Anna gritted her teeth. "That's who I am Tony and that's who I'll be even after this stupid marriage so if you think I'll change for this, stop thinking."
Tony opened his mouth to reply but closed it shut when Anna beat him to it. "Leave, I want to sleep."
Tony stood unmoving, staring at her.
"Now or I swear to God, I'll call hotel security."
Tony stood grounded at that very spot until he decided to leave.
"This conversation isn't over, Anna," he said as he walked towards the elevator.
Anna disregarded him as she had another glass of vodka and eranberry. Her eyes burned and her heart ached but she had promised herself years ago that she'd never again shed a tear over Tony Grey. Even though she had to belittle herself to have him reject her, Ann knew it was worth it. If she remembered clearly, Tony liked innocent women, he liked them inexperienced because he always wanted to have the upper hand. Now Ann wondered if her efforts would prove futile or effective.
Dismissing her thoughts, she went to bed thereafter, thoughts of Tony plaguing her mind, so she decided to drink herself to sleep, and that she did.
Morning came and Anna woke with a killer hangover, her head pounding harshly. Lazily she picked up the home phone and ordered a bloody Mary, which was sent up in a matter of minutes. She drank it, cringed at its taste, and later showered and welcomed Frederick up. She was putting on a dress when he made an appearance. With a bouquet of red roses in one and a shopping bag in another, he walked towards her with a winning smile on his face.
"You don't look too good sweetheart," he acknowledged, his eyes trailing across her face.
"I'm not feeling too good. I have a massive headache," she said, nevertheless managing a smile.
"Well perhaps this will cheer you up," he said as he handed her his gifts. "I was so eager to see you last night that I forgot to bring you these." He smiled, flashing a straight line of white teeth.
Anna kissed him softly. "You didn't have to, but thank you. And I'm sorry about the interruption last night."
He smiled. "Anything for you and I'd ask what it was about but it's none of my business," he said, kissing her tenderly.
Ann drew back. "You said you wanted to speak to me about something?"
Frederick nodded, holding Anna’s hand as he led them towards a sofa. They sat and Fred sighed lightly before he began to talk.
"Well, I'll be moving to California permanently. I've decided to run my business from here," he spoke with evident excitement in his Voice.
Anna’s brows knitted. "H- really?"
He nodded. "Yes really, my things are being arranged as we speak."
Anna swallowed. "What about your wife? I know you said you were separated but-"
"We're officially divorced now. I'm no longer a married man," he grinned but Anna didn't share his enthusiasm.
She pulled her hands from his and raked her hand through her hair. Already she could see how similar the situation was where both Tony and Frederick were concerned.
"Look, I want to be with you Ann, I always have.”
"I never asked you to do any of this for me, Fred..."
"I know you didn't, but I want us to make this real."
She huffed out a breath. "We agreed on being together - no strings, Fred," she reminded tersely.
"I know that but things changed - my feelings changed," he exclaimed indignantly.
Anna could see where things were falling further apart than she had initially thought. She had to get a grip on things and set a few records straight before she delved deeper into a situation that she would be later unable to control.
"Look Fred, I like you, I like the sex, but that's as far as it can go, I'm sorry."
He sat there wordlessly for a minute or two and finally, when he was thought, he met her gaze.
"I understand, but I'd still like to see you nonetheless."
Ann nodded, thinking that wouldn't be a bad idea after all. She smiled. "Sure."
The following Monday, Anna went to her parent's mansion to discuss the intricacies of the wedding with her parents and Tony.
She met her brother James on the outside as soon as she got out of the car. He strolled towards her with his charming swag, blonde hair slicked back, shades on.
"Hey, Dad told me everything," he began."I didn't think you'd agree to such a thing Ann, but I'm proud of you."
Anna smiled tightly. "Yeah well, it's about time I made someone proud."
James patted her on the shoulder. "Look, I'll talk to you more about this some other time. I'm meeting Stella for lunch."
"Yeah, sure."
Anna entered the house to find both her parents and Tony seated in the living room, all discussing something they put to an end upon her entry.
"Sweetheart, you made it." Gianna greeted cheerfully.
Anna forced a smile. "Of course, I wouldn't want to miss my wedding planning."
She sat at the opposite end of the sofa Tony sat on, briefly glancing at him before she brought her gaze to her parents. "So what's up?"
"We were just talking about the church and reception location," John exclaimed mildly.
Anna snorted. "Church and reception? I don't want a grand fake wedding. Find a priest, get me two witnesses, and let us get this over with but I will not waste my time planning something I can't even stomach."
"Anna!" Gianna shrieked in dismay. She couldn’t believe her daughter could hold much hatred towards this.
"It’s my wedding after all and that's what I want Mom and that's final."
"Very well then," Tony announced from the side, looking at Anna with his ashy gray eyes. "Anything for the bride."