Stone Black Hawk swore as he flipped on the lights and siren and pulled out of his small spot to chase after the dark blue sedan. He knew it was trouble when he saw that vehicle go by with its government issue plates on the back. Military. When it swerved and hit its brakes, he groaned.
“I don’t feel like dealing with another overly testosterone-filled military man. Can’t they stay off my land instead of coming here all drunk ass wasted?”
A sharp wind blew, and he shivered from the bite as he left the warm interior. It’s gonna be a cold winter. Should have put on my jacket. Tugging his hat down a bit further, he rapped sharply on the window. Without looking in the lowering pane of glass, he ordered, “License and registration.”
“Sure thing.”
His gaze snapped downward toward the vehicle. The voice that had slipped from there was definitely not filled with testosterone. There is no way that voice belongs to a man. It was low, husky, and stroked him in a way that he hadn’t been stroked in a long time. If ever.
Resting one arm on the top of the car, he leaned down and stared inside. Wow! A woman in a military uniform sat there, digging through her purse for what he’d asked. Her head hung as she rooted, allowing him a moment to just take in her image. She had beautiful chocolate skin. He could see her lashes curving up, high cheekbones, and full lips. Her hair was pulled back in a bun and he could see her cover on the other seat. Dropping his gaze, he focused his attention on the crow on her left arm.
Petty Officer Second Class.
“Usually I get a commissioned officer,” he muttered.
Seconds later her head jerked around and he swore fire snapped from them. “Excuse me?”
Stone realized he’d spoken aloud. Pushing up his shades with one finger, he reached out his hand. “You do know why I stopped you, right?”
She dropped the items in his hand. He glanced at her license and frowned. North Carolina. Jasira Breeze Graham. Lovely name.
“No, sir.”
Stone stole another glance at her through his sunglasses. She looked scared. Petrified really, as if something had rattled her to the bones.
“Have you been drinking, ma’am?”
Jasira Graham clenched her jaw. “No, sir. Not anything other than coffee.”
Flicking his gaze to the hand curled in her lap, he was relieved to not find a ring. Why, he wasn’t sure. “Am I keeping you from something, Ms. Graham?”
“Yes, sir, actually you are.” She faced him again. “So are you going to tell me why you stopped me?”
“Swerving all over the road. Figured you may just be intoxicated.”
It was obvious she struggled for control. “I’m not drunk.”
Her chest rose enticingly as she took a deep breath. She makes that look good. “Well, if you’re not drunk, then you just must be a reckless driver.”
Jasira faced forward, set her jaw and said, “If you say so, sir.”
The urge to needle her some more flooded him and Stone shook his head. He couldn’t do that, not in uniform. So get out of uniform. In fact. Let her get out of hers as well. Turning around, he went back to his car and then ran her license. Nothing popped up on her.
Back at his Jeep, Stone stared through the windshield at her vehicle. She didn’t move—no fidgeting no nothing. With a groan, he got back out and strolled to her window.
“Here you go,” he said, handing back her items.
“Thank you.”
“Now,” he said, wanting her to look at him again. “I know there aren’t many cars out here, but you need to not be swerving all over the road.”
“It’s not…” She took a deep breath. “You’re right. I shouldn’t be.” Her head turned and big brown eyes stared at him. “So what happens now?” The question was straight forward and not whiny.
Wish I didn’t have my glasses on to see her without the tint. “Have a nice day,” he murmured before backing away and returning to his vehicle. Leaning against the hood, Stone watched as she put her blinker on and merged back onto the road. He didn’t move until her blue car was out of sight. As it curved around a corner and vanished, he took his hat off and shoved a hand through his hair.
“Okay, I admit it. She rattled me.” Looking around his beloved homeland, Stone tried to figure out what had her so scared. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and there hadn’t been another car to pass her.
“Sheriff,” a voice squawked over his CB.
“Go ahead, Rayne,” he told his dispatcher.
“Molly requested your presence at the meeting hall. Says it’s important.”
“On my way.”
Setting his hat back on his head, he stepped in his Jeep and shifted into gear. As he drove, his mind remained on the woman he’d just pulled over. Jasira Graham. A smile lingered on his lips when he pulled into the parking lot of the hall.
“I bet she’d have a lot to say to me if she wasn’t in uniform.”
His mind conjured up an image of Jasira naked and his body hardened. Shifting on the seat, he took some deep breaths and tried to control his libido before he got out. Walking to the door, Stone groaned when he heard the yelling. This wasn’t always a fun job. With a sigh, he opened the door and stepped into chaos.