"MOM! let me pass!" Harry said in a silly-annoyed kind of voice,but in a respectful way to Anne, his mother who was blocking the doorway.
"I'm afraid that you have to stay here after all the trouble yesterday...." said Anne
"MOM! It just happened once get over it!" He said as-a-matter-of-factly.
Anne sighed, "I'll let you out but not until, your bodyguard gets here."
"BODYGUARD! Mom! You're being paranoid!" Harry exclaimed, he held his mother's hand and squeezed it.
"I don't need--."
Anne pulled her hand back and said "I just can't do nothing. You almost got kidnapped... baby i can't lose you....no." She sobbed silently and this is what Harry hated.
He hugged his mom, completely understanding the situation. His father just died a year ago so she still needs to cope.
She was quite emotional but strong nonetheless.
Harry launched himself back at the sofa and dialled Niall's number.
"Geez.. Mom won't let me out this house... I seriously need some air." Harry shouted into the phone.
"Sorry about that rich boy! Guess we'll just have to wait.'' the boy on the other side of the line said.
Do they plan on locking me up here? Harry thought to himself. "Nialler, get your mom to send me a helicopter. So I can get my sweet escape." Harry said half-jokingly half-not because Niall could actually do it like it's the most normal thing. His family produces helicopters and airplanes...so he's rich too. Apparently, birds with the same feather flock together.
Niall bursted laughing for a good 5 seconds before actually managing to change the topic
''Can you go to Sophie's later?" Niall asked
"Shoot....Yes of course!." Sophie is the girl Harry has been crushing on for quite a long time now that she had invited Harry on her birthday, Harry wouldn't miss his chance.
"And damn I hadn't bought a present yet..." He continued speaking.
"Are you gonna overwhelm her with your gifts, just like what you did with the other girls?" Niall asked jokingly.
"Funny Niall do you think Sophie needs a present? She's rich enough..She's got everything but my love..." He paused
"and I'm gonna give her that..." Harry smirked, he gets what he wants.
Harry slept his remaining time off since the party starts at seven.
Harry woke up at eight and he looked at his clock in disbelief... It would take at least 15 minutes to go to Sophie's house and he hadn't dressed up yet.
He got his phone to see Niall's texts..spamming his inbox.
Mate, I thought you lyk this Sophie girl so much....get your ass in here fast one of the texts reads.
Harry hurriedly wore his blue blazer over his white shirt which he never bothered to change...and paired it with violet chinos.
Looking satisfied on how he looked,he sprayed his perfume.
He ran as to where the big mahogany door is as he silently and gently pulled the knob so it wouldn't make a sound.
Great nobody is here..... Harry told himself as he grinned.
Just when he reached the gate he noticed that it was indeed locked.
He saw this coming....he climbed the iron fenced gate which was ridiculously high by the way.
Finally now he's at the top all he had to do is jump...but as he tried to lift his feet to cross the other side,he heard a cough.He realized it was from outside,but he couldn't quite see clearly 'cause it was dark.
Harry shrugged it off...He'd gone too far as to go back.
COUGH! COUGH! it grew louder..
"Shi..." He exclaimed as he saw the flashlight pointed towards him.
Startled by the brightness... and realizing that he was discovered, he nearly stumbled.
Harry covered his eyes which was being blinded by the light and let out a frustrated groan.
He jumped down accepting defeat.
"What the hell?" Harry couldn't help but yell at the person holding the light.
"Who the hell are you?..." He said while trying to figure out who the guy is but to no avail he doesn't recognize the man.
The security heard Harry's yell so they hurried into his direction.
"What's the problem, Sir?" They asked.
Harry sighed....Now the security is involved, his mom is gonna know about this surely.
He pointed into the gate and said "Someone is out there..."
trying to foil out my plans...Unforgivable.
The security looked out and noticed the man carrying the flashlight, Who wouldn't? he's carrying a flashlight at night.
Much to Harry's dismay the security looked rather happy to see the unknown person.
"Tomlinson is that you?" One of the security asked.
The stranger walked forward and said
"Yes Sir. Reporting for duty."
Next thing Harry knew the security led him back to his house. His mother was outside the door he managed to pass through sneakily just moments ago.
I'm fucked. He thought as he walked nearer to his mom.
Something was weird he was sure his mom was smiling...kind of holding back a laugh.
But what the..? why would she laugh?
He started "Mom, I'm really sor--"
Anne turned her back and then laughed loudly while holding her stomach and her other hand slapping the door.
Harry was dumbfounded.
"I figured you would do something like that" Anne croaked.
"SO i let the bodyguard come here at 8:00"
"How did you know?" Harry asked curiously
"How, you say? Let's say i've got some sources." She winked
Niall... that bastard
"You must be Mr. Tomlinson...Come on inside." Anne called out.
"Yes. Ma'am." He answered back.
Harry stormed in... knowing that there's no way he's going out anymore. No use even if he asked his mom properly.
"I'm Louis Tomlinson from the Baltimore Agency." The man in shades said.
"Why are you even wearing sunglasses? It's funny...really" Harry chuckled.
"Harry, shut up." Anne glared at him.
"I'm so happy that you're able to accept my invitation..even though you have a lot work."
Anne said in a sincere tone.
