As the group had traveled for quite some time, sundown began to fall upon them. They had come to a waterfall that flowed into a natural pool of deep blue water. It is where they had decided to set up camp for the night.
"Oh my God!", exclaimed Hailey, "It's beautiful! Has anyone ever seen anything more beautiful in their entire life?"
"I believe I have once or twice.", Agan responded with a smile.
Hailey furrowed her brow, and looked at him with a smirk upon her face.
"Somehow I can't even imagine that." Said Hailey.
"Oh you'd be surprised.", replied Agan, "Sometimes all you have to do is look right in front of you, and you'd be amazed at the beauty that stands before you."
"Well, I don't know about the rest of you.", said Hailey, "But it's been a long hot day. While we still have some sunlight, I think I'll take advantage of the God given wonder that is right before us."
"Please Señorita.", warned one of the guides, "Just be careful. The natural wonders of the rainforest can be as dangerous as they are beautiful. There are many dangerous animals around here, especially poisonous snakes. Just be cautious, and constantly aware of your surroundings."
"Snakes?", exclaimed Hailey. A wide eyed look of fear appeared upon her face. True, she knew that the rainforest would be an untamed wilderness. However she had been more concerned with animals like jaguars, and alligators. Those at least you could see. Snakes on the other hand where small, and much more stealth. the last thing she needed was to have a snake crawling into her sleeping bag, while she slept. She was already worried about her male classmates trying that, she didn't need it from venomous reptiles as well. Little did she know about the amorous admirer that had been observing her since their arrival. Nor did she know that he was reading her thoughts as well.
"Don't worry my dear." The Naga King said as he watched her, "You have nothing to fear from my soldiers, and I will not let any other creature of my kingdom harm you. For they all know that they would face my wrath if any harm came to my future queen."
"Ah!", exclaimed Agan as he squinted his eyes, and quickly removed his glasses.
"Are you alright Dr. King?", asked Hailey.
With his eyes closed shut, he held the bridge of his nose. He looked at her with a bit of confusion.
"Yes, I'm fine.", he told her, "It's just strange. Ever since we arrived I seem to get these strange headaches. They come in sudden burst of extreme migraine pain, but then they just seem to go away. But what is really strange, it's almost as if time itself stops as I'm suffering from them."
"Is there anything I can do?", she asked as she couldn't help but feel concerned for his well being. He just looked at her, and smiled.
"Well for starters you can start calling me Agan.", he told her.
"I know you said that earlier." she replied. "It's just that you're my professor, and that's just the way I was raised. My parents always taught me to respect authority figures. Plus I've been calling you that since the beginning of the first semester. It just seems awkward to call you by your first name."
"I realize that, Hailey," he told her. "But as I said earlier, the semester is over. I am no longer your Professor. I would like to think of us as friends, and friends address each other on a first name basis." She looked at him, and smiled.
"If that's what you would like, Agan," she said. "Then as my friend, maybe you would like to take advantage of the natural wonder that is before us. I hope you brought your swim trunks."
"I always come prepared.", he replied with a sly smile. They soon made their way to their prospective tents to change. Agan couldn't wait to spend time with Hailey. A romantic evening swim might provide the perfect ambience. It would be an ideal situation for his finally telling her how he felt about her. As he exited his tent, he waited in breathless anticipation.
She soon exited her tent as well, and all eyes were upon her as she appeared in an alluring red bikini. As the only woman among a group of fourteen men, everything had stopped as they couldn't help but gaze upon the beautiful woman before them.
But they were not the only ones who notice.
Perfect! Her distant admirer exclaimed.
"Ah!", cried Agan.
"Are you alright?", asked Eric.
"I'm fine, it's just these damn headaches," replied Agan. "I think it's just from the long day of traveling. I'll be fine after a good night’s rest."
"Maybe you should lie down," said Hailey with much concern in her eyes.
"No really, I-I'm fine," he replied. "Perhaps a relaxing swim is just what I need."
"Are you sure?", she asked.
"Yes, I'm fine," he replied. "come on, let's go for a swim." As they got in he water just seemed to be the perfect temperature. It was somehow neither too hot, not too cold. Just enough to cool them down form the heat of the rainforest, but warm enough to keep from freezing.
Agan couldn't help but gaze upon Hailey, as she seemed oblivious to his lustful desire for her. she soon looked his way, and he immediately turned his head.
