I’m jealous of a horse. A horse!
Stone couldn’t believe it. His gaze was glued to the way Jasira’s body moved with Snips’ motion. Never before had he been aroused by watching someone ride a horse. Jasira changed all that. He took them deeper into the Reservation. A snort from Tate snapped his eyes from the firm derriere of Jasira. Scanning the area, Stone couldn’t see anything, but when he glanced back at Jasira, he knew something was wrong. The relaxed way she’d been riding was gone. Her entire body sat stiffly upon Snips.
“Jasira?” he asked, moving closer to her. Her fingers gripped the reins like they were a lifeline. Her lifeline. “Jasira, what’s wrong?” There was no answer from her. “Jasira!”
Reaching toward her, he frowned when powerful shudders racked her lithe body. Stone drew her off into his lap and slowly dismounted, carrying her shaking body to the shade of a large rock. The horses weren’t a concern, for he knew they wouldn’t leave.
A low moan slipped through her lips. Whistling for Tate, Stone took his water from the saddle and sank back down by her pale form which stared off into the distance. He patted her cheek and put a small amount of water on her lips.
“Come on, baby, look at me.”
It took a bit, but her eyes lost their glaze and focused on him. “Stone?” Her voice was faint and tired, but he’d never been so happy to hear anything in his life.
“Easy, Jasira, easy. Stay still. Do you have a medical condition I should know about?” His heart pounded almost out of control.
Her brow furrowed. “Medical…medical condition? No. This is what happened to me the day you stopped me. Just not so intense.” Jasira’s hand latched onto his forearm and squeezed. “Don’t you hear it? Can’t you feel it?”
Panic lodged in his chest. “I don’t hear anything. Look at me,” he ordered when her eyes closed. When they slowly opened, he praised her. “Good girl. Focus on me, Jasira. Hear only my voice. Listen to my voice, waštelakapi.” It seemed only natural for him to call her his beloved. For that’s what she was and he knew it from the day they’d met.
The pain in her eyes was that of one who’d lost everything. Stone felt helpless. He began murmuring in Lakota and she glared at him, and yet, it was as if she didn’t see him but something else entirely.
“Stop. I still can’t understand. Please. Please tell me in English. What can I do to ease your pain?”
Stone stopped talking. She’s hearing Lakota? Without thinking of ramifications, he eliminated the distance and kissed her. It was the only way he could think of sharing his strength with her. He groaned as her soft lips parted beneath his. Stone slid his tongue into the warmth of her mouth. Slowly he swept through, exploring everywhere, learning her taste, imprinting it upon his soul.
Jasira’s body stiffened then relaxed under his kiss. He wanted to take it all, but he kept himself in check. Stone coaxed her tongue to dance with his. They slid along one another and he grew harder and harder. With a possessive rumble, Stone pulled her closer. His skin flamed when her hands slid up his arms, over his shoulders, and sank deep into his hair. Shifting, Stone winced as his hip hit a jagged point on the rock they were beside.
Reluctantly, he ended the kiss. Jasira’s eyes were hazy with untapped desire as they stared wide, back at him. Brushing some strands of her hair behind her ear, Stone smiled lazily, drowning in her eyes. His heart rate slowed as he realized she was okay and not upset over what just occurred.
“Did you feel that?” she questioned, remaining in his arms.
As much as masculine arrogance wanted to pretend Jasira spoke about the explosive kiss they just shared, he knew that’s not what she meant. “No. Can you describe it?”
A look of slight disappointment filled her face. Slowly, she sat up and got to her feet. “Can we keep riding? I feel a bit restless here.”
Within moments they were continuing on. Stone kept his stallion even closer to where Jasira rode on Snips. After a short stretch of silence, Jasira glanced at him, the haunted expression no longer on her face.
“It was like before—the continuing wave of emotional distress. Like something huge crying out in overwhelming agony.”
Stone’s hand tightened on the reins. Tate snorted and sidestepped, sharing his displeasure. I need to talk to Red Eagle. Suddenly she stopped and glanced over to her right. “Jasira?”
“Can we go over there?”
Stone peered toward the base of one of the buttes. “Of course.”
Silence fell as they moved, broken up by the clip-clop of their horses. Something made him cast a peek behind him. On the top of another butte, Stone could make out the silhouette of a figure on a horse. Staring ahead again, he saw Jasira still in front of him, riding easily along with Snips’ gait. Tate was asking for his head and Stone gave it to him, bringing him up to Jasira in not time. With minimal pressure, Tate settled into his own easy jogtrot.
He rode quietly, allowing her to pick where she wanted to go. He could hear her noncommittal murmurs as she figured it out. Jasira went partway up the butte then stopped and slid off Snips.
“Wait a sec there. What are you doing?” He jumped off Tate and grabbed her arm.
Her eyes flicked to where his hand enclosed around her flesh and widened as they met his gaze. “Oh. I’m sorry. Am I not allowed off the horse? Is that sacred?”
Stone followed her line of sight. All I see is a boulder. “Sacred? What do you want to explore?” He released her arm but stepped closer.
“The cave. But I don’t want to go where I’m not welcome.”
Looking again, Stone frowned and put his eyes back on Jasira. She stared up at him and he could see the excitement in her eyes. I don’t see a cave. Reaching behind him, he pulled his rifle from its scabbard. “You can lead the way to the cave, but wait before you enter.”
“Okay.” Jasira moved past him with Snips in tow. When she got to the boulder, she moved around it.
How the hell did she know that was there? I’ve been here numerous times and I never knew.
“Wait, Jasira.”
“I’m waiting.” Her voice filtered back to him.
Stopping beside Snips, Stone was presented with the sight of Jasira holding her rifle. Her eyes met his and she smiled. “This is like an adventure,” her soft whisper reached him.
He smiled, unable to be unaffected by her joy and excitement. Dropping Tate’s reins around his neck, Stone reached out and skimmed his thumb down Jasira’s cheek. “Yes it is,” he agreed. With a quick motion, he took care of Snips’ reins, hooking them on the saddle horn, and he moved to the entrance with Jasira slightly behind him. The daylight barely penetrated the darkness of the cave. “Hang on a second,” he said. Reaching into his pocket, Stone pulled out his Zippo and lit it.
Stepping in he scanned around, noticing how big it was. The horses followed them in and Stone looked around and gasped.