Mr little Roddy Lamela exclaimed in shock.
I'm going to marry you? You cocky punk she cursed.
The murmur intensified.
What is going on ?
why are they having a staring contest?
Something is wrong somewhere.
Mrs. Camella felt uncomfortable, she refused to tell Lamela that the man from the airport is her husband, knowing Lamela perfectly well, she will refuse to marry him because she cursed him daily after this meeting.
AN: She knew that Charlie was Lamela's future husband, that was the cause of her reaction.
Are you sure this isn't an arranged marriage that Mr. Lilly Cruz made fun of. He was sitting next to her.
It's not arranged, he must be stunned to see his wife so attractive, such a reaction is expected. She shrugged.
God, please perform a miracle, she prayed inwardly.
What a little world, who knew the man you were bullying at the airport is your future husband, no more reasons why you should always act like a woman, what if I called off this wedding? What will you do? Run to your mother and cry? He laughed
I won't do that, you're not my kind of man Mr. and me being here is based on reasons I know better, I'll just do what my parents want, Lamela replied looking at me with a look murderer.
You have a sharp tongue, Charlie scoffed, he expected her to beg him.
Kiss me, let's get this order from Lamela over with.
No, I'm not going to answer Charlie with my hands crossed. You will have to beg me.
What are you doing man Kiss her Elvis whispered, he was really happy to see Mela, the smiles never left his face.
If he doesn't want to, let's call off this wedding, Davis whispered to Mela, he was glad the union fell apart.
Leave him and let's go, he added and Lamela glared at him.
Lamela's point of view
I never knew life could be so unfair, of all the people in this room why does it have to be him, I already promised mom I'm gonna make this real, left with no options, I have grabbed his costume and pulled him to my level crushing my lip on his.
Her lips taste like mint, what am I saying? His lips taste weird, everything about this man is weird.
As my lip pressed against his, his eyes widened and he smiled into the kiss. I know that smile, it's the smile of the devil.
I pull away from the kiss and catch my breath.
The crowd cheered happily.
Woohoooo I could hear mom screaming and jumping why wouldn't she? His plans finally worked.
Happy married life Mrs. Lolly petty A man in a gray suit congratulated
Thank you sir, I faked a smile.
Now we have to get ready for the after party. Tina chuckled happily.
I thought you wanted to hit him when you grabbed his costume, she added.
Why am I going to do this? Can't you see the crowd, I was watching it.
Welcome to the family A woman in a blue flame dress hugged me, I must say this, she is beautiful.
Thank you for answering me, and you are?
Oh, I forgot to introduce myself she said and pulled away from the embrace. I'm Mrs. Tabitha, your mother's best friend.
You're the Tabitha she always talks about I laughed, would you believe I don't know my mom's best friend, only daddy does.
It's nice to meet you, I have to go, I said calmly and motioned for Tina and Davis to come with me. Guess where we're going, right? We're getting ready for the after party, I can't dance in this dress.
A secret about me is that I like to party.
Charlie's point of view
Happy married life man Elvis congratulated, I can't believe you got married to my dream girl, he laughed.
The girl of your dreams? Adrienne shouldn't hear you.
Charlie... congratulations Adrienne hugged me and pecked my cheeks as she entered the picture.
Thank you my dear, I answered.
What were you saying Elvis?
Me? When? I didn't say anything he denied and I laughed.
Honey, let's go. He grabbed his wife and left, but not before glaring at me for wanting to blow his cover.
Dramatic boy I scoffed.
Charlie... Someone called behind me. I turned around to meet the shock of my life.
Pamella? what are you doing in calgary? I exclaimed and took her in a hug, I missed you bunny.
Oh please! You missed me and you never wanted to call, I never knew you were the groom She answered.
Do you know the bride? I interrogated.
She's my twin sister, mom made me come home, you know me charlie, I'm the busy type She replied.
She looks really gorgeous, trust me when I say that.
Los Angeles suits you so well that I complimented it.
Sure, I'd better go get my sister, she replied and hurriedly left.
You wonder how I knew her? We were friends since high school.
She was a kind of girl for all guys, hot, classic and wild.
Once she asked me out but I refused her, I fuck and empty, there is no channel attacked.
I never fucked her, don't get me wrong.
I better get ready for the after party.
Pamela you came Mrs. Camella exclaimed
Why not Pamela shrugged.
Why the elongated face? Are you mad at someone? Madame Camella asked worriedly.
Leave me alone. She half screamed and sat up, leaving Mrs. Camella totally confused.
What is his problem? Mrs. Camella thinks inwardly. You better go find Mela, she'll be happy to see you, she said before leaving.
Whatever Pamela whistled.
What's wrong? Daisy asked, she's her friend, they came to Calgary together.
My twin sister just got married to Charlie, she dropped the bomb.