"May I ask you something Doctor-I mean Agan?", she asked.
"Anything you want to know, Hailey," he told her. "My life is an open book." He then looked at her and smiled.
"What kind of name is Agan anyway?", she wondered. "I know you're originally from here, and not the states. But I've studied Spanish. I don't recognize that name at all."
"It's a family name," he told her. "Although I don't know much about my family. As an infant, I was left at a local orphanage here in Peru. All that I had with me was a note that said, 'Agan King'. So, that's the name that I was given."
"I'm sorry to hear that," she replied. "We're you ever adopted?"
"No," he replied. "But the strange thing is that there was some sort of trust fund in my name. It's what helped with the expenses to run the orphanage, as well as pay for my college. I tried to figure out who had set it up. But, whoever did was excellent at covering up their tracks."
"That's odd.", said Hailey, she then looked at him and smiled, "Maybe you're descended from Peruvian royalty, and you don't even know it." He looked at her, and laughed.
"I doubt that," he told her. "But I think the mystery surrounding my very own existence is what led me to study ancient Amazonian cultures, and archeology in the first place."
"So why did you move to America?", she asked.
"Basically I needed a teaching job at a University," he explained. "Plus I wanted to get out, and see the world. The only thing is, recently I've felt that something was calling me home."
"When did that happen?" She inquired.
"Oddly enough, it was right after I met you.", he replied.
"I'm not that bad of a student, am I?", she asked with a playful laugh.
"No," he said, as he returned her smile. "In fact quite the opposite. If anything you are probably one of the best students I ever had." Her beautiful face lit up as soon as he said it.
"Really?', she replied with much enthusiasm.
"Of course," he said returning her smile. His face then all of a sudden went stoic.
"Hailey," he began. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you for the longest time. Hailey, I—"
"BONZI!" Someone had screamed out of nowhere. At that moment Eric had done a cannonball right into the water.
Great! Fucking asshole just ruined everything, thought Agan.
Pretty soon the rest of the students joined them. They were all laughing, and frolicking around like children in the refreshing water. Everyone but Agan, seemed to be having a good time. Hailey had noticed his sudden withdraw.
"Come on Agan," said Hailey with a smile.
"Ya," said John, "Before we have to get up early and start work on the expedition."
"Actually, it's been a long day," said Agan. "I think I'm just going to turn in. We have a busy day tomorrow, and it will be getting dark soon. Continue to have your fun, but keep in mind that it will be safer to be in your tents before dark." he then got out of the water, and started to head towards the campsite.
"Agan! Wait!" Called Hailey as she got out of the water following close behind him. He turned around, looked at her, and smiled.
"Thanks for sharing your life's story with me," she said. "And it's nice to know that you think so highly of me."
"It was my pleasure," he told her. "And thank you for the charming company. Until next time my lady." He then bent down to kiss her hand. She couldn't help but blush, as she gave him a shy smile. Perhaps there was still hope for him, after all. As Agan made his way back to his tent, he couldn't get her out of his mind. He laid in his sleeping bag, just thinking about what it might be like to touch her soft naked flesh. Or to feel her beneath him, as she writhed with ecstasy. He soon drifted off to sleep, while dreaming about nothing else but his Hailey.
As it started to get dark, the group that had been frolicking in the water, thought that it would be best to call it a night. John escorted Hailey back to her tent.
"Thanks for escorting me back, John," said Hailey. "After what the tour guide said about poisonous snakes, I feel better not walking back alone. Especially since it's now so dark outside."
"My pleasure, beautiful," he replied with a smirk. He then wrapped his arms around her, smash his lips into hers. Shocked by his behavior, she immediately pulled away. But she could not completely get out of his embrace.
"John!" She cried. "What are you doing?" He looked at her with a lustful smile upon his face.
"Come on, baby," he cooed. "You know you want it."
"No! I don't!" She exclaimed with great annoyance. His expression then turned to anger.
"You fucking tease!" He exclaimed. "What? I'm not good enough for you? Is it Agan?"
"My personal life is none of your damn business!" She replied in anger. "And I will not be called such names!"
"It is Agan, isn't it?" He yelled. "Stupid slut, no wonder you get good grades in his class."
SLAP!!! With that her opened hand came across his face. He became infuriated as he grabbed her, and threw her on the ground.
