Harry woke up with a hangover. Just a bit though.
His class starts at 10:30 at the university. He looked around the room and wiped his eyes. He lazily crawled down his bed and went to brush his teeth .
He stood next to the window to feel the warmth of the sun.
The sun beautifully accented his green eyes and made his skin glow.
His room was upstairs so he could see the garden from above.
The garden was landscaped, it has a bridge over a pond, and a big willow tree,they had that much space for a garden. The lawn was mowed everyday too. His mom liked to plant on her spare time.
He turned to see the door slightly open, it was Louis.
"Hmm... Do you need something?" Louis asked. He was standing stiff.
"You're the one who went all the way here...it's me who needs something seriously" Harry said sarcastically. He could see a little nervousness in Louis' voice,but he brushed it off.
"Have a rest." Louis said and then shut the door.
Harry stayed standing at his place and laughed at what happened last night because he hadn't completely forgotten.
Harry went down the shiny, spiraling staircase in his PJs.
Wait... pyjamas? He never remembered wearing those before going to sleep.
Then it hit him, Louis changed his clothes. He felt blood rush to his cheeks as he reminisced the happenings last night when they finally got home.
Harry shook his head and wished he never remembered anything at all.
His stomach growled and that kept his mind out of the gutter, he went to the dining and hungrily chomped at the omelet the cook just made. He eyed on the corn soup and ate it as well.
Right after he ate, he saw Louis' head creeping into the kitchen window right across Harry.
"What the hell Louis! Why you would you creep your head onto the window like a freaking
monitor lizard?"
Harry was amused at his words, he even thought it was funny, but Louis stayed indifferent, he did not even budge.
Harry heard his phone ring, it was Niall. He answered it hurriedly.
"Why'd you call?" Harry said almost thankful because he escaped the awkward situatiion.
''Maaan, why'd you even leave us?.....'' Said the voice.
"....we got worried you know?"
"I got so drunk i needed to be rescued"
"Oops,really? You should've texted or something."'
"Do you think i could?, that time?"
"Don't overdo it next time...See you later!"
Harry said his goodbye and Niall ended the call.
Right after that, Harry saw his Mom barging in to the house.
"Harry." She called out.
"Mo-m?" He answered
"You tripped over headfirst on the couch."
Harry looked at her dumbfounded, but decided to laugh just for the sake of it, at least he fell on the couch not on the floor.
Anne stifled a laugh....
"You know what another interesting thing you did?"
Ugh. This seems bad. He felt bad. Harry's mouth gaped open in response not sure if he wants to know.
"Well, i'm gonna say it though...." Anne laughed for a while and shook her head mockingly.
"You kept blabbering on the way to your room about how you love this Sophie girl...then you...then you...." The tears of laughter glistened on her eyes.
"Then I did what?"
"You kissed Louis."
There was silence.
Harry said in a cool way but deep inside it feels as though his heart will jump out of his chest.
Yep. He kissed Louis on the lips. Just as he wanted to forget it his mom reminded him.
Harry rushed back to his room and shut the door a bit too harsh.
I really hate this. I really hate mom. I really hate......
that guy.
He went to the shower and furiously turned it on.
He got startled because of the very-cold Arctic ice of a water that plummeted from the shower nozzle onto his skin.
He decided to get to bath instead,there he felt relaxed and calm. He played at the foam of soap that surrounded him which reminded him of snow. He put some of it in his hair and amused himself, but suddenly he remembered all the events that made him angry...
The botched attempt to escape.
The annoying bodyguard.
The hangover..maybe.
The "kiss" .
The latter made him feel warm and fuzzy and angry.
The fast beating of the heart and the flushing of cheeks mean he's angry.
"Yep. Totally angry." He concluded.
He went out to get dressed. But before he could take a step out of the room, he remembered that he was indeed being watched.
"I see you" He heard Louis' voice echoing inside his brain.
He knew somehow that Louis must have installed some cameras inside his room.
Talk about stalkerish.
He shook his head and thought. Who cares about personal space? I have no problem on becoming naked anyway. No problem at all.
He looked down at himself and studied it, he noticed a little amount of flab hanging in there.
"Aw, shucks...a flab." He said silently.
"Louis will see it" A voice formed in his head like some kind of conscience.
Meh. So what, if he sees this?. He inched closer on the way out of the door.
But at the moment he reached door, he involuntarily looked at the flab for some unknown reason, just like when you double check a lock to see if it was indeed locked.
He felt really confused and so he decided to scream "SO WHAT if he sees the freaking STUPID lump of flab. I DON'T CARE."
Louis' "homebase" was located at the garden.There was some kind of a secret passage in order to get in though,like the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland. "Homebase'' is basically just a bedroom. With a large bed and a large closet and a large Double monitor computer. There were also a lot of high-tech gadgets there too.
