The plane had just landed in Peru. Dr. Agan King had arrived with a handful of students, from his class, which he taught at a University that was located in the Midwest in the United States. Dr. King was a professor of Archeology specializing in ancient Amazonia, particularly the Amazon rainforest itself as well as ancient cultures and their mythologies. It was a long overdue homecoming for him, as he was originally from this area before moving to the United Sates just five years prior. He did enjoy living in the states, but he had yearned to return home for quite a long time.
Among his ten students was the only female of the group. A beautiful, yet highly intelligent twenty something by the name of Hailey Addams. She was looking forward to Dr. King's exposition. She had always been interested in ancient cultures. However just like many of her peers, Dr. King had taken an interest in her.
As he watched her exit the plane, his body began to ache for her. More than anything he wanted to hold her, to kiss her, and to tell her how he felt. The scent of her hair alone was intoxicating, it was like a drug, and he was addicted. However because he was ten years older, and also her college professor, it wasn't something he could even consider. But now the semester was over, and technically he was no longer her professor.
As for the age gap, it didn't really matter anymore. He was pleased that she had signed up for his archeological expedition. It was the sign he had been looking for, it was the sign that she belonged to him. After watching her attend his classes everyday, the professor would go home every night just dreaming about her. But he would finally tell her how he felt, and if any of her peers on the trip, had the same ideas—well he would just have to take care of it.
As the group departed the airport, and met up with their local guides, they were all smiles. The group of students were going to be the first people to explore a recently discovered area of the Amazon. As Hailey looked around at all the beautiful scenery, she couldn't help but be drawn to the picturesque display unfolding before her very eyes. The dark green plants, and trees, surrounded the narrow dirt road that enveloped her vision. While a mixture of colorful birds, and rare flowers just added even more of a spectacular accent to the already natural beauty of the rain forest.
But she couldn't help but notice their was a collective of worried faces that the local guides all seemed to have. Hailey turned to the one of the guides to try, and see why they all had worried expressions on their faces.
"Is everything alright?", she asked the one man.
"To be honest, no.", he replied, "We are coming close to the legendary forbidden forest of the Naga King, the guardian of the sacred forest. I'm afraid my government has lied to you. The reason why this area is unknown is not because it hasn't been explored by others before you. It's because those who have entered the sacred forest have never returned. It is believed that the Naga King destroys anyone who dares to enter his sacred forest kingdom."
"Naga King?", replied Agan, "What a bunch of superstitious nonsense. I'm originally from here. I've never gazed my eyes upon a half snake man before in my life."
"What the hell is a Naga King? One of his students named Eric chuckled, "Is that where Naugahyde comes from?”
"Yep, that’s exactly where it comes from." Replied Agan, as he rolled his eyes. "It doesn't matter anyway, such a creature doesn't even exist."
"I don't know.", said Hailey, "Who knows what exists? I do want to learn about this section of the rainforest, as well as the mythologies that surround it. That's why I'm here. But whether or not such a creature does or doesn't exist maybe there are other dangers lurking to keep us away. Maybe there's an unknown tribe that is secretly killing explorers of this region."
"Well whether or not you believe in the legend of the Naga King,", the guide began, "It is a fact that people have gone missing, never to be seen again." Agan began to roll his eyes at the shear stupidity of the conversation.
Whatever was going on, the guides warning was starting to bother Hailey a bit.
"Dr. King,", Hailey began, "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Well first of all, Hailey," the professor began, as he looked at her and smiled, "The semester is over, and we are in the middle of summer break. So you can all feel free to call me Agan. Second my dear, I promise I won't let any harm come to you. I guarantee that no Naga King will so much as even harm the slightest strand of hair on your head."
"Oh?", asked John, another male student, "What about the rest of us—Agan?" The group then began to laugh. Agan just looked at him with a sly smile.
"Don't worry, John," he replied, "I promise to keep a watchful eye on all of you."
As the group headed deeper into the rainforest, Agan couldn't help but keep his mind occupied with thoughts of Hailey. He was finally going to tell her how he felt. Too bad the others were there, he wished the group had just consisted of the two of them. But he had to make it a group so he could justify the expenditures to the University. On the other hand the nine male students would likely serve their purpose. It was at that moment that he started getting strange migraine headaches.
This is odd, he thought. I've never had such bad headaches before.
Unknown to the group of students, and their tour guides, an army of snakes were watching them as they continued to travel down the dirt road. Highly cognitive, they were able to communicate with each other telepathically, as well as with their king.
So, this is the pretty human that you have chosen as your queen? They all observed in unison, You have chosen well, master. Hopefully the many daughters that you, and our new queen will sire, will be just as beautiful.
They could hear the king let out a maniacal laugh, even telepathically.
Yes, the Naga King responded, She is quite lovely. She will make an excellent bride, and mother of the new master race—the new Eve. She and I will breed many daughters. And you my loyal soldiers will breed with them. And after our kind finally takes over the world, you will all have your choice of any humans that you feel fit for breeding as well—as will my daughters. Soon mankind, as we know it, will be bred right into extinction. She will be the only purebred human left in the world.
Excellent, master, they responded.
But remember, the King continued, unlike the human's that will eventually be enslaved. My queen will be—your queen! She will always be treated as such accordingly, and will be given the same respect that is owed to me. Also, her love is mine, and mine alone. If any one of you even looks a her with amorous lust, or are disrespectful to her in any way—you will share the same fate as her soon to be unfortunate traveling companions. Is that understood?
Yes, my Lord!, they replied in unison, But what if she resists your charms?
Again the king began to laugh.
Don't worry, he replied. She may be resistant at first, but eventually she will learn that her proper place is to rule by my side. I hope that she will be willing. But if she must be my slave queen, then so be it. I'm sure even then—eventually overtime, she will come to appreciate her loving king. Besides, we will have eternity to get to know one another better. As she sees her beauty always remain, and my keeping her occupied with my affections. I will soon ware down her resolve. Let's just say I plan on keeping her very—satisfied.
Yes my Lord!, they once again responded in unison, ALL HAIL THE NAGA KING!!!!!