not being ...
chapter 1
It was very hot and it was just the beginning of may, but the wind was strong .Emma sat on a bench under an oak tree on campus ,she was wearing a khaki walking shorts and a long sleeved blouse ,she wore a beautiful bracelet which she gifted herself. Emma was worried about her upcoming exam,she hoped she studied enough, the last thing she wanted was to fail this course, she would graduate in a few month from a school with a good reputation
Then what would be next in her life? there had been company reps but nothing was of her interest she wondered what will be the next phase of her life ,her stomach growled and she realised she skipped breakfast .she took her purse to check how much she had left ,she had just enough for lunch .she had one more class for the and it was taught by professor frank ,he was at least fifty and unbelievably harsh most times,he was also annoying ,his class was extremely boring
She was stuffing money back in her purse,when she saw a text from her only friend Clair she pulled out her phone and called her she picked on the second ring " where are you Clair have been waiting for over an hour I'm going to be late for prof.frank's class and you know how he his " she was tired of waiting and he stomach growled for the second time "I'm sorry emma I was held up in traffic I will meet you after class" she was a little upset but she shrugged it off she stood up and went for class ,only a few months was left for her to leave campus she didn't want to get on the professor bad side .
after class emma met up with clair for lunch " I'm so hungry I could eat a whole cow , how was your day " clair was in a pleasant mood ",it was interesting i met with him for the first time "Clair looked really excited she was always doing whatever she wanted she wished her life was as easy as claire's sometimes ,she had everything she wanted ,she sighed she was the only one who knew how Clair really felt she was lonely inside "his name is john we met at my mom seminar last week and he is really handsome ,his dad is the one of my mum's big clients ,we are the same age I think he may be the one emma" she looked at Clair and smiled "that's what you said the last time and the time before ,clair I think you should focus on something else " no emma I need to find my prince charming ,remember when we were ten we always dreamed of finding prince charming but all have met her prince not so charming ",they both laughed "emma you should try dating its fun " she gave clair the same answer as always "i don't think dating is for me Clair I like being single ,she looked at emma "i have a feeling you may find your prince charming first emma you never know " emma laughed she knew it wasn't possible ,"I don't think so,not a chance ,clair just stared at her with a stupid grin on her face " I need to tell you something, I have a date and I need your help, emma knew where leading to "I know what you are going to say but no I don't want to hear it ",but emma it will only be one date my mom really want to set me up with him and I don't want to marry someone I don't love please emma " ,she looked at her with her puppy eyes " emma didn't want to do this "what's his name " clair look had that grin on her face again,"his name is Noah and he is really arrogant and annoying he thinks he is some type of superior person which really get on my nerves , he ignores everyone but my mom thinks he is the perfect guy for me ,if I get married to him she may secure an alliance and make her company bigger with his help ,I really hate my mom for doing this that's why I need your help ,"what if your mom finds out about this ",I promise you she won't she worked really had to plan this date ,"okay what do you want me to do ,I'm not saying yes i will think about it " ,really she hugged her thanks emma you are a life saver " ,emma sighed "I said I will think about it ",I know you will help me emma that why I love you " get off me Clair, they both giggled ,"so what's the plan ".
Emma was lying in bed thinking about what clair asked her to do it was really absurd she wanted her to ruin the date, she knew her mom will be watching her every move so she needed emma to be her way out she was to hide in the bathroom while clair wouldn't pretend to spill something on her dress then she would go to the bathroom and change to Emma's cloth and sneak out while emma would pretend to be her ,and when her mom's men where on Emma's tail she would sneak out ,she knew Mrs Adam's would be furious at her but she knew she needed to do this for clair ,she owed her alot ,she has always been there for her during the good and bad times ,she hoped this worked out she didn't want mrs Adams to be mad at her ,clair was going to be in alot of trouble after this ,but she didn't seem to care about that ,this was so like Clair
It was finally the day ,it came faster than expected, clair called at 6am to wake her up ,they went over the plan more than twice before she hanged up, she would meet Clair at the hotel's restaurant by 7pm ,claire date was at 7:30 , evening came really fast and emma began to have second thoughts, what if they got caught.
Emma walked into the grands view hotel it was magnificent she felt so out of her place here everyone was dressed up fancy and she wore a face cap with her jeans and hoodie ,she painting on the wall looked really expensive and old ,she was approached by one of the workers who looked at her like she was a some sort of worthless fellow who he didn't want to talk to, did she look that out of place ,this was why she had second thoughts ,she was upset but she was here for something else ,"how may I help you ma " the man said "i have a reservation under the name claire Adams ", he checked and looked at her again with that same looked before he led her to her table ,maybe she should have dressed a little better .at 7:30 a tall quite charming ,no really good looking she had never seen anyone as good looking as this Clair left that one information every one looked surprised , she was in awe for a second he was really handsome so that was clairs date he looked more handsome than the pictures clair showed her and had this aura of someone great and of a higher class than she could ever imagine ,she heard the same worker say his name " Mr Miller here is your table " before he sat down their eyes met for a second and she quickly looked away , she was caught red handed staring she blushed .
about an hour later Clair walked in she was so late ,she walked towards him he couldn't believe that was Clair date ,Clair looked towards her to signal her and she nodded ,the waiter came and asked what she wanted " a glass of water would do thanks " .After ten minutes of waiting she finally stood up to play her part Clair looked really upset she didn't know if he said something to her ,she passed beside Clair and winked, ten minutes later Clair came into the bathroom red with anger " what's wrong Clair " , it's that basterd he is so full of himself, he told me he only agreed to this date because he needed an excuse for his grandmother and that i should tell his grandma he was a jerk to me that he would appreciate that , he walked out on me like I didn't worth a thing, the plan his over emma let's just go ,I have a room upstairs let's make the most of our time here " ,emma looked at Clair and felt sorry for her she had to go through this all the time ,but this time she got rejected first,it must have hurt her pride .
When they came to the room emma was flabbergasted by this size of the room every thing looked fancy they had a jacuzzi, she felt out of this world the only thing she could say was "wow ,clair is this real pinch me " ,snap out of it emma what would you like to eat ,I want to order a champagne maybe if I'm drunk I wouldn't be so upset ,the only thing good about him is his looks that all ,at least my mom didn't get what she want, " after having their little party emma and clair slept off drunk .they woke up the next morning with a bad headache , "I think we drank too much wine ,clair picked up her phone ,my mom has been calling we need to go" clair dropped emma off and went he home ready to face her mom,she wished her luck. Emma went into her tiny apartment she layed on her bed thinking about last night it still felt surreal ,clair was really an high class girl she wondered how she wasn't arrogant like the rest,she treated her the same as always ,her mind drifted off to ...Him,mr Miller she remember his name he was really charming she remembered the look in his eyes, it held no emotions. she got up and started her preparing for the day she had to meet up with her aunt later .