"Bitch!", he cried. "Stupid Cunt! I should just fuck you right here, just to teach you a lesson. But you know what? I don't waste my time on prick teasing whores!" He then turned and walked away, just as nothing had happened. Hailey laid on the ground, and began to cry. She didn't know what to do.
A part of her wanted to run to Agan, and seek his comfort. But she knew he had a rough day. Also with the horrible accusations that John had just made, it would probably only add more fuel to the fire. So instead she went to her tent, and cried herself to sleep.
John was still angry at Hailey for rejecting him. Maybe he should have just gone ahead and fucked her. After all, as far as he was concerned, she deserved it for leading him on the way she did.
Damn it! He thought. Now I have to go and take a piss!
He left his tent, and ventured out into the forest. Fortunately there was a full moon to help light the way. He soon came upon a tree, and began to relieve himself.
"Stupid bitch!", he screamed aloud. It was at that moment that he heard a large chorus of snakes hissing in the distance. Fear began to engulf him, as he quickly turned around to head back to the campsite. As he did so, he looked in front of him. A strange man, with a stoic expression, was staring right at him.
"Gees! Asshole!", he exclaimed. "You scared the living shit out of me." The man said nothing, and just continued to look at John with the same cold expression.
"What's your problem, man?", John yelled at him. "What are you, a fucking pervert? You like to watch guys take a piss in the woods?" It was at that moment that he realized the man was a complete stranger.
"Who the hell are you anyway?" John asked in confusion.
All of sudden the man began to move forward. To John's horror, he began to realize that only the strange man's top half was human. Below the waste, was a giant snake's tail. Before the man could answer, John screamed in terror, and started to run away. He had no idea where he was going, He just knew that he had to get away.
As he kept running, John kept looking behind him. Unfortunately, he didn't see the giant den of snakes that were in front of him. He soon tripped over the trap that their bodies had made for him. He screamed in terror as they crawled all over him, and began to sink their teeth into his flesh. Screaming in pain, he looked up, and saw his previous predator slithering towards him.
"What the hell are you?", John cried.
"I am the Naga King," replied the snake man. "And you have entered my sacred forest. For that alone, you should be punished."
"Please!", cried John. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. We didn't know. I-I'll tell the others, we'll leave. I-I promise!"
The Naga then let out a maniacal laugh.
"I'm afraid it's too late for that," he explained, "You have already contaminated my lands with your primate filth. But worst of all, you in particular man handled the most precious thing that belongs to me."
"No!", John cried in terror. "I swear, I-I haven't touch anything of your's!"
"Oh but you have!", exclaimed the Naga, "You assaulted my beloved future queen. For that alone you shall die first!"
"You mean, Hailey?'', John asked. "Look! I-I'll make you a deal, spare me, and I'll deliver her to you."
Again the Naga laughed at him, as he tightly wrapped his coiled tail around his helpless victim. John was soon lifted up off of the ground, as he was brought face to face with the Naga King.
"Pathetic human coward!", the Naga exclaimed. "Do you really think I need your help? There is only one human that I have any use for, and soon she will be forever mine. Did you really think a spineless worm like you actually deserves her? No human, I have absolutely no use for you, and no intention of sparing your pathetic life. But don't worry, except for my beloved, your compatriots will soon share the same fate. Besides you each have something I need."
"Wh-what's that?", John asked as he was trembling in fear.
"Just this!", the naga replied with a sarcastic smile.
With great force, he punched his claw right through John's chest, and ripped out the still beating heart. He took great delight in watching the horrified look upon his hapless victims face, as John screamed in terror.
Even more delightful was watching the disgusting Neanderthal's reaction to it with the few seconds of life he had left. The Naga let out a triumphal wicked laugh, as he held the bloody still beating heart in his hand.
"Perfect," he remarked, "Soon I will have all of their hearts. These offerings to our snake god will insure that he shall grant my queen her immortality, especially after my kind finally rules the Earth in his name. After I offer our god their hearts. I will gladly offer her mine, and soon she shall return my adoration. I shall worship her as the goddess that she truly is."
His attention soon turned to the dead body still trapped in his death grip. He then looked towards his snake soldiers, as he released the lifeless body, and let it fall to the ground.
'Get rid of it," he ordered with strict authority.
'Yes, my Lord," the snake commander replied, as he bowed his head in admiration and servitude.
The Naga then looked back at the heart in his hand, and smiled.
"Soon my beloved, soon."