What? Daisy screamed.
You look good Mela, I'm so happy for you, Tina said.
Thanks Tina, you say the makeup is nice, right? She asked for the update time.
Yes, that's perfect, the artist really enhanced your natural look, now you look more fabulous, let's go to your after party, Tina whispered.
Let's go Mela replied, but where is Davis?
He does what he likes to do, can't you hear the music? It's his handiwork. Tina shrugged.
Ohh She replied.
Thank you for inviting me, I rarely get invited on occasions, Ingrid whispered.
Like seriously? You're the only friend I've made, if I don't invite you, tell me who should I invite? Stella scoffed.
But how did you get an invitation, do you know the bride or the groom?
I am related to the bride, this is my aunt Stella replied.
What? It was Lamela Duventus, you are related to the Duventus, which explains what Ingrid said so dramatically.
But that should be our little secret, I don't want these students to start giving me unnecessary attention, I'm okay with the hate Stella taught me.
I imagine my sister's look when she finds out you're a Duventus, she's gonna be like, Wtf......
You're too dramatic, Stella chuckled.
The electronic device screeched loudly. People were dancing all over the building.
Turn up the volume Charlie asked and Davis scoffed, he did as he was told.
Yeah baby, that's how Charlie ordered the woman he rocked.
This party is on fire... Lamela shouted excitedly.
Look what your husband does, Tina pointed it out.
I don't care Lamela laughed, let's party......
You don't care but we do Mrs. Camella and Mrs. Tabitha said in unison.
Do something Mela, our partners are here, Ms. Camella asked and Lamela smiled when an idea popped up.
That'll do, she smiled.
I hope it's not something bad Tina asked, she knows what Mela can do.
Look how I take over the party.....
Lamela raised her hands to signal Davis to stop the music and it's a good thing he got the cue.
Lamela's point of view
Guess what I'm up to, right? I assure you it's not a bad thing.
I motioned for Davis to stop the music and he did.
Come a little closer 'cause you look thirsty
Gonna make it better sip like a slurpee
cold snow cone
in the jeans like billie
you poppin like a wheelie
Even in the sun, you know I keep it icy
you might take a lick but it's cold to bite me
Brr Brr frozen
it is you who is chosen
play the part like Moses
Keep it fresh as roses I sang loudly swaying my hips seductively, I'm currently standing in front of him. The crowd cheered loudly.
you look so good you look so nice
looking good enough to eat
Coldest with that kiss so he call me ice cream
Catch me in the fridge right where the ice cream is, I sang melodicly twerking to his monster and the cheers grew louder.
The bastard was laughing loudly, I know he feels like we're fighting for his attention.
look so good yeah look so sweet
Baby you deserve a treat
Diamonds on my wrist so he call me ice cream
you can double cuz i know you love me
chillin chillin ice cream
Ice cream chillin.
I heard the crowd take their part, it's my favorite song it's called ice cream by black pink.
See, I solved her flirting problem for today.
Farewell the crowd shouted as the car drove away.
Everyone started going to their respective houses.
I told you they were in love, didn't I? You keep insisting it's an arranged marriage, Mrs. Camella whispered, I think you should stick to your part of the deal, my money... She ordered tender hand to Mr. Lilly Cruz.
I'll transfer you tomorrow morning, I don't travel with money. Mr. Lilly Cruz shrugged.
Yes....Ms. Camella chuckled and Pamela who had remained unnoticed all this time stared at her.
Why the elongated face? The party was great, didn't you like it? Mr. Lilly Cruz asked worriedly, he can't imagine what's wrong with her.
I'm fine, sir, mind your own business. She whistled and left.
What's up with her? I was just worried, that's all Mr. Lilly Cruz innocently said.
Pamela Come here and excuse Mrs. Camella yelled, that was rude...
The group of passers-by stared at her. She's too loud, one of them muttered.
Mind your own business, I wasn't talking to you about everything she closed.
Pamela... Come here She screamed.
Pamela stopped and glared at him.
I won't apologize to anyone, just tell your partner to mind her own business, I hate jerks, she screamed and ran away.
Daisy come here She ordered.
I'm coming... Daisy ran after her like a messenger, almost losing her step in the process.
Forgive my daughter, I apologize on her behalf Mrs. Camella bowed.
Don't worry about that Mrs. Lilly Cruz shrugged, I better go get Tatiana, she should be around here somewhere, he said and left.
What's wrong with Pamela? Mrs. Camella wondered when he was out of sight.
The ride to God knows where was silent the whole way, the only sound that could be heard was the cool breeze blowing the way and the sound of moving vehicles.
Charlie kept looking at Lamela over and over.
How did I end up marrying that arrogant jerk?
Do you want to be punished? Charlie asked coldly and silence followed.