"For you ma'am we can make an excuse." He said almost lifelessly.
Something is weird about this person, Harry concluded.
Anne obviously felt uneasiness but she smiled.
"What now Harry? You still want to go to that party? She asked
"Are you serious?" Harry beamed at her.
"yeah..but bring Mr. Tomlinson with you." She said.
Harry groaned. He ruffled his hair out of frustration.
"No way, with that weirdo?"
Harry strode out of their sight and onto his room .
He called Niall to bring his fury out.
"For god sakes Niall you told Mom I'm sneaking out right?"
"What the hell are you talking about Styles? NO I DIDN'T!!!"
Harry realized his stupidity and said "Well, if you say so......"
"You almost broke my eardrum screaming like that you bastard.....What's wrong?"
"My mom got me a body guard"
There was silence....
Niall bursted out laughing and this made Harry laugh a bit too for some unknown reason.
"So were they the buff.. bouncer-like, type?"
"I only got one bodyguard..not buff."
"Hollywood executive type?"
Harry expected Niall to laugh but he said
"Cool shit....I hope i have one too."
"NIALL.. do you think this is a joke? Someone monitoring you 24/7 like a CCTV camera....Creepy shit. I'm never going out of this house without the freaking dude too.....so irritating."
"Know what? i'll go there tomorrow."Niall said excitedly. They lived in the same complex, only rich people can afford to live in there.
"You'll make fun of me." Harry said obviously annoyed.
Harry woke up early that time....
Harry went to the living room to watch TV. He noticed Louis was standing at the door observing him.
This made him mad, as the the memories from last night reminded him of the nuisance the bodyguard had caused him.
"I won't sneak out, it's still early....and don't just go standing there get away and find a place you piece of...."
"Were you always this rude?" Anne shouted.
"Sorry--." Harry trembled a bit,his mom was a bit too loud.
''Do something about your character...son" Anne said fiercely
"I'll be home late, a lot of things at work"
She kissed Harry goodbye.
Harry hissed and continued watching his cartoons.
Moments later....
Niall arrived
He situated himself into the couch and crunched on the chips laying around the table.
Harry grinned and said "Why are you making a scene Niall.?
"Is that----" Niall whispered
"Yep.. Feel free to look." Harry didn't even move.
"Hmmm.. not too shabby"
"What do you mean?"
"He's good-looking...." Niall said innocently.
"How could you say that when half his face is covered with dark glasses.?" Harry said with little enthusiasm.
"What's his name?" Niall asked.
"Louis Tomlinson...and from Baltimore agency I guess. That's what I know about--"
"Baltimore Security Agency??? What the hell?"
"So what?"
"Don't you know....Baltimore Security Agency is the best! They were trained since they were kids so they could be the perfect agent...."
"Honestly Niall, i couldn't care less.."
"Experts of their own field....And we've got an agent from....I can't even"
Harry looked at Niall's starstrucked eyes and sighed.
"Louis tell me why you agreed to be my bodyguard?" Harry blurted out of the blue.
"It was an assignment, we don't get to choose what we want." Louis answered swiftly
"How old are you"
Louis looked down nervously and said "Hmm.... I forgot."
Harry chuckled.
"i remember now...I might be 20."
Niall laughed and Harry seemed to laugh a bit too.
That's how their conversation ended and then the two friends proceeded to play Mario Kart.
Niall needs to go to somewhere so he headed off. Harry went with him to the gate and noticed Louis inching towards him unsuspectedly.
"Well Louis it's safe to say that you're more protective than my Mom." Harry said uncomfortably.
He looked at Louis and he noticed that his outfit was the same as last night.
He wore dark glasses and tight fitted tuxedo, he looked like a typical man-in-black, his brown,uneven,tousled haircut covered his forehead slightly.
"Are you always wearing this?" Harry asked unknowingly.
"Yes,um...err the uniform." Louis said.
He noticed that he's taller than Louis and he smiled.
"Kind of......mysterious, Aren't we?" Harry said.
Harry rushed inside and ate his brunch
"Today I don't feel like doing anythiiiiiiiing~ " He sang
Harry didn't like Louis considering that he just foiled Harry's plan on getting with Sophie last night, he's just too mysterious and distant. He almost seemed emotionless, he never smiled or flinched.
Harry would like to sing more but he seemed so uneasy knowing that somebody is looking at his every move.
"Can you like, move away because I can't eat peacefully."
Louis hesitated for a second but decided to walk out.
Harry felt quite relieved, but not at the same time.
He ate his food and studied, yes he did, for the first time, he got too bored he decided to study.
It was growing late and he's planned on going out with his friends.
He suddenly remembered that he has a bodyguard who should chaperon him everywhere, he placed his palm on his face.
"Shit, might as well go out, he'll just go with me that is all......." He contemplated on what he said
"That's the problem he'll go out with me."
While he's thinking if whether or not he'll go out,
He received a call from Niall
"We're all in here now man... What's taking you so long?"
Niall shouted, so that Harry can clearly hear over the very loud noise the speakers are producing
"All? Damn okay i'll be there in a min." Harry exclaimed.
He wanted to go out so badly his house's giant chandeliers and shiny staircase just don't entertain him anymore.
Harry went to the door nervously and turned the knob.. feels like deja vu.