"Why is he so worked up? Is he going crazy?"
Louis told himself as he stared at the monitor of his computer that shows Harry's room, he saw Harry in there screaming curse words about him,the world and.....the shower.
He did install a camera at Harry's room... and at the whole house.
Louis was happy about the freedom that room made him feel. Lava lamps were everywhere in that room, so are disco lights and a giant disco ball. He made the room as bright as possible because outside, he was forced to wear dark glasses because it was part of the "uniform".
In that room allowed to wear normal clothes. Louis liked his work not the tuxedo (it's quite hot sometimes) that came with it, he wasn't really such a gloomy person and he likes to talk, might be ironic for his job..but then who says bodyguards can't talk?? but he's clearly minimized it though.
He liked the job because, the pay was really generous and that was the way he was raised anyway, considering he was trained since he was a kid to become an agent.
Well, not his whole childhood was spent on training but every weekends they have training, so they have like, an unwritten pact that you need to be an agent when you grow up, that's exactly what happened to him.
He doesn't regret it though but sometimes he gets bored at the missions given to him, especially this one, but when Anne sort of asked him to tell her everything that Harry does,he complies...to keep him from being bored.
Now that Louis thought of it ....he replayed the conversation he had on the phone with Anne last night.....right after he dressed Harry:
Louis looked at his very new smartphone and dialled Anne's number...it took a while before she answered the phone that Louis thought he had the wrong number.
"Oh heeey! Louis!" Anne said tiredly as though she just ran a hundred miles.
"Good Evening Ma'am" Louis answered respectfully
"I'm excited. What's the news?"
Louis thought about what he will say, but most of it was really embarrassing and stupid.
Anne noticed that Louis is not answering so she said
"You might really think it's suspicious but it's just that....i really want to know what is going on with Harry because, I really care for him and I would appreciate it if you could speak of the details you know?? Like interesting things that he did."
Louis isn't so dense to realize that Anne just does this to make fun of Harry, she can really be playful sometimes. She's really busy at work and needs some sort of entertainment.
"Well.......you get me, right Louis?..Harry is just you know really spoiled sometimes...acts like a brat ..but don't get me wrong, he's a really a sweet kid though, but he's really uhmm.. quite rude..and I really apologize to you right now for his improper behaviors."
"Oh maam..It's okay really..It's my job to deal with him"
"Oh cool..Tell me now."
Louis sighed "Okay..Harry went to the club with his friends today, we just arrived at home and it's really late now.... He danced there with his friends and drank beer or something.---"
Anne said "Spare me the boring tales...just the interesting ones if you know what i mean"
"Oh ma'am I totally get you...blackmail worthy ones?" Louis said in a composed tone but he's restraining himself from laughing.
"Woahh! Are there?" Anne said enthusiastically.
"Say.. Harry hit his head into the couch and I had to carry him all the way to his room 'cause he was so wasted."
Anne laughed loudly at the other side of the line that Louis even chuckled a bit.
Still catching her breath after laughing, she said
"Change his clothes will you? I don't want him to stink.."
It was really late that night and all the maids were sleeping so he was forced to dress Harry himself.
"I already did ma'am" Louis replied.
"I feel as though you're hiding something from me spit it oout."
How the hell did she know? no..no.. I could just pretend that nothing happened and store it at the back of my mind forever.
"Louis...I told you i would appreciate it if you tell me" There's something about the way she says it makes it threatening.
Feeling kinda guilty and at the same time kinda scared he said
"I don't really know if it's a good thing to tell you but...."
Anne said with the same tone "But what Louis?"
Later that night:
Harry walked towards the couch but before he could get in there some kind of unknown force made him trip and so he fell head first on the couch while his knees fell on the carpeted floor.
Louis went to help him sit upright but as he tried to do it, Harry looked at him and smiled like some kind of possessed individual, he went closer to Louis face and spoke..
"But Sophie...You're the most gorgeous lock of blond hair ever.
LIKE ever.....And your lips.......so ki-kissable and pppink and...."
Harry pressed his lips into Louis' in a really sudden, forceful way.
Louis quickly pulled away and accidentally pushed Harry a bit too harsh that his forehead once again banged into the arm of the couch.
"For Godssakes! why'd you do that?!?Are you gonna break my nose you freaking idiot!?" Louis wailed as he looked at Harry who seems to be snoring.
"There.After helping you you'll just sleep! I sure hope you'll just sleep your entire life"
"What he-- he kissed you?.." Anne blurted out while laughing at the phone.
".....this is great..."
Louis stayed silent because he was amused of Anne's constant laughing.
"I'll have to believe you...'cause I like you. Really like you."
Anne soon ended the call because she got called to work or something thanks to that or else she wouldn't have stopped talking...or laughing.
Two days still and a lot of things had happened.