Answer me when I ask you, he ordered, banging his hand on the side seat and Lamela flinched.
After insulting me and grabbing my dick, we ended up together, you know what that means? That means you're dead. He threatened and Lamela glared at him.
When you get home, don't wait for me to give you instructions…gently take off your clothes, lie down on the bed and wait for your punishment, he ordered sternly.
You don't tell me what to do, I'm Lamela and I do what I want to do in my time, don't direct me, she shouted.
You have the courage to raise your voice against me, how dare you? Charlie shouted menacingly, after you flirted with me publicly, after you turned me on, you want to give me a cold shoulder, I object he shouted..
It's not my fault you're tough, I didn't flirt with you because I felt like it, I did it because of our parents' associate, what do you want them to think ?
They should think what they want to think, I don't care, all I care about is you should finish what you started, it closed.
I said I wouldn't do doggies, I'd get lost. Lamela shot him.
Who do you call a dog, do I look like one? Charlie screamed and Lamela laughed.
She knows how to get on his nerves...
Boss, be nice to her. The driver mumbled and Charlie glared at him.
Who asked you to speak? Are you stupid, don't fucking talk to me, he took his anger out on him.
Shut up, he moaned in frustration. And you whom he pointed to Lamela, I'll take care of you...
Lamela smiled boldly at him. We'll see.
What's wrong with you, you've been acting weird since we left the wedding, tell me the problem Mrs. Camella mumbled as she ran after Pamela.
She has refused to say a word to anyone, including her friend Daisy, and she is genuinely worried.
Pamela ignored her and left after getting out of the car.
If she won't talk then leave her alone, she always likes to make people feel bad when she has a mood swing, Stella said and her word stabbed Pamela like a knife. She hates disrespect and she takes what Stella said as such.
What did you just say? She demanded to stop on her trail, she gave Stella a murderous look.
You heard me, I'm not going to repeat myself Stella smiled.
You wouldn't dare me if I was you, you would have to worry about your dead mother, don't end up like her because that's how she started... she's such a disrespectful woman, you inherited that trait from her Pamela purred, gritting her teeth menacingly.
You just hurt me, how dare you insult my mother Stella sniffled and ran straight to her room. Pamela's words really hurt her, she hates when people say bad things about her mom...
What was it for? Why did you tell him that Mr. Duventus yelled at Pamela
Did I lie? Isn't she disrespectful? Pamela shot him.
What got into you? Why are you rude to everyone even your friend you refuse to talk to her the whole way Mrs. Camella questioned she can't understand this new version of Pamela she has always been the sweet one among all her children but this lady standing here is the complete opposite of her darling daughter.
Y'all are the problem, can't you see Pamela screamed
I'm not your problem, don't involve me in your mess. Lisa closed her eyes and left.
Bastard Pamela scolded and what are you doing here? Go away, she shouted to Sanchos.
Now it was her, her mother, her father and Daisy.
Want to know what's wrong? She questioned and Mrs. Camella nodded.
Lamela it's my problem, she took my man, my charlie, that's all for me she closed even though she's not crying her eyes are blood red.
From childhood she was always the lucky one, I fucking love Charlie and now she managed to snatch it away from me, she cried and Mrs. Camella gaped.
Is he your boyfriend? Why didn't you tell us? She wondered.
He's not my fake boyfriend, he's my crush, she shouted.
You must be sick in the head, just crush and you behave like someone whose husband has been ripped off amazing Mr Duventus scolded.
Your sister was forced to marry, she never wanted anything to do with him, stop using snatched language because no one snatched anyone from you, Mrs. Camella shot her.
Why didn't you force me then? Why didn't you ask me to marry you? Why must it be Lamela? she cried between her tears.
They're already married, we can't help it, replied Mrs. Camella calmly.
I'm not gonna wait and watch this shit, I'll get Charlie at any cost She screamed and ran away.
What kind of madness is this? Tell your friend or else..... I'm going to do something crazy Mr. Duventus threatened Daisy.
I will... talk... to... her Sir Daisy stammered.
Charlie rushed after Lamela as she rushed into one of the rooms in her mansion, she tried to lock the door but he forced it open.
Take off your robe, he ordered sternly.
I'm not going to Lamela shrug your shoulders, do your best..
You think I'm joking with you, Charlie shouted, look at me.....
He walked towards her, he grabbed his shirt and made to rip it off but Lamela took him by surprise and kicked him in the stomach sending him crashing against the wall, his neck hitting a brown cushion in the process.
My neck... Charlie screamed, my mother killed me, he panicked holding her neck and leaning his back against the wall...
Who are you woman? Are you here to kill me, he closed, still holding her neck tightly.
Lamela... I am Lamela, she smiles, take care of me because I know martial arts, test me and face my anger, she smiles.
I met my loss Charlie groaned in frustration.